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I swear I hear Sarah saying stuff all of the time. I'm sure it's just coincidence at this point since she's not consistent about it but I feel like she's on the verge of something. I saw her sign "daddy" and and "all done" and I often hear her make sounds that sound just like "Anna, Daddy, all done." She's is also very into pointing at pictures in books although doesn't follow a command yet (like "point to the cat"). Very exciting times we're heading toward here!

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I swear I heard Samantha saying "Look" after a little friend spent the day here. Her friend is 13 months old and says "Look" at everything, all the time. Then Carl said "Listen, I think she just said "Godzilla"", and actually it sort of sounded like she did. So maybe I'm just reaching.

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This page contains a single entry by Becky published on March 4, 2008 7:32 PM.

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