Adele Was Here?

Spotted on my run: my mother's initials!

I went for my first run in a week. My dizziness is gone but my hearing isn't 100% back yet. Still, I have a half-marathon in April & a full-marathon in June to train for! I found a nice route and it's funny that I saw the sign with my mom's initials and was thinking of her because Craig & the kids were doing FaceTime with my parents while I was out!

We all went to IKEA after I got back so that Craig could help me with some larger decisions (rugs, mostly, but also our shoe cabinet issue and a desk for the office). I think I've gotten overwhelmed by how much we needed to get so I got indecisive. It was good to have Craig help me out on a few items I was feeling uncertain about. Now, if we can just avoid going there again for a long time I'll really be happy!

February 2013

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