Eleven Days


Sarah had a hearing re-test and her 11-day appointment today at the hospital. She had to have her hearing retested in her right ear as it didn't respond properly during the test two days after birth. She passed the hearing test today however.

The big questions I had for her appointment today were regarding her hematoma and her the toenails on her "big" toes. The hematoma is supposed to go away within 8-12 weeks and "is not a problem." Her toenails on her big toes look like they are growing into her toes rather than over, but Dr. Atiya said this was OK, too.

She is gaining well and otherwise looks good. Dr. Atiya thought she heard a heart murmer so asked the other doctor to take a look. He didn't hear anything but we are going back in two weeks for a follow-up exam anyway. We will delay her two-month vaccinations and do those in Colorado rather than doing them here and then traveling. We'd kind of like to have a doctor from the US look at her before we move on to our Korean adventure...

Here are her stats from today:

Weight: 3.97 kg (8.75 lbs or 8 lbs 12 ounces); 75th percentile
Length: 51.2 cm (20.1 inches); 50th percentile
Head Circumference: 36.7 cm (14.4 inches); 75th percentile


Jake's toes are like that. They still don't look completely "normal" to me, but they aren't ingrown. She should be fine. Let me know if you have any specific concerns and I can let you know if Jake experienced it.....

I'm glad Sarah is gaining well and passed the hearing test. It sounds like it is a good thing that they are checking on the heart murmur even though it sounds like nothing. Is the pediatrician's visit in Qatar similar to the US?

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