Well-Child Exams

Anna's 5 Year stats:
39.25 lbs (25-50th percentile)
42.5 inches tall (50th percentile)

Sarah 3 Year stats:
34.5 lbs (75-90th percentile)
36 inches tall (25th percentile)
19.75 inch head circumference (75-90th percentile)

Henry's 9 month stats:
20.2 lbs (75-90th percentile)
28.5 inches tall (75-90th percentile)
18 inch head circumference (95th percentile)

Sarah was a little jealous that she didn't get a vaccination today even after she watched her brother and sister get theirs (Anna was strong and held herself together and Henry didn't even notice his). Anna actually responded to a few of the doctor's questions and otherwise the kids did a great job waiting for and during the appointment. I had to put up a bit of a fuss to get all three kids' appointments back-to-back and I think I spent about as much time there as I did when we went for just Sarah the last two times so I'm glad I did it.

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This page contains a single entry by Becky published on April 21, 2010 11:59 PM.

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