39 Weeks & 3 Days Pregnant

Since I tested positive for Group B Strep, I did not get my membranes stripped today. We did, however, decide to do an internal exam since last time around I had easy contractions that got me to 6 cm dilation. I am 2 cm dilated and not effaced but Baby Girl's head is "half-way" into my pelvis. Dr. Rizvi said this is different than talking about "stations" as after your first child, babies don't tend to "drop" before you are in active labor. Anyway, I had been feeling like Baby Girl was lower the past few days so at least that was confirmed! I don't feel like there is a risk of her turning around again at this point. I need to keep walking and squatting to keep her moving down though!

We talked a while about the Group B Strep and what it means for me and Baby Girl during and after delivery and I feel a lot better knowing that we are all on the same page. The hospital follows the ACOG and the British equivalent's guidelines so I really shouldn't be worried, but I think it's just being in a different country that makes me more nervous about procedures than I might be at home.

Dr. Rizvi said she was concerned about Baby Girl's size, thinking she might get "too big" if we let her go to 41 weeks so she ordered an ultrasound with the tech down the hall. (I remember last time around, Dr. Reed kept saying I was going to have a "big" baby and Anna was 7lbs 14 oz. I also realize thereWe did get some video of that and I'll post if if there's anything interesting to see.

Here are Baby Girl's stats based on the ultrasound:

  • Heart rate 131 bpm
  • Estimated fetal weight 3829 grams (+/-574 grams) [8.4 pounds +/- 1.3 pounds]
  • and the different measurements (head, limbs, etc.) put her due date at May 4

Based on all of this information, Dr. Rizvi recommended that we schedule induction for when I am 40 weeks: Sunday, May 6 (doctor's due date from the early ultrasound was May 6 and my original due date is May 5 since I am sure of when ovulation occured, etc.). Of course I could go into labor before that (and I hope I do—tomorrow is a full moon!) so I can avoid any complications that may arise from induction but I'm also comfortable with the induction date since I am sure of the dates and know that 40 weeks is accurate and Baby Girl has had enough time on the inside to be well prepared for her life on the outside.

An advantage to getting induced would be that I will for sure get the antibiotics in time (although as we discussed with Dr. Rizvi, it is not a huge deal if I do not get them within the 4 hours before birth, Baby Girl will just need to be observed for a full 48 hours before coming home). The other advantages are the super cool birthday of 05/06/07 and that Anita will be here to help with both kids for more time which will be fantastic.

By this time next week we will be home with Baby Girl: I hope we're ready!

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This page contains a single entry by Becky published on May 1, 2007 1:16 PM.

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