Wild Monkeys (finally)

Craig & the kids enjoyed breakfast upstairs while I went for a run.

We continued our quest to see some monkeys out in the wild today. We were headed to MacRitchie Reservoir but missed a turn and ended up going to Pierce Reservoir instead (Craig rides there with one of his cycling groups and he has seen monkeys on the road in the morning). We parked and punched out our parking coupons (I can't remember if I've explained that one yet: I bought a coupon book for "coupon parking" at 7-11. I have to punch out the year, month, day, and time (rounded to the nearest 5th minute) and each sheet (50 cents each) buys 30 minutes of time. So for, example, we arrived at 3:15 and filled out one coupon as 2012, 12, 29, PM, (hour) 3, (minute) 15. We thought we'd walk for an hour so we filled out a second one with the hour and minute reading 3:45. That bought us parking until 4:15. Then we left both coupons on the dash of the car.)

We went for a walk on the nature path at lower Pierce Reservoir and heard a lot of bugs and birds and something splashing in the water but saw zero monkeys. We did see a couple of large lizards, a small squirrel, and a turtle. Disappointed, we headed back to the car. Craig said he'd show us where he's seen the monkeys on the road in the morning and sure enough, they were still there. Apparently they are there waiting for food. There were so many! They were alternately cute and creepy. I was glad we were in the car and I'm not sure how I'd feel if I were out walking/running/cycling and had to cross the paths of that many monkeys.

January 2013

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