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30 August 2004 (Monday)

Bigger than Typhoon Chaba, Baby Martin is headed our way on or around March 15, 2005! (Both views head on left, body to right.)

So, as you can see by the photo for today, I have been keeping information from you, my dear reader. Maybe you wondered why my entries have gone downhill the last month or so. That's because I've been battling morning sickness and fatigue. Consequently, I hadn't done much the month of July besides lie on the couch and either nap or watch TV in between going to TKD classes.

Craig and I found out that we're expecting on July 7 and today, after a visit to the Women's Clinic in town, I finally feel comfortable writing it in my South Korean journal for all to see! Today I am 11 weeks an 6 days pregnant. We got to see the baby via ultrasound today--we saw it's head, arms, legs, spine, stomach, and heart (and got to hear the heartbeat). It was really amazing to see the baby moving around in there and I think it really helped to make the whole pregnancy so much more real for both of us.

The doctor said I can continue TKD until I'm 20 weeks, so I'm talking to Mijung about how she and Sabeamnim feel about that. My last class would be October 29 if I go through 20 weeks. Also, my pregnancy was the reason I didn't have any photos of Minsue & me sparring--we didn't spar because the judges wouldn't let me (a pregnant woman testing for her second dan that day had fallen and they didn't want to risk it).

28 August 2004 (Saturday)

Typhoon Chaba may or may not be heading our way as I type this.

We went to Jaynie's 30th birthday party today--her birthday was on Sunday the 22nd, but she was kind enough to wait until I came back to Korea to have the party (Thanks!!).

I fell asleep on the couch last night at 5 PM, woke up at 10 PM, decided to wait a while before actually heading to bed. I went to bed at 11:30 PM and got up at 4 AM. I didn't think that was too bad. So far I feel much less exhausted adjusting to Korean time than I did trying to adjust to the US time.

26 August 2004 (Thursday)

I'm back in Korea! Craig picked me up at the Busan airport last night and we got back to our apartment around 11:30 PM. I slept from about 12 AM- 5 AM. It's 3 PM now and I have not fallen asleep yet but I'm getting close to considering a nap right now!! I really should go do something in town (like make an appointment for a pedicure or get groceries) but motivation is leaving me rapidly.

Tomorrow is test day in TKD and although I won't be testing I will at least go watch--it will be good to get out of the house and see all of my TKD friends!

23 August 2004 (Monday)

So the two "major" things that I have noticed while in the States are:

  1. I must watch for police cars when speeding down the road rather than keep an eye out for speed cameras. (No, I didn't get a ticket or even have any close calls, but I really found myself not at all concerned with keeping an eye out for police cars--one might argue that I could just drive the speed limit, but we'll save that for another day.)
  2. The bathroom stall doors in Korea (and at Tokyo Narita) go all the way down to the floor so you have almost your own little room (this is because of the "squatter" toilets, although even when it's a Western-style toilet, the stall door goes all the way down to the floor). I felt really exposed when using a public restroom in the States--it felt like the door only went down to your knees!! Yikes!

I spent today preparing for my trip tomorrow. Went to Target and got some space-saving bags and straps to keep my luggage closed and from exploding all over the plane. I shipped a box to myself filled with all of the things that I couldn't fit in my suitcase. Hopefully it arrives in 5-10 days like scheduled (and like I paid darn good money for!!).

Rachel, Mat, Jacob, mom, and I went to Fat Albert's for my last US meal for a while. I got a burger with potato skins. We went back to Rachel & Mat's for dessert. Now, Mat is not typically the kind of person who eats many sugary products but I guess the beginning of the school year was getting to him because I spied him eating a Heath bar (I felt his forehead to see if he had a fever, but he didn't) and then he made a super sweet (but delicious) dessert for tonight. I think Rachel had better keep an eye on him in case he's going insane...

22 August 2004 (Sunday)

Jacob remembered me and now thinks I'm really fun (more so when Grandpa isn't around, but it's nice to have him not looking at me sideways anymore!!). Now if he could just remember me in between visits, that would be perfect. I'm sure as he gets older he'll have an easier time with that.

Thursday I went to lunch with Corrine, Anita, Owen, Raisa, and Ross at a neat tea house in Boulder. After lunch we went to Ross' new place to check it out and then walked over to Pearl Street to do a little shopping.

On Friday Rachel, Jacob & I went to the park with Amy, Jonah, and Landon. I'll post some pictures from the park later.

Saturday I met up with Courtney & Tim, Erin & Craig, and Tim & Vanessa at the Cheesecake Factory on the 16th Street Mall in Denver. It was really fun to catch up with everyone and see how they are all doing!

Sunday I went to Brighton for dinner at Corrine & Scott's (Brian, Anita, and Ross were also there). Of course I got to see Owen & Raisa (and TILLIE!) again which is always fun!

16 August 2004 (Monday)

I got an email from Julie in Korea today--Minsue & I passed our black belt test!! It will probably be another month or more before we get our belts and certificates, but I'm so glad to not have to wonder about it anymore!! (Now I can just wonder whether or not they spelled my name correctly since my Alien card has my first name as "Rebcca"--hopefully Mijung's note on the application cleared that up though!)

15 August 2004 (Sunday)

Grandma came to Colorado Monday-Thursday this week--it was fun to see her and spend some time with her.

Jacob finally warmed up to me after about a week and half but I am worried that we'd have to start all over since I am in Texas Thursday-Monday!

Chris came over from San Antonio to spend the Friday and Saturday with me--we had a great time! I haven't seen her since her graduation from boot camp over two years ago so it was nice to catch up. She is still planning to be in San Antonio when we move back to Texas so hopefully we will be able to get together every couple of months or so!

Stephanie & Charles hosted a BBQ at their place on Friday night. All of the kids on our cul-de-sac have grown up so much in the past year! I will come back and post photos from our dinner--AJ & Jeff used up some of their leftover 4th of July fireworks after it got dark.

Mom came down Saturday through Monday to hang out with me. We went to dinner with my supper club friends Sunday night at Saltgrass Steakhouse (always a good meal for your last night in Texas--it was my last US meal before we moved to Korea lat fall, too!).

I will add photos from my weekend in TX soon.

8 August 2004 (Sunday)

I have been in Colorado since Tuesday and I've had about two full nights of sleep since! It's almost midnight now and am having trouble sleeping again (after a relatively good night's sleep last night).

I haven't experiened any "reverse culture-shock" since I've been here. The only time I am a little confused is when I'm dealing with strangers (like buying a ticket at the movies) and realizing that I don't have to really think about what I need to say before I approach someone. They will speak English!!!

I hope to post some pictures from my trip so far after I get the iBook back from Apple's repair center. I've been enjoying having Tillie & Gertie nearby (although Gertie did try to escape tonight--she was outside of the house unaccompanied for over two hours!) and getting to know Jacob (he's still a little leary of me) better.

My mom, Rachel, Jacob, and I went to Anita & Brian's for brunch on Friday so we we got to see them, Corrine, Owen, and Raisa. Scott is in Scotland with school and Ross was on his way to John Elway's induction to the hall of fame.

My grandma arrives tomorrow and later this week I will head to Texas for a few days where I'll see Chris, my neighbors, and supper club friends--I can't wait! I'm especially excited to see all of the new stores/restaurants/grocery stores that have been built since we moved last fall. Should be interesting to see although I imagine it will make me impatient to move back this winter!

2 August 2004 (Monday)

This week is a holiday so no TKD today (thank goodness, because it certainly isn't getting any cooler outside)! I will be traveling this month so my updates may be more infrequent although I'll try to post something at least once a week.

All copy and photographs on this site are copyright 2003-2004 Rebecca Martin unless otherwise indicated.