October 1, 2011

Wedding Day!

I was seriously wishing I had my nice camera at this point. Or at least that I knew about Henrys' giant fingerprint smudge that was on the lens of this little camera!

Henry couldn't stay up late enough to see Lindsay!

Spinning on the dance floor waiting for Ross & Lindsay to come to the reception.

Yay for Aunt Lindsay! I swear Sarah was actually super excited although her face doesn't show it here.

Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Martin, & Mrs. Martin!

Congratulations, Ross & Lindsay! We are so excited for you two!!

September 4, 2011

Eco Taxi

Anita, the kids, & I took the Eco Taxi to lunch today. Craig met up with us after his group bike ride and drove us home. It was a fun way to get into town!

September 3, 2011


Anita came to visit us today! I stayed home with Henry while Craig & the girls picked up Nana from the airport, went to lunch, and then went to the Museum of Fine Arts.

August 5, 2011

Ballet & The Lizard

Craig took the girls to a free performance by the Houston Ballet at the outdoor theater near our house tonight. Both girls loved it. Of course, the one night that Craig is gone there was a lizard in our room! The lizard had moved on by the time Craig got home but I'm sure it is still lurking around in there... I'm not sure how I will sleep tonight!

July 8, 2011

George Observatory

We took the girls down to the George Observatory for members night. It was super cool and we all definitely want to go again. Before it was dark we got to see the moon and then we listened to a short lecture (Sarah got a bit squirmy) and then it was time to go up and see Saturn and also the moon again. Both were amazing. I was really surprised at how Saturn looked--it was like a glowing white cut-out on a black background. It was totally like one of those glow-in-the dark stickers on the ceiling. Henry stayed home with the babysitter (the telescope viewing didn't start until dusk and we weren't home until 11:30!) and did really well. The girls fell asleep in the car on the way home.

July 4, 2011

Burn Your Buns

Craig did the 62-mile Burn Your Buns ride this morning. The kids were super excited to cheer him on at the finish and we got there just in time, too!

Fourth of July

We ran into Sean and his mom on the way to the parade so we sat together. Good thing, too, because Sean was a candy-magnet!

Henry loved all the different cars in the parade.

"George Bush"

We were hot again this year but didn't have any temporary tattoos to sweat off like last year.

I took the kids to the parade by myself this year since Craig is doing a bike ride called "Burn Your Buns." I drove to the parade instead of walking so that we could hopefully see the parade and then drive over to see Craig finish his ride.

June 29, 2011


I bought this light in May and we finally got it up today once we found someone with a ladder high enough!

May 30, 2011

Bolder Boulder

We had a great time at the Bolder Boulder this morning. Unfortunately Erin's Craig got sick so he couldn't run it with us but Erin's mom took his bib and ran it. And the best part was that Erin's dad drove us to the start so we didn't have to worry about parking! I saw Ross & Lindsay before the start and then Cathy and Kendra after. Pretty impressive that I saw all three people I knew were doing it plus one more I didn't considering how many people were there! My time was 2 seconds slower than my last 10K (in April) and I think training in the heat of Texas helped equalize the altitude disadvantage I had in Boulder.

Then Erin & I got to hang out more before my late flight home. I think I actually relaxed this weekend! I am ready for our hot house and the last couple of days of school for the girls and for summer break to start!

May 29, 2011


Erin R., Courtney, & I went to meet Erin F. & Dave's brand new baby girl, Maia, today! Maia is the first brand new baby I've held since Henry was born and I wondered if I'd want another one. It was so much fun to hold a tiny little baby but I don't need another of my own, thank you very much! (Craig is relieved, I am sure, although it wasn't really up for discussion!) I did get to take some portraits of Maia and it got me thinking about getting back to photography. I think that will still have to wait until Henry is in school though as there is no way I could add that to the schedule now.

May 28, 2011


I can't really enjoy the cool Colorado air knowing how hot the family is in Texas! Really, it's a good thing that it was Craig left behind and not me: he was able to install two window A/C units (one in Henry's room and the other in the master bedroom where Craig and the girls are sleeping) so they are all comfortable (so he assures me).

I did get to enjoy a night out with Erin R & Courtney tonight and I get to see Erin F and meet her sweet little baby girl tomorrow! Okay, so I'm starting to enjoy myself (but I still can't complain that I'm "too cold" even though I am!).

May 27, 2011


Our air conditioning has been on the fritz all month. Now it is totally out and the air conditioning company can't get it repaired until after the long weekend. Clementine has a funky eye. Henry started panting again yesterday so is using the nebulizer again. Sarah has cream that needs to be applied to her skin each night. What a bunch of rotten stuff to have happen on the weekend I am going to Colorado on my own! (My first trip alone since Anna was 13 months!) I feel incredibly guilty leaving my children in the hot house all weekend although I know Craig will be able to handle it all; I wish that everything was running a little better so I could enjoy my time off more!

April 5, 2011

CSA Salad #1

Henry made this nice stack while I got the salad ready.

We had our first CSA pickup tonight! Our pickup location is at the church right down the street from us which is super convenient. I don't think there's any way we're going to get through all of this on our own though. We will have many, many salads this week!

March 15, 2011

Craig is 34!

Do you like Craig's "cake"? (His request. I was willing to bake him one!)

Sarah got a little crazy with the ballet stamps today.

February 27, 2011

My Next Bike

Sarah & I really wanted this bike when we saw it today. I just need one more seat in the back. And I wonder if I could drive it myself with all three kids? It would be a good workout!

February 6, 2011

Football & Legos

The girls thought snacking while watching TV was the best idea ever although I don't think they truly enjoyed the football game. Henry made his first Lego train engine during the game. I was surprised when I looked down and saw what he built!

February 4, 2011

Nana & Papa

Anna had a "snow day" today at school due to freezing rain so we were lucky on that timing! Craig went to work for a bit so he missed out on baking cookies and the tea party but he did a great job serving up the baked Alaska we had for dessert tonight!

December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve Party

Lots of shots of Henry because I can't get over how cute he is in his tie! The TV in the background is playing our party music.

We each had a skewer with 12 grapes (Henry had blueberries) to represent each month of the year. Some months in 2011 will be sweet and others might be sour!

She didn't want me to take her picture so she's saying, "Nooooo!"


Anna & Sarah wanted to do "the exact same thing we did last year!" for our New Year's party. So we had a dress-up hors d'ouevres party again. This year was more fun though because Henry got to more actively participate in the fun. The kids loved their champagne glasses, the balloons, and the confetti. They weren't happy when we started vacuuming up the confetti but then we had fun making "balloon confetti." I love these kids!

December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I don't know how Sarah fell asleep last night because she was so super duper excited about Santa coming in the night! Sarah is the early-bird in our family but Anna was the first up. Their alarm clocks glow green when it's "OK" to get up in the morning. Sarah's glows at 6:20 and Anna's glows at 6:40 (Sarah would be up much earlier many days without that 6:20 time so it's a compromise time. Anna's is at 6:40 because that's what time she needs to be up when she takes the bus to school although she'd sleep until 7:30-8 if she was allowed.) Back to the story! Anna woke up first and saw that Sarah's alarm wasn't green yet so she waited in Sarah's room with her. It's not clear where she waited if it was in bed with Sarah or on the floor with the animal bag. At 6:20 they both came downstairs to get us (even though we told them they could get their stockings and anything Santa might have left on the hearth without us). They were excited about their Santa gifts although I know there was some disappointment on Anna's part that she didn't get a star that walks or real magic. (They got chocolates, stationery stuff, and a walking dinosaur for Sarah and a purple unicorn for Anna; Henry got chocolates, a few car books, and a wooden car; Craig & I got chocolates.) Henry woke up relatively early for him since the girls were probably a bit noisy! He got his stocking, we had breakfast, and then the gift un-wrapping began. Henry was, of course, surprised by the whole situation and loved it all.

December 23, 2010


A house draped in lights near us.

Our house.

The girls are constantly asking if we can make our house more like the "awesome" house down the road from us. It is fun to drive around looking at the lights with the kids as it is something we missed out on the last couple of years.

December 22, 2010


I hired a babysitter (one of the girls favorites!) for the afternoon so she could play with the girls while Henry napped and Craig & I went on long bike ride. We biked to lunch, stopped at the bike shop to get me a new helmet (my old one was made in September 1994 and my new one was made in October 2010!), and then took a longer ride home. It is much easier to bike without a trailer and two kids behind me.

December 20, 2010

Perfect Storm

Sarah was in heaven when her macaroni & cheese came in a dinosaur bowl today at the bagel shop. Craig & Anna biked but Sarah, Henry, & I drove. Sarah didn't want to ride in the trailer and I didn't want to listen to complaining for 40 minutes so she won that round!

December 12, 2010

Cookies So Far

Sarah & I made caramel corn on Friday and yesterday I made whoopie pies. They are both amazing! I had the cookies out today for Anna's playdate.

November 26, 2010

Family Picture

November 18, 2010

Acorn Hunters

His trunk is loaded up with acorns.

Anna's hands.

Sarah's hands.

Henry started adding to Sarah's stash while I was taking the previous picture.

Here he comes with an acorn for me (in his left hand).

Pausing to chat with Grandma on the phone.

Henry nabbed Anna's acorn-net while she was on the phone.

She had something "really important" to tell Grandma.

Signing "thank you" after he handed me an acorn.

Showing me the inside of the acorn.

Just a shot of the back of his little blonde head.

"Look at all of the acorns I have!"

Ready to go in and help me make dinner.

For the longest time the girls have been going on "acorn hunts" at the bus stop. This morning and this afternoon Henry joined in! He walked around and gathered acorns and brought them to me just like Anna & Sarah do. We had a ton of fun playing in the yard this afternoon again. We are loving this fall weather!

November 17, 2010


Sarah was proud of the headband she made in school and wanted to make sure I got a picture from behind.

He came across his helmet and had to have it on!

This set is him "throwing" the frisbee into the grass. If I threw it on the porch then he brought it back to the grass.

They both need to be on the grass.

His new shoes are grippy so he can now make it to the top of the slide (although he has to really work at the top).

I took it off of him and it wasn't clear at first whether or not that was OK with him.

We are enjoying the cooler weather (finally) in the afternoons. I hope this lasts a while.

November 6, 2010

Greg & The 5 Browns

Craig and I got to go see Greg perform with The 5 Browns tonight and the show was amazing to say the least. We will definitely go see them again when they come back!

October 31, 2010


Anna ended up getting sick just after the kids got their skunk costumes on and Henry really didn't like my witch costume. Craig stayed home with Anna & Henry and I took Sarah around for her first American trick-or-treating experience. I had to really coax her into going to each house. We went to maybe 10 houses and she still got a ton of candy. I think she was a little creeped out by being out in the "dark" and was feeling bad that Anna wasn't with us (they give each other confidence). Hopefully next year all three kids will make it out!

October 29, 2010


October 25, 2010

Three of Three

Henry loves the pumpkins!

Henry's pumpkin. Carved by me; template chosen by Sarah.

Anna's pumpkin already has a bit of mold growing in it.

October 24, 2010

Two of Three

They were super excited!

Sarah's. Carved by me with her instructions.

Anna's. Carved by Craig with her instructions.

Craig tried to be thrifty and not buy Henry's pumpkin at the patch (that one with the awesome handle!). I ended up paying 50 cents more at the grocery store for his tonight and it wasn't as nice as the one Henry had picked earlier. I'll post a picture of that one after I carve it tomorrow. Anyway, the girls could not wait to carve their pumpkins this afternoon. I hope they make it through the week!


Lunch. Henry was just as interested in the fuel truck as the airplanes. The girls were all about the planes.

Signing "airplane."

She just did this naturally after she sat next to him. She is so sweet.

I guess this is what she thinks I'm after when I take her picture!

Nice pant legs, Sarah!

The kids had a ton of fun at the airport this afternoon. It was just down the street from the pumpkin patch so we thought we try out the restaurant there (the sign says it is "worth landing for"). The food was fine but the airplanes were better! All of the kids definitely want to go back again.

Pumpkin Patch

I love this one. And Anna has super skinny legs!

The thing is that Sarah thinks it is funny when Henry does stuff like this.

Henry was enthralled with the pumpkins.

Anna chose this all-orange outfit so she would be "a big pumpkin."

Sarah fell on the way to the bus stop on Friday and scraped her philtrum.

Riding the "train."

One day he is going to have a major tongue injury with as much as he stick it out!

He often starts out crawling.

I set him up walking and now you can see how he goes with the following set of photos.

She had no idea how heavy they were until it was time to pick one out. She tried really hard to lift it!

Henry wanted a nice one with a long stem.

The kids had a blast at the pumpkin patch this morning. Thank goodness we went right when they opened because we were all getting much too warm by the time we left! It is still getting into the 90s which is very unfortunate.

October 15, 2010

Softball & Bike Ride

Craig played softball for charity today with his work. Sarah, Henry, & I went down for the first game (the only one Craig's team won). When the kids & I got home I decided to bike them over to the bagel shop for lunch which went well except that some of the trails around here aren't marked well so I had to consult a really old map that I had in my bike bag several times. Henry was tired (he fell asleep in the trailer on the way there but sleep didn't come as easily for him in the way home) so he cried which caused Sarah to join in the fun. You can imagine me riding my bike through the trees with two crying kids in the back. It was somewhat comical and I did ride faster because of it! I took Craig's GPS watch so I know I went 14.4km round trip.

October 2, 2010

Skunky Skunkerton

We've had this skunk living under our porch for the past few weeks. He's really not bothering us and although I could smell him (faintly) the first week or so, I don't any more. I have often though he left us but here he was tonight. I tried putting mothballs by his entry-point but that didn't get him to leave. Next I'll try used cat litter. However, I wonder if he's helping me out in the yard by eating some undesired bugs? (Skunks are omnivores.) I'll keep trying to gently nudge him away but tonight Sarah decided she wants to be a skunk for Halloween. Anna says she wants to be a princess "because a unicorn would be too hard to make." (I told her that I'd figure it out if she wants to be a unicorn but apparently she just doesn't believe it could be done.)

Supper Club?

We got together tonight with the founding members of our old supper club. It was fun! When we started the club Nicole & Colby just had one child and no one else had any. Tonight there were seven.

September 25, 2010


My little sweethearts walking toward Oktoberfest.

Anna got her foot run over by the stroller so she is freaking out here.

Sarah & Henry really liked their first snow-cone. Anna wasn't quite as impressed.

There was some major backwash going on in this bottle!

The pretzel was as big as his head.

The kids all liked the music.

Henry danced for a bit. (He seemed to enjoy everything the most of the three kids.)

One of the faces Sarah is making lately.

Another one.

Last year while we were in Korea, one of my friends on Facebook (in the US) was trying to decide what to do that weekend. Her choices were Oktoberfest, some other festival, or stay home and do nothing. I was so frustrated when she chose to stay home and do nothing!! I was so jealous of the choices she had! So, there was no question that we were going to Oktoberfest this year. Even it if it was super hot and humid. The kids were sweaty and had red cheeks before we even got through the gate! It was fun though (although the girls freaked out when they had to walk through a ton of mud) and we will go again next year, too.

September 23, 2010

New Diaperbag Camera

September 6, 2010

Beach Day

We drove down to Galveston and as soon as the girls & I set foot in the water it started raining. It was rainy and windy for about an hour but we sat it out in the car (we occasionally ran out to splash around in the big waves when the rain died down a bit). Once the sun came out the kids had a blast so we are glad we stuck it out!

August 30, 2010


The air conditioning guys came around 10:30 this morning (thank goodness, Henry and I were getting sweaty waiting for them!). The house is cooling down slowly but surely.

August 29, 2010


We gave up pretty fast this morning and we booked a hotel with early check in this morning. After Henry's morning nap (didn't go well, he was too hot) we packed up, took a little drive until it was time for lunch, and then went to the hotel after lunch. Craig took the girls swimming while Henry took a good nap at the hotel. Is it wrong to now complain that the air in the hotel is too cold?

August 28, 2010

Air Conditioning

Our air conditioning went out this afternoon. Craig wants to tough it out at home but I wanted to go to a hotel! The house isn't too hot now but probably because we had one half-day of air conditioning to cool it down. We put a fan in Henry's room and Anna is sleeping on the couch in the game room under a fan. We have to go through a certain company with our home warranty and they are not open on the weekend. I hope they can come early on Monday! At 8 PM the temperature was 89 and the heat index was 97.

August 2, 2010

Thank You Corrine & Scott

Craig & I got in this morning around 6 AM and when we got back to the house Corrine, Scott, Owen, & Raisa had to head right out the door to make it back home! We are sad that we weren't able to spend more time with them but happy that they got to know our kids a bit better and vice versa. Thank you all so very much for coming down!!

July 31, 2010

Greg & Carl Forever!

The bear is for Craig's dad. Neil (my uncle, not the bear) was our driver from the hotel to the wedding and back. Thanks, Neil!

Another picture for Craig's dad. This is inside the front door.

My mom and her little brother.

Jeff and my mom warming up for the ceremony. (Jeff performed in the ceremony, my mom did not.)

Greg dumping vodka into the C3 (Carl's Cucumber Concoction) that got Craig a little tipsy before the ceremony. He claims he didn't know it was alcoholic until he was already committed to the drink.

Libby & Jeff.

Neil & Bonnie. The proud parents!

Carl & Greg with Neil & Bonnie.

Greg & Carl (the happy couple!)

Elaine & Gary.

Brian (who likes to pretend that he doesn't like to be photographed)

Anya & Joel who were patient with me when I was getting a lot of glare on Joel's glasses.

My contribution to the "order" cake. On "chaos" I reversed it a bit, but it probably wasn't chaotic enough.

This was about the time I discovered that Carl looks a bit like Tom Cruise. He is talking about how awesome Greg is here.

Greg is giddy.

I love how happy Greg is here.

Craig trying to explain to Joel just how intense the C3s are. Still trying to proclaim innocence (after he's had multiple?).

Brian, Gary, & Elaine signing the video guestbook.

July 29, 2010


Many months ago (February?) Corrine offered to come down to Texas to take care of the kids so Craig & I could go to my cousin's wedding in California. That seems like so long ago and suddenly the day is here. The whole family decided to come spend time with the kids which was a great idea although now Corrine & Scott will get a feel for what it's like to have five kids 8 and under! (yikes!)

I threw them into the job right away. Sarah had a last-minute visit to the doctor scheduled for late this afternoon so I left Henry & Anna with Corrine & family and gave her instructions on how to start dinner! I had been talking to the girls about this weekend and told them that they need to "help" Corrine & Scott with Henry because they (Anna & Sarah) know what he needs, what he can and cannot do, etc. I think it really helped to take the focus off of them and the fact that Craig and I won't be here. I hope so anyway! Both girls say they are scared but Anna decided on her own to stay with Henry this afternoon to "see what it is going to be like this weekend when mommy & daddy aren't here."

July 13, 2010

Not as Planned

Today did not go as planned... The girls had been sick over the weekend and I was a little sick yesterday. Today Anna was throwing up so of course I didn't send the girls to their music camp but I also had to go out and get the paint for the painters. The paint store was having a bit of trouble with their computer and so had a hard time matching our paint for the kitchen. Poor little Anna just wanted to lay down and was stuck waiting it out for a long time at the paint store. Finally the paint store guys said they'd deliver the paint to me when it was ready.

I ended up calling Craig home early from work because I was also not feeling well and needed to get some things at the store for Anna but couldn't drag her out again. I don't know if the painters realized we were sick or just thought we were the laziest family ever since we spent most of the day hanging out in my room! (Henry had to nap in Craig's closet due to some noise in his & Sarah's bathroom.)

I think Sarah was secretly happy that she didn't have to go back to music camp.

July 9, 2010

Throwing in the Towel

I gave up and got frustrated with the process of the walls. It started to feel hopeless with Anna's bathroom and thinking about texturing so we called a couple of places and we're waiting for the estimates to come in. I feel both a sense of relief and failure. Mostly relief, I think.

July 6, 2010

No More Paper

All of the paper in the kitchen is off of the walls! We are still debating on texturing or not. For now the next step will be to repair some damage on the drywall.

July 3, 2010

It took a Gadget

Craig has to do the up-high work.

I bought a steamer to get the wallpaper down off of the walls and it is wonderful! Anna's bathroom is still much more difficult to get through three layers but I am making good progress there, too. Yay! Our kitchen does feel like a disaster zone though so hopefully that will motivate us to get this project done and move on with our lives.

June 6, 2010

Crazy Dress-up and Hopscotch

Sarah is always coming up with "crazy" outfits. The crazier the better. She had a purse and wand before I took the picture but ditched them when I got the camera out.

An update on what Anna's room looks like.

I got my mom to hang the mirror on the door and hooks on the wall (in the closet) for dress-up stuff.

My camera is a little fogged up from the change in temperature/humidity from the house to outside. I am too impatient to wait for it to de-fog so the pictures have kind of romantic softening to them.

June 3, 2010

Blueberries & Painting

Sarah & Mat were hard to corral at the end. Sarah was stuffing her cheeks with blueberries on the way out!

We left the house just after 7 to go blueberry picking and it was a really smart decision. The weather was actually cool and not humid so we had a pleasant experience! Rachel helped me with Henry (my carrier was not in my car for some reason?) and he had fun eating halves of blueberries along the way.

May 29, 2010


Rachel, Mat, Jake, & Sam arrived this afternoon! We are excited to all go to Galveston tomorrow and camp at the beach and then spend the week hanging out with them here.

May 27, 2010


I've been trying to remove more wallpaper in Anna's bathroom while my mom is here to hang out with the kids but it is a very unsatisfying process (it is three layers thick and I can't get very much off at one time and it only comes off one layer at a time). There was a bit of kitchen wallpaper just begging to be taken off so I did it. One thing led to another and soon my mom & I were obsessively taking wallpaper off the kitchen walls! It is coming off so much easier than the bathroom but there are spots that are taking some drywall with it... anyway, it is refreshing to my eyes to see some of those flowers going away!

May 2, 2010

Sarah's Third Birthday Party

He hangs out on his side like this a lot. Funny boy.

Notice that Henry swiped some of Craig's brownie here?

She is concentrating so hard that her tongue is sticking out!

Sarah was happy that Papa was able to be at her birthday "party" today so I didn't push her to invite any of the kids she has met since we arrived in Texas. We had brownies and ice cream and she kept "forgetting" to make a wish when she blew out the candle so she had to re-do it two more times (both times we had to sing the Happy Birthday song again). I am planning to take the kids to the zoo on her actual birthday later this week.

April 24, 2010

House-Warming Party

I didn't take a single picture of the house or the party today! We invited our old friends and our new neighbors over to our house today for a house-warming party. It was great to see everyone but we didn't get to talk to everyone enough, either. Henry was great in that he went to anyone who was willing to hang out with him (Lyn and Kate, mostly) so I actually got to chat with a few people and he actually got to crawl around. The girls had fun even though it was totally crazy here. I think they were mostly excited about the food but they had fun meeting all of our friends and seeing some of the people we used to see in Okpo, too.

After the party Craig & I tried out a new babysittter who happens to live down the street from us. Anna really liked her and even talked to her right away which was really surprising to witness. We took it easy on the sitter for her first time and had Henry & Sarah in bed already.

April 20, 2010

Tea on Tuesday

We had our first Tea on Tuesday in our new house today. The girls were excited to sit at the dining room table and use my grandma's china (I think it's better to use it or it doesn't mean a whole lot, does it?).

April 15, 2010


We bought some bird seed to put in the feeder that was already in our yard and the girls decided to sit down and wait for the birds to come by. I told them it might be a day or two before we see any but they were determined to wait it out!

April 3, 2010

Coloring the Eggs

All of our eggs are finished (Anna spilled on her shirt and didn't want to be in the picture because she took it off already!).

Henry didn't help color the eggs but he did enjoy some bread at snack-time.

These little berries/flowers (?) are growing in the "grass" of our backyard. I don't know what it is but they are cute.

We're still getting our house set up but we had to color Easter eggs so we made a quick run to the store for eggs and vinegar (I already had the dye and amazingly knew right where it was in this mess!).

April 2, 2010

The View from Here

This squirrel was watching me wash my dishes this morning.

The current state of our family room.

April 1, 2010

Tree House

Our sea shipment from Korea was delivered today. This delivery was much more comforting for the girls since this is the stuff they have been living with. Tonight when I put Sarah to bed she said, "My room is like the Berenstain Bears tree house!" I think because there are so many trees outside her room and she is on the second floor (so up high like the bear family).

The girls are having a blast in our yard and I have gotten quite a bit of unpacking and organizing done while they play outside. I still have a long way to go though!

March 31, 2010

Empty Inside

Family room with kitchen to the left, master bedroom to the right, front door behind me.

From the dining room to the family room. (We hope to get rid of the "step-down" thing completely at some point, get wood floors put in in the family room, new tile in the kitchen, new appliances, etc.)

From the family room to the dining room and front door.

The gameroom up is open to the family room below.

The wood paneling on the wall in the family room (master suite is behind this wall).

The "conversation nook" is to the right of the kitchen here (it is a wet bar with seating).

Office area of the master bedroom.

Into the master bathroom.

His & hers closets.

Inside Craig's closet.

The "conversation nook."

From the conversation nook to upstairs. Sarah's room is at the top of the stairs.

The kitchen. I cannot wait to get that wallpaper down!

Giant pantry.

Laundry room. (There is another closet behind the opened door!)

Seriously old appliances!

Sarah's room.

Henry's room.

Sarah & Henry's bathroom.

Game room.

Game room. (Anna's room is to the left of the circle-part of the game room.)

That's Sarah's door and Sarah & Henry's bathroom door.

Anna's room.

Anna's closet and bathroom.

I wanted to get some pictures of the house before our stuff comes in because I just don't know how long it's going to take to get our stuff organized and looking OK for pictures! Today was a long day. Craig couldn't take the day off of work so I was on my own (he was able to come for a bit and bring us some lunch, thank goodness!). The girls played outside a lot and although Henry took two naps he was definitely difficult to corral most of the time. We received the things from storage today and tomorrow we'll get our sea shipment. There were several things that I didn't even remember having and it was really hard to figure out where a lot of it should go in this new space. We are planning to go through our things and get rid of the things we didn't miss/didn't know we had/don't like any more and hope to not accumulate so much stuff again!

March 30, 2010


We closed on our house this morning! The kids were great during the closing (the girls were engrossed in coloring and Henry had enough new stuff to explore that he didn't even get fussy although it was his nap-time.). I took the kids over to the house to spend a little time there before we move in tomorrow. Before we went, Sarah said she wanted to stay in our temporary housing and not move into the new house. After we spent some time there, however, she is definitely ready to move in in the morning!

March 21, 2010


I was so excited when we found out we were going to be back in Texas in time for the Houston Rodeo but it was hard to actually find the time to go once we got here! We made it on the last day (and a very cold day!) and we had a good time. The girls got to pet some different animals in the petting zoo (we were surprised they had some deer and I took Henry out of the zoo when the deer started trying to eat the Baby Hawk straps. (I didn't want it to start nibbling his toes by mistake!) Then the girls got to ride ponies and watch chicks hatch out of eggs. Henry did enjoy people-watching but got totally wiped out by the time we found some lunch and fell asleep for a bit in the Baby Hawk. He woke up when we got settled at the pig races (!) and shortly after that we made our way back home.

March 20, 2010


Front of the house.

Back of the house.

Playset and large deck.

The girls had a blast with the tetherball.

The sellers accepted our offer today and we both have a much better feeling about this house. We'll get an inspection set up for next week. The house was built in 1978 and was a custom home. It is a little bigger than we wanted and there are a lot of cosmetic updates we want to make (these were our big hesitations on it previously). It is in a wonderful location and it is on a small, quiet street. I'll post pictures of the inside after it is officially ours.

March 17, 2010


The townhouse we're staying in has convinced us to buy a house near-ish to here. We have inspections on a house this week but I'm starting to get cold feet about it. I'm not sure if it's just because it's a big decision or what but I keep thinking about one other house (but would I keep thinking about house #1 if we were getting inspections on house #2?). We'll see what the inspections say and go from there, I guess. In the mean time we are thoroughly enjoying being so close to everything right now (within walking distance to all sorts of great stuff!).

March 15, 2010


And for Craig's 33rd birthday, Sarah & I spent the afternoon and $150 at Toyota buying a second key and a key fob for my car.

March 2, 2010

Reverse Culture Shock

Three years away makes America seem almost as foreign as Korea once seemed!

Things we'll miss about Korea:
-Craig coming home for lunch every day
-the small-town/small-island feel
-the expat community
-the friends we've made
-heated floors
-I'll actually miss the driving: I like that I can park wherever I want or make a right-hand turn from the left-hand lane if I really need to and no one is going to get upset (no road-rage here). I don't think I ever did anything crazy while we were there but it was freeing to know that I could.
-speed cameras, I like those better than getting pulled over for speeding. Just send me my ticket in the mail, please.
-screen golf
-the "lock-n-lock" aisle at Home Plus (I should have stocked up on the wide variety of food storage containers when I was there, what Target has does not compare!)
-fast internet
-first-come, first-served health care (and it was cheap!)

Things we won't miss:
-people touching our children (although this has gotten better since the whole H1N1 thing)
-loud music in the stores
-mixing my own prescription drugs

Things we're excited about in America:
-being literate again!
-being in our own space (eventually, we have to find the right house first, of course!)

Things we're not excited about:
-rampant commercialism
-the thin plastic bags at the stores and that the cashiers pack one or two items per bag. I plan to keep using my re-usable bags but while I'm out of my routine right now I already have a massive collection of this obnoxious bags!
-loud music playing out of peoples cars (never once heard someone else's car stereo in Korea)

Things that are just weird:
-drive-through everything
-cable news everywhere you go
-I don't have to remember to get a coin for the shopping cart (I wonder how long it will be before I stop reaching into my pocket for a coin when I walk to the carts?)

It's almost embarrassing to take the girls out right now because to anyone who overhears them in the store, they must think that I've locked my kids in a closet for the past five years! They are so excited by all of the little things at the store (the race-car shopping carts, random products & produce, etc.).

February 20, 2010

Pizzeria Il Toro

The kids always loved going to Pizzeria Il Toro and the pizza was really good. The man went to Italy to learn to make wood-fired pizza so it was more in the style that we are used to than Korean-style. I would call to order ahead when we dined-in and they always remembered the kids quirky preferences and had things set up "just so" when we got there. (Anna preferred one style chair over another one time so they always switched it for her, they always had pink straws and orange juice for them as well.) You just don't get that kind of customer service in America. We will visit one more time to bring them a copy of the photo!

We visited on the last day we were in Korea to get take-out and drop off the picture. I think they were about to cry they were so sad to see the kids go!

January 1, 2010

2009 and 2010

2009 Highlights:

  • Henry's arrival on July 24!
  • Brian & Anita visiting in March.
  • Trips to Colorado (March), Busan (July), and Seoul (August)
  • Having my mom here in July & August and Anita here in August & September
  • Watching Sarah be a loving BIG sister
  • Anna's love for Henry and her nurturing instinct
  • Anna & Sarah becoming closer and having more fun together
  • Witnessing Henry's milestones

What We're Looking Forward to in 2010:

  • Watching Henry's personality come through more and witnessing more milestones
  • Watching Anna & Sarah grow and learn
  • Finding out where we're moving to and when (and then getting there and settling in)
  • Planning a vacation after we know where and when we're moving (and then taking the vacation)!

December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve Party

We all made felt crowns with sequins for decoration.

Say what you will, I think he looks adorable in his tie!

I was laughing at myself trying to make him laugh for the camera.

There's my crown.

We had Charlie Parker on the stereo (iTunes which is why the TV is "on").

He seemed surprised but not unpleased each time the girls sounded the noise-makers.

Opening her New Year's cracker.

He looks pretty cute in his tie, too.

Next New Year's will be so fun when Henry can jump in and join in the action as well. He did like watching Anna & Sarah jumping around tonight though.

Sarah wouldn't try the creme brulee because she didn't want to eat dessert that had fire on it. I think she thought it would still be hot.

We ended the night with some dancing.

We needed an excuse to get dressed up so we had a formal hors d'oeuvres party with the kids tonight. The kids liked most of the menu and we all had fun. I think we'll do the same next year and make it a tradition as long as they're into it. Now that there are five of us it really felt like we were having a party! The crackers I bought from Crate & Barrel were lame and didn't come with crowns which is why we had to make our own this year.

December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

The girls were amazed when they saw their stockings filled with chocolates, pens, a giant lollipop, and post-it notes.

Too young for chocolates, Henry got a teething ring from Santa.

Sara was beyond thrilled with the chocolates. They were truly the hit of the day for her.

The star tiara she wanted from Sarah.

Sarah had asked for an elephant so Anna picked one out for her at Home Plus.

The kids got Craig a remote-controlled helicopter.

The best wrapping move I've made in a long time. I put all of the books, puzzles, and games we gave the kids in a big Amazon bag instead of wrapping each individually.

Chopstick wondering what the heck just happened.

Playing with some new animals.

Anna's favorite gift of the day.

You can kind of see the helicopter coming up off of the ground near the bottom of Sarah's chair. It's pretty cool but the cats were freaked out by it.

Checking out her dinosaur stamps.

Solving some dinosaur puzzles.

We had a great Christmas morning. The kids were so excited that it was finally time to open their presents but they were also disappointed that Zamp (the elf that had watched them all month) had gone back to the North Pole with Santa in the night. We made Corrine's sticky buns for breakfast and spent a relaxing day checking out the new stuff.

December 21, 2009


The girls doing art, Henry on the Gymini, and Chopstick under the couch by Henry.

Our tree with presents. I had to tuck a few that had bows way under the tree because of the cats. Surprisingly the cats haven't bothered with the tree much at all this year.

I laminated this triceratops that Sarah colored since she is so obsessed with dinosaurs right now.

Some of the salt dough ornaments we made.

A Santa that Anna colored at school.

"Zamp." Our Elf on the Shelf. The girls love finding him each morning when they wake up.

The nutcracker is from Anna's & my trip to see the ballet last year in Seoul. The elf is a gourd I bought in The Woodlands. I believe the short doll is from my grandma's house (! correct me if I'm wrong mom or grandma!).

Button tree from my mom.

December 20, 2009

Gingerbread Cookies

The girls & I made gingerbread cookies today for part of our Christmas cookie gift-giving. We used the cutters from my grandma. We also made Opa's vanilla pretzels this year so it is nice to have something from each of them on our cookie plate!

December 7, 2009


I ordered these stockings from an Etsy store. I need to get one more stocking hanger but Craig & I will have to share this year.

Sarah had fun figuring out the nesting dolls this afternoon.

Cheesy but they had fun doing it (maybe Henry didn't?).

Anna really wanted this next series of pictures of her in front of the tree.

November 25, 2009

4 Month Doctor Visit & 33rd Birthday

This morning I took Henry for his 4 Month doctor's appointment. Here are his stats:

Height: 70.2 cm (27.6 inches ) - above 95th percentile
Weight: 8.04 kg (17.7 pounds) - 75-90th percentile
Head Circumference: 17 inches - 50-75th percentile *this I have to measure myself since they don't do it here; I hope to at least be consistent with how I'm measuring it*

This afternoon the girls helped me bake a chocolate cake for my birthday: delicious!

November 22, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

The girls are reading their dinosaur book to Henry while they wait for Thanksgiving dinner to be served.

Craig made the best EVER pumpkin pie for our early Thanksgiving today. He also made the stuffing and turkey (they were both also really good). It's too bad he worked so hard today though because now he claims he'll never cook again. I think he should cook every meal if it's all going to taste that good!

We had our Thanksgiving today because last year we decided to have it on the Saturday after but we ended up being sick (and I ended up being pregnant!) and we never did it. We actually ate the turkey I bought last year for our meal this year. It was great (it was a 50,000 KW imported turkey!). For all anyone knows all frozen turkeys are frozen for as long as ours was.

November 21, 2009

Making the Crust

Anna helped Craig make a pat-in-the-pan crust from Joy of Cooking for our pumpkin pie tomorrow.

October 6, 2009

End of the Long Weekend

Henry is wearing a 6-9 month outfit in this picture!

Notice she's wearing heels. She has been spending 30 or 40 minutes at a time in her own little world with these little plastic zoo animals lately. She plays with a similar set of animals at Playschool.

Making an all-pink necklace.

This is Sarah's "family" that she has to load in the (play) car or the shopping cart and take to the store (Costco or the Apple Guy, usually). Daddy the bunny, Mommy is Hello, Kitty, Anna & Sarah are the Minnie Mouses, and the owl is Henry.

Today was the last day of the Chuseok break (Craig & the girls had Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off).

October 5, 2009

Are You Ready for Some Football?

Craig bought a season pass to NFL.com so everyone got on their Broncos shirts for the game this morning. Enthusiasm died pretty quickly but I'm sure as the kids get older they'll get more interested (hopefully anyway, for Craig's sake!).

October 4, 2009

Sunset & Sparklers

All Photos today by Craig.

This was me.

Anna on the left, Sarah on the right.

Craig took the girls to watch the sunset on Gajo Island tonight and then we did sparklers when they got home.

October 3, 2009

Halloween Preview

I still have a little work to do on Sarah's costume but she was really happy with it (and so was I). Anna's & Henry's are store-bought, obviously!

September 15, 2009

English Muffins / Readers

Lookin' good on the griddle!


The girls just love to read to Henry.

I can't imagine why we never made English muffins before. We have missed them for so long and they are so easy to make! I imagine we'll have them at least once per week now.

Craig & Anna went to Anna's back-to-school night. I think she was super excited to show Craig around her classroom and for him to meet her teacher.

September 8, 2009


Anna is waving to me & Sarah as she leaves on the bus from our apartment to school. I think I was more nervous than she was!

Notice Henry is napping on the couch.

He is getting too long for some of his swaddling blankets (notice his toes poking out).

It is really strange to not have Anna at home for lunch; I think it will take a while to get used to our new routines this fall.

September 7, 2009

First Day of School

I couldn't resist taking this lady's picture as she walked past Prince Coffee, sorry, Lady.

Today was Anna's and Sarah's first day of school. We started out by taking Anna to the Wombats classroom. This year I won't take her up each morning, instead she will line up with her teacher outside and walk up with her class when the bell rings. We found her cubby and made a name tag and then the kids sat on the mat and waved goodbye to their parents. I could see that Anna was nervous but she was brave and reports back that she had a good day. She is going five days a week from 8:30-2:45 (until 2:30 on Fridays). Tomorrow will be another big deal since she is going to take the bus to and from school (!!).

After we said goodbye to Anna, Sarah and I walked over to Playschool. When we got to school, we put her outside shoes in her cubby and put on her fancy new sparkly indoor shoes. Sarah went straight to a rocking horse and started to play. One of her teachers came to play with her and I said goodbye. Sarah looked up and waved goodbye and that was that. When I picked her up from school, Sarah saw me with Henry and got a super big smile and said, "that's my new baby!" I could tell she had been crying and her teachers said they took her for a walk outside until she told them she was thirsty. But she had settled down and was fine when I came to get her. It was so strange to walk into the Playschool and see Sarah sitting in the same chairs Anna used to when I went to pick her up (and with Henry in the sling just like Sarah used to be). Sarah will go to school Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:45-12.

As for Henry, Anita, & I, we went to the silk store with Karen & Alfred and then to Prince Coffee before we had to pick up Sarah. Today was kind of crazy with running back to school all day and I don't think I could have done it without Anita here! Hopefully we'll figure out our routine before she leaves.

August 22, 2009

Family Hike

Henry's first family hike.

The three seats in the back of the Tucson. We should have taken this before the hike; the girls are hot from the hike!

I don't know what Anna's goal was here, but she was happy with the result.

July 31, 2009


Grandma has been taking such good care of the girls (and me!). She has even been brave enough to drive in Korea (once to the hospital and then again today to Home Plus to get some groceries). I am still pretty worn out just from being around the house so I really appreciate having my mom here to help keep things running smoothly. Thank you, mom!!

July 5, 2009

Busan Day 2

We checked out Shinsegae this morning. We told the girls we were going to go check out the new mall and then asked if they knew what a "mall" was and they said, "no." Half-way through though, Anna was proclaiming that she wanted to live at the mall.

Giant piano like in the movie Big with Tom Hanks.

This isn't actually unique to the mall but since it was so nice and clean I decided to take a picture. I've seen this at the rest areas on the highways as well: a nice little stall with an adult-sized toilet along-side a child-sized toilet. Both girls thought this was really nice!

Anna could hardly wait to finally get to the bottom floor and get her picture on the starfish.

After lunch, Craig and the girls ran around the "Sky Park" on the 9th floor of the building.

We had an American day to celebrate the holiday weekend. We ate McDonald's breakfast, went to a mall, and then went to the beach. Today Sarah did take a nap which threw off our beach/dinner schedule a bit so we ended up eating corn dogs from a vendor and then buying some chicken from the chicken-lady as she passed by. One could also order delivery from one of the many nearby fast-food places but we weren't sure how you would tell the delivery person which umbrella you were under and we weren't willing to ask our neighbors to order for us! It was a pretty nice set-up though. We rented an umbrella for 5,000 Won both days at the beach, too.

July 3, 2009

Happy Fourth of July, etc.

Dr. Sarah loves to give you a shot and a band-aid.

This is Anna's new "happy face." She refuses to open her mouth for a picture. I guess I'm lucky she'll make eye contact with the camera? I have probably made too big of a deal of it and this face might be all I get for a while.

We decorated some cupcakes with red, white, and blue sugar to celebrate the holiday.

We put candles in the girls' cupcakes for Aunt Rachel's birthday (today).

The sparklers were a big hit even though we didn't wait until dark to do them.

Sarah had to be in on the action but Craig had to keep a hand on her arm to keep her from getting too wild.

Doing one last big sparkler together.

We made cupcakes to celebrate Anna's last day of school, Aunt Rachel's birthday, and the Fourth of July! The girls were excited about all of the preparations but were disappointed when they realized that there are no presents to open at a Fourth of July Party (unless you're Rachel, I suppose!). I think the sparklers made up for the lack of presents though.

May 25, 2009

Plant Progress

May 5, 2009

Shake & Cupcakes

Craig took the girls to Prince Coffee for a shake this morning.

Sarah was a cupcake-bandit! She must have had a growth-spurt recently because she was able to swipe the cupcakes off of the counter with no effort at all...

She was also unable to decorate because her finger kept swiping the frosting.

Anna got a little over-excited and dumped almost the entire container of sprinkles onto two of the cupcakes.

Happy Pink Cupcake-eating, Sarah!

Opening a present from Alfred.

Birthday loot.

Anna was more than happy to assist with the tricky tape.

The gift from Anna (Anna not-so-secretly wanted it for herself!)

Watching the flames on the candles while we sang "Happy Birthday to you"

Anna lending a lung or two for the candles.


A duet with Alfred. Sarah was singing "Charlie Parker played be-bop."

Craig had the day off for Children's Day today so we decided to celebrate Sarah's birthday today with him. I asked her who she wanted at her party and she only wanted Alfred & Karen. So, that's who she got! The girls were excited to decorate the cupcakes, eat the cupcakes and open the presents (Anna was also thrilled to help wrap all of the presents).

March 18, 2009

Busan Day 2

The girls had fun collecting seashells on the beach.

The Busan Aquarium.

Petting the seastars.

Craig's meeting ended early today so we got to spend the afternoon with him.

The girls playing "Starsong & Pinkie Pie of the Hill" (Anna is Starsong and Sarah is Pinkie Pie—characters from My Little Pony).

Anna's class has been studying traffic signs and she particularly likes the "no parking" sign so she was super excited to see this giant "no smoking" sign at Haeundae Beach.

March 17, 2009


Having a quick snack in the hotel.

View from our room.

Anita, Brian, Anna, Sarah, & I went to Busan today to be with Craig who came on Sunday for a meeting through Wednesday. The girls were great on the ferry (and luckily the water was calm!) and they were really excited about staying at the Westin Chosun right on the beach!

February 15, 2009

Valentine's Weekend

Craig and Anna made cookies this weekend and we basically hung around the house. My back felt better on Saturday morning when I woke up and felt even better today. My nausea, however is back. The nausea is better than back pain but I was hoping that was over by now!

February 5, 2009


Anna & Sarah are having a blast with the new terrace. They love driving their cars out there (although I'm afraid to ask our downstairs neighbor how that sounds in her family room; I'm sure the excitement will die down shortly).

February 4, 2009

Deluxe Apartment in the Sky

Craig got a shot of the movers plus some CS Total people packing up our kitchen downstairs.

We moved up to the top terrace today! We hired movers because we do have a lot of "stuff" (although I am working on this as energy allows) and quite a few pieces of furniture that I would not have been able to help out with. We will now have only 21 stairs instead of 74 and Sarah will be able to walk up and down to our apartment and the parking lot and I won't have to carry her! We also have a big terrace that I already love much more than the little yard we had downstairs.

The apartment is identical except for little things like a step down into the bathroom here where there wasn't downstairs, the shower is 1/2 a tile narrower upstairs, the handles on the (brand new) kitchen cupboards are horizontal instead of vertical, etc. We also decided to take this opportunity to move the girls into the same room. Anna wanted to be in Elizabeth's old room so the girls are sharing what used to be our office, Anna's old room is now the playroom/office, and Sarah's old room will be used as the guest-room until Baby3 starts occupying it sometime in September.

January 1, 2009

2008 and 2009

2008 Highlights:

  • Sarah walking, running, climbing, talking, singing, dancing, hugging, kissing, giggling
  • Anna coming out of her shell, being a caring big sister, making friends at school, learning to write her name
  • Trips to Seoul, Busan, and Colorado

What We're Looking Forward to in 2009:

  • Brian & Anita coming in March
  • Going to Colorado for four weeks in March/April.
  • Using the pool every day this summer.
  • August 5, 2009... we are expecting baby #3

December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve 2008

Anna & I made Corrine's peanut butter cups for our dessert tonight. Nothing too fancy but the girls liked getting the Christmas crackers again and had fun trying to get those noise makers to work.

December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

The girls loved their Christmas stockings this morning. After breakfast we put the Christmas decorations away and this afternoon we went to a party at Craig's co-worker's apartment. They are American so I figured they'd have some decent food that the kids would eat. Sarah ate most of a plate of summer sausage and we all loved the Triscuits and Wheat Thins and other fantastic American things they had for consumption (they had just been to Guam and stocked up pretty well!). The girls had fun at the party and they are ready for our big trip to Seoul in the morning!

Oh, and the pictures I ordered to include in my Christmas cards arrived last night. That means I will send out cards sometime next week (hopefully!).

December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

This is Sarah's big smile that I feel like I've been trying to capture on film since she was six weeks old! I bought some pickles at the store (she loves them) and sang a pickle song to her while she was eating them. Let's see if the pickle song works next time I try for an "official" picture...

Opening the Christmas crackers and getting ready to eat an ice cream cake.

We decided to open Christmas presents this afternoon after Sarah's nap since we leave on Friday morning for Seoul and we wanted to get the tree down before we go so that the cats don't destroy it completely. It felt wrong to take the tree down on the same day we open presents! Santa will still come tonight though.

The biggest hits were the Tinkerbell toy from Jake & Sam to Anna and the Max doll (of Max & Ruby) from Nana & Papa. Sarah was instantly in love with him. Both girls had a blast playing with Sarah's new dollhouse and all of the new Polly Pockets and accessories that went along with that.

The first several presents Sarah opened, she exclaimed, "cute!" The girls were not slow this year. They barely checked things out before moving onto the next gift. This was fine because last year it just drug on too long.

December 14, 2008

Christmas Baking

Helping make the dough in the stand mixer.

The girls "helped" me bake some cookies today. I chose sugar cookies that we could roll in colored sugar because I figured both girls could handle their duties. They also helped me count, measure, and pour. But once Sarah realized she could stick her finger out and get some batter she was no longer a helper. She did not do a good job rolling the dough in sugar (she proceeded to eat the dough-ball in one bite!). So she had to sit and watch. The dough was a little sticky so Anna didn't like rolling it either because her fingers got messy. Let's see if I have them "help" me with the rest or if I just do it myself!

Screen Golf

Craig and I went to Prince Coffee to start off our date night last night and Cindy wrote a nice note in my "mint hot choco." Then we went to play screen golf at the old D-Max Mart (lame grocery store but good for a quick trip b/c parking was better than Suhyup). This was a pretty fancy place! There is a screen golf driving range right off the lobby but if you play a round you have a private room. We played as well at screen golf as we would have in real life (we both SUCK!). But we had a lot of fun and will probably do it again next date night (Craig wants to go again tonight.)

December 12, 2008


I went to get Sarah this morning and stepped in a giant puddle outside her door. When I went in to turn on her lamp, I found another, larger puddle. One of the pipes in the floor had busted (we have really nice heated floors here!). Now all of the stuff from her closet (our main storage area and it is a lot of stuff!) is in the office and she will sleep in Anna's room until her room is fixed.

December 6, 2008

Hiding Spots and the Christmas Tree

This looks like an ordinary kitchen cupboard.

Imagine my surprise when I found her inside!

Anna moved her hiding spot into her room. One quick picture because it was funny but then out because we don't need Sarah copying!

Sarah enthralled with the Christmas tree.

I wish I had taken a picture of the tree as we were decorating because Anna did the classic "put as many ornaments as possible on a single branch" style decorating. Too bad between Sarah and the cats the ornaments moved to the top half of the tree by the end of the day!

November 25, 2008

Fairy Cupcakes

Anna helped me make some fairy cupcakes today for my birthday. She was concerned that I wasn't having a party and thought we couldn't have the cupcakes until my friends got here but she was happy to learn that we were really only waiting for Craig to come home. Unfortunately, by the time it was time to eat them tonight after dinner she wasn't feeling well so we didn't do it (although Sarah had fun helping me blow out one of the undecorated cupcakes over and over and over). They were a bit too much work for not much reward as far as I can tell. I didn't take a picture because they're not attractive (not Anna's doing, but my own)! Hopefully we can have them tomorrow.

November 22, 2008

The Aquarium

We took the car ferry to Busan today and went to the aquarium. Both girls had a great time but the best was when Sarah laughed at the otters and penguins.

We got back in the car around 2 PM hoping Sarah would fall asleep (she always takes a nap at 1 PM). We weren't going to make it to the ferry so we decided to drive home instead... Sarah never fell asleep! The girls were good on the drive home but we were all wiped out when we got home (around 5 PM).

October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Sarah & I went to Anna's class today to help out a little with their Halloween party (I think we were actually no help at all because Sarah is such a wiggle-worm!). It was fun to see all of the kids costumes and to see Anna in action at school.

Tonight we met at the school to go trick-or-treating at some foreigners residents near the school. This was arranged by the PTC and very well organized. Unfortuanately by the time we were checking in at the gate, Anna started acting funny. I thought maybe she was scared because it was evening and there were so many people (some in scary costumes). It turns out she was getting sick and we only ended up going to to three houses for candy. It's too bad she couldn't have communicated earlier that she was getting sick or I would have been able to take care of her better. Sarah still had a blast though and I think Anna was glad she got to see everything that I had been building up to her for weeks.

October 23, 2008


We were in need of some more Halloween decorations so we decided to make ghosts. Anna's is the purple one. Sarah went a little crazy with the eyes (she actually got the first two on in the right zone (the head) but then must have decided the ghost needed an eyeball skirt). Anna thought Sarah's ghost was funny so she piled a ton of eyeball stickers on top of each other. Anna also had to draw a mouth and write "boo!" on hers.

October 18, 2008

Wide Angle

Craig left for Doha this morning (for a week) and I just decided to test the wide-angle lens from his office before the big school photo on Monday. Pretty cool!

October 12, 2008


We had some neighbors over this afternoon for some of Craig's fresh-roasted coffee and I made an apple crisp with a few of the apples I bought from the "apple guy." The coffee and crisp were delicious and we had a relaxing afternoon (Sarah actually slept all but the first thirty minutes when she was eating her crisp and ice cream).

I had a photo session later in the afternoon so Craig took the girls to VIPS.

Sarah's new spoken word: VIPS

October 11, 2008

Dinosaur Park & Cofee Roasting

A little rock climbing for Joel.

Of course when we tell her to climb something she isn't as interested...

Down the bumpy slide.

Swinging on the giant swing.

Craig got to roasting beans right away when we got home thanks to Lyn who left her thermometer on the door for us while we were out!


Oops they got a little over-done.

That's better. Now we have to wait until tomorrow to taste them.

October 5, 2008

Just Missed It

I took the girls to Tongyeong this morning to cheer on my friend Jaynie in a swim/run race today. Unfortunately I never found the race (especially unfortunate since Jaynie was the fastest woman in the race!). The girls had a good time on our walk across the bridge and we had a snack near the water.

September 26, 2008


The whole family went to Costco today and while it was exciting for me to get up there (I haven't been there since I was pregnant with Anna) and see what they were selling, it was too stressful with Sarah along. We didn't get started shopping until right about nap-time so she was crabby and tired while were there. So we rushed. There were also some things I would have liked to get the girls for Christmas but couldn't because Anna was right there. I might have to go on my own next time around although the six hour drive really isn't something I'm into doing alone.

September 18, 2008

Nine Years

And just like that, she's gone! Where did Sarah go?

Ingeborg took Sarah for me this morning so I could go to the foreigner's club to check out the knitting circle. I was sent home with a pair of needles and a ball of yarn to practice on for next week. She said that she & Sarah had a good time together! I took Njaal again this afternoon and he and Anna had a good time again. I can't tell if Anna likes him because he can't understand her when she talks (he doesn't speak much English yet) or if she's just more comfortable around other kids these days.

Craig & I hired a babysitter and went out to Dehli to celebrate our ninth anniversary tonight. I wonder where we'll be celebrating nine years from now?

September 15, 2008

Sarah Sells Seashells by the Seashore

I'd love to post some pictures from yesterday and today at the beach but the (brand new) little camera jumped out of my pocket and sat in the salty water for an undetermined amount of time. We are attempting to dry it out but how much hope can there really be?

The girls had fun at the beach both days and we brought home enough sand to prove it! Today we collected a ton of seashells to bring home and admire as well.

September 13, 2008


It's pretty rare that I get to see Sarah sleeping so I've got to take a picture when I do!

But how exactly does one sleep in that position?

Anna wanted to try on her complete outfit (Sarah didn't).

Sarah did want to check out Anna's though.

And then put on her whole Hanbok.

Today is the first day of a four-day weekend for us. Tomorrow is Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) and Craig & Anna have Monday and Tuesday off to celebrate.

September 1, 2008


Today was Anna's first day at OIS as a Ladybird. She did great. There is a dress-up box there with some high-heeled shoes which sealed the deal for her. She was in heaven wearing those shoes and didn't care when Sarah & I left. She was so excited to tell us all about her day when she got home and talked about it the rest of the afternoon.

Sarah & I had a good morning on our own. She is transitioning from two naps to one right now but she woke up early this morning so took an hour nap today. We did sticker art, solved puzzles, sorted shapes, read books, and had a nice quiet time together. I really hope to have her stay home with me this whole school year and send her to Playschool next fall but we'll see how this goes. If we're bored come January I might send her a couple of days a week (she is eligible to go in November).

August 31, 2008


Checking under a mushroom for a fairy.

I know this isn't the best picture of these guys but I really liked that they were all wearing a shade of red against this brick wall (just outside our door).

Hitting the dress-up drawer a little hard.

Joining in the fun.

We glittered the pinecones from the park for an afternoon craft while Craig spent a few hours (on a Sunday!) at work.

We bought Anna a pair of actual walking shoes yesterday (as opposed to sparkly red shoes) so she was super excited to get out on a hike this morning! Sarah did great in the backpack and it wasn't too humid or sunny out so we all had a nice time.

August 29, 2008

Ring Around the Rosie

Watching the food coloring seep into the frosting.


Hanging out with Clementine in a pink Broncos jersey.

The girls collected pine cones at the ferry terminal park today. Free toys for the kids and the cats.


Squishing the paint in her hands.

Anna even let herself get a little messy.

Conversation with Clementine.

Today was a great day. We like to have music on in the late afternoon and dance around, sing, play instruments, etc. Today we somehow got started singing "Ring around the rosie..." and the girls had so much fun doing it over and over and over. Sarah said, "more mama" which was irrisistible! Then she started "falling down" as soon as we started singing (Anna was singing with me today which really made my day) and it was impossible to get through the rhyme (although we kept trying!).

Tonight we made Fairy Cakes to celebrate Craig's first week at Engineering Lead in his office. Again, Anna & Craig loved them and Sarah and I thought they were so-so. (Super easy to make though and we made lemon frosting instead of just vanilla. If we make them again I will put lemon zest in the cakes for some flavor.)

August 27, 2008

Summer Fun

The girls and I have been having a great time at home playing each morning and then going to the pool in the afternoons. We're going to be sad when colder weather comes! I might look into taking Sarah over to the Jangsangpo pool for something to do this fall and winter although getting her to wear a swimming cap might be too much to ask of her...

August 19, 2008

New Routines

We've been playing a lot of dress-up lately.

Dr. Lee/Clementine is really pretty social which is so different from my last cat experience (Gertie).

I love how cats eyes look when they're sleeping.

Chopstick. He's definitely bigger than Clementine but identification has gotten a million times easier since I put their pink and blue collars on them!

Sarah is constantly asking to read now!

The girls were in the office with all three cats for a while.

Playing "naptime." Of course Sarah can't lie still for this activity for very long.

We're having fun getting back into our routines now that we're over jet lag and settled back into our apartment. The girls seem to be playing together better (read: Sarah is learning how to play and not only create a path of destruction everywhere she goes).

August 15, 2008

Unpacking and Jet-Lag

This was supposed to be a video but I messed up the transfer from my new camera and didn't check it before I deleted the files off of the camera... will do better next time!

I've been unpacking, sorting, and throwing out stuff today. Lucky for us, today was a holiday so we had Craig at home with us. We went to Home Plus for a few groceries (I noticed a lot of the foreigner-items (like Goldfish crackers, imported beef, French bread, etc.) were either not in stock or not there any more. I really hope it's a good stockist who knows the foreigners leave for the summer and not that they're never getting this stuff in again! We went to the pool this afternoon to get some sunlight and activity in. It's so nice that Anna isn't afraid of the water and is having fun jumping in, etc. I am just too short to do much with Sarah though which is too bad. We'll see if the three of us girls venture out on our own there next week or not.

July 4, 2008

The Fourth

[will post pictures here]
I made some little flag-fans (Marthastewart.com) for the girls today but that was about all we did to celebrate the Fourth of July this year.

Craig and I went to the driving range for our date-night tonight. We were lucky to have his friend (who is an instructor) there to give us some pointers. I hadn't touched my clubs since 2003 so I was slightly rusty as one might imagine. I really can't figure out why we didn't go to the driving range when we were here last time but this place is new and really nice—it even had an automatic loading tee.

June 28, 2008

Daddy is Back!

We started off our day with Slipper-Mania. Sarah loved walking around in these pig slippers. In fact, she walked backward and sideways (as well as forward) in them.

Anna & Orange Blossom joined in on the slipper-fun, too.

It was raining today so Anna's hair was particularly curly and it reminded me a lot of Anita's.

This is to show that Anna drew the pictures upside-down (??!)

I wrote our names and drew the heart, but the rest was Anna.

Anna asked me to draw Eleni and then she drew Eleni's family and then the three circles toward the right are car wheels with the mess above that being Eleni's dad's car with him in it. That circle near Eleni's feet might be the fourth wheel for the car but I didn't ask for clarification on that.

I got the girls some robes from Home Plus. Sarah is modeling the purse Craig got for me in Bangkok (with a very lady-like hold, I might add... I think Minsue would be proud).

This one is for Ross. Note the purple Sarah-sized Croc in Sarah's left hand.

Bed-time at last.

Everyone was super excited for Craig to come home today. It didn't even matter that it was raining cats & dogs outside. We were happy to stay inside and play all together again.

June 23, 2008

Home Plus.... Doodeedoodeediyo!

I often find the Home Plus jingle is stuck in my head and I walk around "singing" it (I only know the words "Home Plus" because the rest is in Korean). We only hear this when we're at Home Plus (and in their parking garage) but Anna & Sarah, of course, hear me singing it all of the time, too. Anna is now walking around singing it as well. I should really find out what the words are so we don't sound like complete idiots when we're signing this while we're out and about.

June 16, 2008

It's Baaaaack

The mold is back on Anna's ceiling so I've moved her bed back into the office again. I hope this time they actually fix it and that they get it done faster than last time.

June 15, 2008

Busan: Day 3

Windy! First three photos by Craig

Happy Father's Day!

We spent a bit of time in the elevators at the hotel.

Getting ready to make the trek to the bus station.

In front of the Busan Museum of Modern Art.

In front of the Busan Museum of Modern Art. Photo by Anna

Anna is kind of getting into cheesy vacation photos ("let me take your picture in front of ____")

One of the pieces of art Anna liked before I saw the "no pictures" sign. There were some good pieces here but we definitely didn't see the whole place because Anna was getting a bit tired from all the walking we did to get there.

Today was super windy and the ferries were not running back to Geoje. The hotel is awesome but it doesn't really have a concierge so the lady at the front desk wasn't very helpful. She told us there was a bus to Gohyeon at 6:30 PM but she couldn't get a hold of anyone to find out if we needed a reservation. We wanted to leave our suitcase at the hotel desk because we didn't want to lug it around town all day. So, Craig & Sarah took the subway to the bus station (45 minutes away!) to buy tickets and Anna & I had the more relaxing day of Starbucks, quick subway trip, and a visit to the Busan Museum of Modern Art. We all met up again and hurried back to the bus station to catch the 4:30 bus (it turns out buses to Geoje run all day long so we could have just all gone together the first time and saved Sarah & Craig a lot of grief).

The bus trip wouldn't have been too bad if we hadn't bought four tickets and only gotten two seats. We had the girls on our laps and not much room for anything. Then Sarah had a dirty diaper after Anna had fallen asleep but Sarah wouldn't fall asleep with a dirty diaper on so we had to rustle around and wake Anna so I could change Sarah on the seat. Sarah fell asleep less than five minutes before we got to Gohyeon...

Anyway we had a really good trip and it was nice to get away before Craig's business trip this month and our big trip to the US this summer.

June 14, 2008

Busan: Day 2

Our awesome room. The stairs up to our loft were pretty scary but we were able to easily block Sarah from them with the ottomans. The kids room was on the right and they did a good job sharing the room.

Anna was really interested in the orange digger down below.

Unfortunately she was a sick during our trip but I, fortunately, always travel with a bottle of Motrin or Tylenol (especially while overseas).

Anna & I went down to check out the excavator up close during Sarah's morning nap.

Our hotel is the tallest building and we are on the 29th floor (the top windows on the right are ours).

Sarah was really into checking out the beach but it was too cool to actually get down to the water and get wet.

Note there is a bit of sand on her chin after a quick attempt at tasting it.

Some of her adoring fans (these girls hung out with us for a while).

Don't do it, Sarah.


This is totally not focused on anything relevant but you can see that Sarah is posing nicely for this random guy with his camera phone. I had to field many requests for her photo (or to pick her up). I let them take a photo but not pick her up. This guy was so excited to take her picture.

The girls getting ready to check out the pool at the hotel.

We had a good day today despite the weather being cooler than hoped (and a little windy). We went to the aquarium and to some Western restaurants. I went to a book store and to Casa Mia (it was like being in Crate & Barrel... what a luxury!). We also tried to swim in the pool but the water was just too cold to enjoy it.

June 13, 2008

Busan: Day 1

Anna was super excited about the giant pictures of desserts on the wall at the patisserie.

Waiting for daddy by the beach.

View of the sunset from our hotel. Photo by Craig

The girls & I caught the 3 PM ferry to Busan today and hung around the hotel, beach, and restaurants waiting for Craig (who caught the 5:30 ferry). Luckily the girls were pretty easy to entertain even as the clock rolled well past their bedtimes.

Our hotel, the Seacloud is pretty awesome. It's a great location and we have two bedrooms, and we got a fantastic rate through the apartment managers here.

June 12, 2008

Okpo Great Victory Memorial Park & Carsousel Riding

We met up with Constance & Tobias today at Okpo Great Victory Memorial Park (where I typically do my portrait sessions). The girls had fun exploring and Sarah took an awesome nap in the afternoon!

After Sarah's nap we went over to the Home Plus building (have you caught on that there really aren't many places to go on Geoje yet?) to ride the carousel. Anna has finally stopped being too scared to ride the horses and unicorns (a year after the too-fast-carousel at Colorado Mills) but Sarah & I still have to ride in the sleigh because I'm not allowed to stand next to the horse/unicorn and Sarah can't be trusted yet to stay on one!

June 6, 2008

Mew, Mew, Mew

Dr. Lee is on the left and Suhyup is on the right

It looks like we're going to try to keep these two cats. The vet thinks they are about six weeks old. For now they live in a little fence with a carrier, litter box, bed, and food & water dishes but eventually they can have the run of the house. Suhyup purred when I washed him/her on Tuesday night and Dr. Lee purrs as well but not as quickly or as strong. Craig named Dr. Lee (Lee is one of the most common surnames in Korea and "Dr." makes it unisex since we haven't figured out what they are yet!). Anna named Suhyup after she was given a list of choices. Suhyup (pronounced SOO-YUP) is the name of the grocery store here. Anna had been leaning toward "Orange" all day but the other choices were Kimchi, Kimbap, Pajeon (Korean pacake), Ooyoo (milk), or Dalki (strawberry).

May 28, 2008


Sarah created her first piece of art today and she got to color for about five minutes before she couldn't stop putting the crayons in her mouth—I'd say this is great progress!<\small>

Anna had some fun clothing stickers so I drew some stick figures for her (of us and of our neighbors, at her request). Too bad I got these stickers at the One Spot at Target last summer or I'd get some more, they were so much fun!

May 22, 2008

Daytime Babysitter

This morning and tomorrow morning I arranged for a babysitter so I could take portraits at Playschool. Anna doesn't usually go on Thursdays so she stayed home with Sarah and the sitter today but just Sarah will be with the sitter tomorrow. I specifically asked for an English-speaking sitter and Amelie was able to find someone. The girls were alive when I returned and neither were crying, but...

Sarah freaked out when I set her down or handed her to the sitter, as predicted. Anna was just shy, as the best-case-scenario-predicted. What actually happened after I left I don't know because when I got back at 11:45, Sarah was still sleeping (she is usually up by 10:30 at the latest) and Anna had locked herself in her room (she was singing to herself).

I asked the sitter multiple times if she put Sarah down at 9 AM as instructed and she claims she did. I don't know if Sarah cried for a very long time or what happened because she slept until 1 PM. (I didn't know what to do with her so I figured she was going to be messed-up sleep-wise no matter what I did, why not let her get as much sleep as she can.) Anna says she did play-doh and stickers with the sitter but she didn't get a snack. Because I said that the girls have a snack when Sarah wakes up from her nap (but Sarah didn't wake up from her nap!). But, Anna had a Capri-Sun (which I had said she could have with her snack, so why wasn't a snack distributed?) and Sarah had some soy milk (which I also talked about in relation to the snack)...

I have no idea how long Anna was in her room but I was surprised that the sitter hadn't picked up any toys that Sarah had (obviously) strewn about when she was awake. Anna said that she went to her room because she "wanted mommy to be here."

Anyway, maybe I'll get a better story out of the sitter tomorrow but I don't think I'll be calling on her again at this rate (she was also 10 minutes late getting here this morning).

May 11, 2008


All aquarium photography by Craig.

Sarah was excited to get to the pool again; here she is walking around in her swim cover.

We went to the aquarium at the Coex Mall today but it wasn't really that great. It was expensive and not very big. It was also really crowded. But, the girls seemed to like it well enough so it wasn't a total waste.

Seoul, Day 3

I really liked this yellow wall, but you can see that McDonald's is also 30 meters ahead...

The red lanterns on the ceiling inside were lit and really pretty. I didn't feel comfortable/like I should take photos inside while people were worshipping so there aren't any photos of inside the temple.

I always find the artwork interesting so there are several door-panel-photos.

I can never decide if I like it more when there is a solid block of color or a bunch of colors mixed together. I really like the all-white lanterns though.

This is what the temple looks like from above with all of the lanterns.

Looking up at the gate.

I was in the Buddhism Supplies district (as indicated on the map).

A street near our hotel in Insadong. Later in the day this place was packed with people when Anna & I went out in the afternoon.

Hello, Kitty looks more Japanese to me here than Korean but that doesn't seem right.

"Starbucks Coffee." I had never seen a Starbucks here that just had "Starbucks" written in Hangul and not English.

Tapgol park again but the gates were closed this morning so I had to peek through the fence.

Fraser Suites (our hotel).

Our hotel.

I went out early to take pictures around Seoul this morning. I didn't stray too far and wanted to go to a temple specifically for the Buddha's birthday decorations. They were nice but I remember being more impressed at the temple I went to in Busan with my mom in 2004.

May 10, 2008

Seoul, Day 2

Sarah was really excited when she saw the giraffes!

All decked out for a hike (the zoo is located at Seoul Grand Park which has several other attractions, some hiking trails included).

A school group, one of the few that we saw.

Sarah excitedly signed "elephant" when she saw them!

Watching the seal and dolphin show.

I'm always surprised when I see nice facilities like this around (although I didn't go inside so I can't actually attest to how kept-up it is).

The view from the bathroom stall (the giraffes had moved by the time I came back into the bathroom).

Sarah loved the corn on the cob!

Sometimes it felt like Anna & Sarah were exhibits at the zoo.

We got the girls a lotus blossom each at Tapgol park.

The park was decorated for Buddha's Birthday (Monday, a national holiday).

Playing in the ball pit in the nice playroom at the hotel.

We drove to the zoo this morning and it was the Longest Walk Ever from parking lot to zoo entrance! Anna was so excited she wanted to walk instead of ride but finally relented after we went through the zoo gates to ride in the back of the stroller (now she only wants the back, not the front). Sarah was thrilled to see the giraffes (they were first) and was really excited to see most of the animals. I'd say she liked the giraffe, elephant, and guinea pigs the best! Anna says she liked the lions the best. We got tickets to see the dolphin show and both girls were impressed. I don't think the show was actually that great (but who am I to say, I can't say that I've actually been to one) but really, what can you expect for the entrance fee we were charged (I think we paid around $7 total)? The zoo is big and really quite nice but we were amazed at how little it cost to get in and how un-crowded it was especially for being a perfect day—a Saturday at that! We found some lunch (corn on the cob, waffles, and corn dogs) and then went back to the car. But not before stopping at the restroom on the way out. Anna & I were pleasantly (?) surprised that we could use the bathroom and watch the giraffes from our stall! I went back in to change Sarah's diaper and brought the camera in but the giraffes had moved by then. So, Anna was lucky that she got to go while watching a giraffe, I guess...

Sarah fell asleep in the car on the way home so I stayed in there with her in the parking garage so she got at least an hour nap this afternoon (she got about a 10-15 minute nap on the way to the zoo this morning). We relaxed in our room for a bit and then went to Tapgol Park for a run around. We went to Outback for an early dinner and then hit the pool again before bedtime.

Craig went out to the electronics market after the kids went to bed but most of the stores were closing by the time he got there. Tomorrow I plan to get up early and try to get some temple pictures.

May 9, 2008

Driving to Seoul

At the rest stop.

We assume this stroller and wheelchair are for anyone's use. At the other rest stops there were also some canes available.

Sarah has a band-aid on her hand because she saw the box of them this morning at home and really wanted one. I am actually really surprised it stayed on her all day.

Sorry for the flash but the girls were so cute in their new polka-dot swimsuits!

Got up and out the door by 8:30 (goal was 8). Sarah fell asleep by 9 and slept until after 10. We stopped shortly after she got up to stretch, have a snack, change her diaper... We got back on the road and had to stop two more times due to false-alarm bathroom stops for Anna. We ended up getting to our hotel just after 4 PM (much later than we had planned). We're going to try to stop only once on the way home on Monday!

The hotel is fantastic! Three bedrooms although we wish we had brought our own pack n' play instead of using the hotel's crib (different safety standards: they had it loaded up with soft bedding and pillows but that was easy to remove and I, thankfully, brought a crib sheet from home that works really well). Anna & Sarah were both so happy to get to the hotel it was hard to convince them to leave to go find some dinner. We took the easy way out and walked over the the 24-hour McDonald's. I told Craig that it was sad because we were at McDonald's but I felt like we were back in civilization!

After dinner we jumped into our swimsuits and hopped into the pool. The girls are sooooo cute in their new swimsuits and this was Sarah's second time in a pool so she was really thrilled with the experience. We'll try to go every night while we're here, I think!

May 5, 2008

Wayheon Beach

We went to the beach today for Caroline's birthday picnic (she is a friend from TKD and her birthday is also tomorrow). We went there early since the picnic was to start at noon but it didn't make sense for us to wait around when we knew we'd have to leave a little earlier to get Sarah back home for a nap anyway. We didn't end up even seeing Caroline (well, I saw her and wished her happy birthday) because we camped out on one end and the rest of the group didn't see us until we were leaving! Anyway, the kids had fun getting sandy and wet. The beach was kind of dirty and there was a lot of seaweed around so it wasn't really that nice. I hope it's because it's not really beach "season" yet and that's not how the beaches will be all summer.

Sarah was walking around the beach and around the playground today. Basically she starts out walking and only crawls if she falls over (she can't stand up in the middle of the room on her own yet). She is really taking to this so much faster than Anna and I am sure it is because Sarah has no sense of caution where Anna was always very careful. It's fun though and I'm excited for her to make the switch to 100% walking. (I'd say she is already 90% upright—she is either cruising, pushing the shopping cart/stroller, or walking and only crawls if she falls down.)

April 27, 2008


Photo by Jerry

We were lucky enough to go over to our neighbors house today to celebrate Greek Orthodox Easter with them (Eleni's dad, Jerry, is Greek). I was really happy that Sarah was able to take a nap (a long one!) and we could bring our monitor over and that Anna actually played with Eleni and had a lot of fun!

April 6, 2008

This is the way we go up the stairs

Photo by Adele

Actually, I'm usually holding Anna's hand but you get the idea.

April 2, 2008

Second Week of Easter Break

We've spent the second week of Anna's Easter Break going to the playground to meet up with friends (the weather has been fantastic!) and playing around with Sarah's sleep schedule (we tried one nap for a few days, played with her bedtime, etc—we finally ended up with a later bedtime and better naps so we're happy for now).

March 15, 2008

Birthday Party

(Happy 31st Birthday, Craig.)

Scooting with Orange Blossom.

The party theme was "flowers" so I made several large paper flowers to hang around the apartment. Craig blew up about 60 balloons to hang as well!

Opening the presents! I forgot to get an "official" shot of the three girls together so this is the best I have.

Stuffing the teddy bears.

Billy's Vanilla Vanilla cupcakes: delicious! (Note that I used the 2 Tbsp of baking powder as per Billy in the video and I used a different frosting.)

Craig juggling for the girls. Kristin backed up and took a seat in one of the chairs to watch the "show."

"Tape-the-petal-to-the-flower" game. We didn't use blindfolds, we just had the girls put up three petals each. Kristin had red, Eleni had pink, and Anna had purple.

We had Kristin (Dutch/Canadian) and Eleni (Greek/Uzbek) over for Anna's birthday. Unfortunately Gwenn (French) couldn't come. I think it would have been nice to have one more kid at the party but Anna just didn't want to invite any other kids so what could I do? I think she did have fun though (and that's what matters!). When I asked her what the best part of the party was (cupcakes & ice cream? stuffing the bears? opening presents? playing with friends?) she said playing with her friends. I don't believe Anna said anything to her friends while they were here but she did interact with them with minimal coaxing on my part.

Eleni gave Anna an Aqua Doodle that everyone had fun with (Sarah tried to eat the pen, of course). Kristin gave her her first Barbie, a "Princess" purse, a book, and a toy camera. Anna was mesmerized by the Barbie at first (it has a light-up-and spinning skirt!), but the purse and the Aqua Doodle are the top contenders for the biggest hit presents from her friends. (Her Orange Blossom doll is by far the biggest hit from us.)

Overall, I think it was a good party: I'm glad we did it and I'm glad it's over!

March 2, 2008


"Old Wind Bags" (aka Craig) was getting some laughs out of Sarah by blowing her hair around so Anna wanted in on the action and then you know I had to get the camera. We can't have fun around here unless it is properly documented.

February 28, 2008

More Playdate Fun

We had Isabel and Alfred down today. I was a little nervous since the last time we had kids with their mom over Anna was super clingy. Today she was still hovering around me (or climbing on me) but she was okay if I stepped out of the room to get a drink for the moms (this tells me that I'm doing the right thing by having a playdate every week—she's getting used to it again and will hopefully be totally comfortable with it after a while). Alfred is a little sweetheart who reminds me a lot of my nephew Sam. Playdates are nice for me with Sarah because she stops moving a bit and sits and observes the new people for a few minutes.

Alfred's mom actually knew me before I knew her which isn't the first time this has happened to me: people here will do a search for something on Geoje and come across my old South Korea Journal or this blog. She happened to be looking for information on Playschool. Sometime I should sift through my stats and see what other people are searching for when they end up here. Hopefully I am providing useful information!

February 17, 2008

Date Night

Craig & I went on our second date-night last night. This time we went to Mabin's here in Okpo. Steaks again and they were about equal-goodness to VIPS. This is closer so that is a plus. We went into town after dinner and had coffee and hot chocolate at Dunkin' Donuts. It feels very strange to me to be out with Craig without the girls since it happens so very rarely (I felt strange out on my hike, too). We didn't get Sung Hee again but her friend came and since the kids are in bed by the time we leave that's fine.

February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

These are the hearts I made for the girls; Anna's is in front and Sarah's is in back.

Anna & I made sugar cookies today for Valentine's Day. She wanted stars in addition to hearts. I left her in charge of the sprinkles and she knocked a bowl-full of them on the floor in the middle of the decorating. She's a good kid though and helped me get it all cleaned up in time for her friend Gwenn to come over for a playdate.

Anna seemed a little better with this playdate and I'm not sure if it's because she knows Gwenn's mom a little more (she has helped out at the school) or if it's because we've been having playdates more frequently. We are going to have Kristin over next week without Laurel to see if Anna is more comfortable without the "strange" adult around (thankfully Kristin should be fine without her mother!).

February 8, 2008

Another Lazy Day

Fun with hats & daddy.

We had a good day around the house today just relaxing, mostly. I made a batch of pretzels (this time Sarah was able to enjoy them as well since I didn't use egg white on the glaze on top—she loved them) and we had Joe, Julie, and Macayla over. They're moving to Doha soon so we loaded them up with some books that we had about Qatar and Arabic culture.

February 2, 2008

Making Pizza

I'll have to remember to look for Anna's photo of the pizzas when I upload the photos from her camera and post it here.

January 25, 2008

Lunch & Dinner

This is why Craig comes home for lunch every day.

This is what Anna did while I got dinner ready during Sarah's afternoon nap. It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to do any cooking/prep-work while Sarah is awake so I need to be organized and motivated to get it done during one of her naps.

January 6, 2008

Sleepless in Seattle

Check out how the fruit is stacked in bowls on the back of this truck driving down the road!

Craig's cappuccino at Sleepless in Seattle

The parking lot we like in Gohyeon; I felt inspired to take a photo but just had the little camera so this is what you get. I was feeling sentimental and thought it might be nice to remember this part of the experience as well.

Since we did the Admiral yesterday we rewarded ourselves with a trip to the coffee house again today (although Subway had only limited ingredients for sandwich-making so we didn't bother ordering any).

January 2, 2008


Buzzy & Bizmark!

Sorry, I don't have a picture but these two pesky flies have been living in our house for several weeks (the cleaning ladies let them in when they opened the windows and the screens weren't completely shut). They won't leave, we haven't caught them. Buzzy likes to get in your face while Bizmark keeps his distance and waits at least until you're done eating to start scavenging. I'm finally posting about these guys today because now Anna is calling them by name. I think naming them might be part of the reason they're still around although we have made a few honest attempts.

January 1, 2008

So Long 2007; Hello 2008!

2007 is a blur. We started in Doha, Anna turned 2 in March, Sarah was born in May, we spent 5 weeks in the US this summer, moved to Korea this fall, Anna started Playschool, Sarah started crawling...

In 2008 I am looking forward to:
Anna's 3rd birthday (and Craig's 31st, ha!)
Anita & Corrine coming in March for ten days! (and the suitcase of "stuff" they'll bring)
Sarah's 1st birthday
July in Colorado (probably, we haven't booked anything yet)
Family vacation over Chuseok in the fall (maybe Thailand?)
Watching Anna & Sarah grow and learn

I don't have true resolutions for 2008 but a huge list of things to do. (Sarah's baby album; making books of the blog for 2006, 2007, & Sarah's first year; sewing projects; organize photos & videos; working on our family tree; organize, organize, & organize.... just to name a few.)

December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

We celebrated with the kids tonight with New Year's Eve crowns (that Anna & I decorated during one of Sarah's naps), noise-makers (that, surprisingly, didn't bother either kid), and eating cheesecake (frozen, from Costco).

December 28, 2007

Temporary Fix

I uploaded my pictures from December that belong on the blog to Picassa. I'll finish posting the links tomorrow night (click on the December 2007 Archives to see what I've already posted). This is a temporary fix (I hope) because it creates quite a bit more work for me than my usual method. The problem is that I cannot upload files to the US from here. This is at our apartment complex only. Craig can upload from his work. Apparently Google has servers for Picassa here or in Japan (where I can still upload at incredible speed).

In other temporary fix news, next month I hope to finally correct the layout issues I'm having with the Movable Type upgrade I did earlier. I have a huge list of things to do and this is at the top because I think it should be easy; I just need to sit down and do it.

December 26, 2007

Found My Strawberry

We got our last Christmas present today: our new piano! It's a digital Yamaha (I hope this doesn't make Greg sick!). I haven't had a chance to check it out because Anna & Craig were piano-hogs this afternoon but I'm off to warm up my fingers after this post. I need to get music for "Oh My Darling, Clementine" as this is Anna's favorite tune to sing songs and play air-piano to (we sing "Found My Strawberry/Butterfly/Mouse/Anna/Sarah/etc.").

December 25, 2007

Holiday Traditions

Now that we have kids of our own we need to start some of our own holiday traditions. One that I wanted to be sure to do was go to the Christmas Eve service at church like I did when I was a kid but there was no service at the English-language church in town. One fun thing we did last year at Christmas dinner at Craig's co-worker's house was to have Christmas crackers. We had to wear the crowns that came in the crackers throughout the meal and then everyone gets a fun little surprise gift. I ordered these from Sur la Table but surely I can figure out how to make my own in future years; it's the how to make the crackers "pop" that I need to figure out. Hopefully we can add some other things to our list of traditions for Christmas, other holidays, and every-day stuff as the years go by.


Sarah & I got up first this morning and woke up Craig who then woke up Anna so we could have breakfast and start presents before Sarah had to go down for her morning nap. Between her nap and Anna's potty breaks it took much too long to open presents! But Anna stopped in the middle to work on some new puzzles and enjoy some of the gifts so I guess it was fine in the end. Santa's gift was a pretty big hit (Fur Berries) and Sarah really liked (laughing out loud) one of the books I got her; Anna says (after some prodding, she first said that all of the presents were her favorite) that her favorite is the hobby horse but all of the toys got some good investigating today (including some that were Sarah's).

One thing Anna got was a Fisher Price camera so I'll put a link to her photos on Flickr and you can check out her photography there. I'm not planning to blog about any of her photos for now.

December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

This was a tri-fold card so on the left is the front of the card, the middle is the back, and the right is the inside flap when you first open it.

This is the inside of the card from left to right as you would see it when you have it fully opened. ... I might be tempted to do a card like this every year because it was so fun to get to choose a few photos from each month!

I decided to do a photo-review of our year for our card this year so I picked two or three photos from each month to show what we've done. I wish I had put the two generations pictures we took this summer (with Opa and with Great-Grandma Eldora), but it's too late now!

We're not doing anything particularly special for Christmas Eve (no service at the English-language church in town) and we're opening presents on Christmas morning.

We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2008!

Santa Hats

Anna wouldn't touch the Santa hats when I tried them on the kids a few weeks ago but she happily put on the "Christmas Hat" today. She is getting excited to open presents. When we first set up the tree last month I asked her what she'd like for Christmas and she said a "star cookie." Then she added a mouse. I've suggested that maybe a book, a toy, a puzzle, or a game might be a good Christmas present. She has spilled the beans several times on what I'm getting for Christmas but hasn't told Craig what he is getting yet.

December 23, 2007

Christmas Rush

Another of Sarah's favorite places to crawl is under the coffee table.

I had to go back up to Lotte Mart to get the Minnie Mouse that Anna wanted for Christmas ("from" Sarah) today. I was a little panicked when I got to the stuffed toy aisle and it was pretty cleared out but there was one lone Minnie so I grabbed her. I got a little nervous there as I think Anna really was hoping for this doll. It makes me wonder which gifts will actually be the biggest hits with both kids. I know Sarah doesn't know what is going on but she is a magnet to the tree: she's always crawling over at high-speed and trying to unwrap/eat the presents or yank down an ornament. I think I'll be taking the tree down on the 26th at this rate so I don't have to worry about her pulling the tree over on herself.

December 22, 2007

Site Work

I volunteered to work on the Playschool web site in September and finally sat down to update it today. Take a look for me and let me know if anything looks goofy on your operating system/browser set-up.

December 17, 2007


I started handing out some of our cookies today but I realized I need to make another batch or two in order to fill all of the boxes I want to give out. We gave out caramel corn, chocolate thin mints, gingerbread men, peanut butter blossoms, and vanilla pretzels. I'm not sure if I'll make another batch of any of those or just make something new for the rest we're giving out.

We also mailed out some cards last week and I'll go into town to mail out the rest tomorrow.

December 9, 2007

Holiday Baking

Craig says I got the recipe for the pretzels right but the shape is "off" because I used a store-bought cookie cutter and not Opa's one-of-a-kind hand-made cutter. Oh well!

So far this year I've made sugar cookies (all gone, we didn't save any for gift-giving), gingerbread men (I couldn't use my grandma's recipe but I did use her cookie cutters; her recipe called for ingredients I can't get here), and vanilla pretzels (Oma & Opa's recipe). I plan to make chocolate mints, caramel corn, chocolate chile pretzels, and possibly another cookie (all to give out).

December 8, 2007


The girls had their first Korean babysitter experience last night. Craig's work Christmas party was last night so we put the kids to bed and Sunghee watched TV while both kids slept. Anna met Sunghee and knew that she would be there and we'd be out. I was a little worried she'd freak out when we said goodnight but I think she was too scared that Sunghee would be the one to come into her room so she stayed quiet. (The last time Anna had a non-family member babysit her aside from the time I used the co-op in Texas was the time she screamed the entire time while we were at a museum exhibit downtown.) Since this went so well, we might try to get out once a month (to start) and take it from there.

The party was really nice and it was held at the Samsung Hotel in Gohyeon. It was smaller than any of the other holiday parties I've been to for Craig's work which was kind of nice.

November 26, 2007

The Lighting of the Tree

Sarah decided to take a dive for a particularly exciting ornament (she was not hurt!).

It is hard waiting until it is dark enough for the "lighting of the tree!" Don't they look so excited?

November 25, 2007


Craig made a chocolate cake for me for my birthday (while Anna & I decorated the tree). I asked Anna this morning what she was looking forward to most today, "daddy coming home, decorating the tree, baking a cake..." and she interrupted me and yelled, "Chicken on the Mountain—YES!"

O Christmas Tree

Anna had a great time decorating the tree today. Sarah slept the entire time we did it but seemed to really like the results when she woke from her nap! I had three little trees so Anna & I decided everyone could have their own tree in their room. She decorated hers (can you tell?) and helped decorate Sarah's with what was left. She actually did a better job decorating than I had anticipated (she remained interested in the activity for the full 1.5 hours!). Sure, there are branches with six ornaments on them, but I think it looks great!

November 23, 2007

Activity Scene

I started putting out some Christmas decorations today (we will wait until Sunday to decorate the tree when Craig is home) and Anna had some fun checking out the "activity scene." She insisted that Mary was "Anna" because Mary is wearing some pink and Jesus is "Sarah" because he is a baby.

November 21, 2007


We celebrated Thanksgiving tonight because Craig leaves in the morning for a quick business trip to Paris. The Import Lady only had a 16-lb turkey so I decided to not get that. Our fantastic plan was to find the Rotisserie Chicken Truck that is located randomly throughout town on any given day.

As the day wore on, I started to worry about our plan for the meat but figured we had enough stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie to survive on if it didn't work out. Craig found the truck in the second place he looked and the chickens were really good (probably something to add to our regular rotation!) and we had a really nice meal.

Anna was really only looking forward to the pumpkin pie that she helped me make earlier in the day but she was able to take in a few bites of the other food on the table. It turns out she really liked the whipped cream the best (same scenario as last year).

Partway into the meal, Amelie from CS (the company that manages our apartment buildings) came down with some maintenance guys to fix our hot water so that was kind of mood-dampening but we were glad they showed up (our showers have been cold the past two mornings!).

November 18, 2007


I had my first portrait session today since last year and my camera rolled over to file number 0001 during the shoot. I've shot over 10,000 photos on my camera since I got it two years ago when Craig left for his six-week stint in Doha.

The session was for my friend Jaynie and I'm really glad I didn't officially go back to business yet because my process (after the session) is a bit rusty and I've got to get my workflow adjusted to having two kids around instead of just one. I'm considering going back to business starting in January but haven't made any ads or final decisions just yet.

October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Trick-or-Treating images by Craig

We had a Halloween party at our apartment complex tonight. Anna wasn't clear about what was going to happen so she was a little skeptical. Sarah barely knew she had her wings on and I'm not sure she thought it was strange that all of the big kids had costumes on or not.

After a quick dinner, the kids all went trick-or-treating through the complex. I went down with Sarah to hand out candy and Craig & Anna went trick-or-treating. Craig said one Norwegian guy was caught unprepared for the holiday and handed out chocolate from a box of chocolates he happened to have around. (I hope there aren't any Norwegian holidays I'm supposed to be preparing for, because I sure don't know about any!)

Anna was pretty excited about her candy, but she was also pretty excited that Kristin from school was wearing all pink (apparently, Kristin likes pink as much as Anna). I told Anna that Kristin was a "pink princess" (because that's what she was dressed up as!) and I have come to the realization that my sphere of influence is dwindling. "Princess" will become part of our regular vocabulary soon now. I'll try to show no resistance and maybe it won't be as bad as I'm imagining...

October 27, 2007

Hakdong Family Portrait

Photo by Brian

We all went to Hakdong Pebble Beach today. Anna didn't want to get out of the stroller and it was the middle of the day but it was about time we got a picture of the four of us again!

October 20, 2007

Foreigner's Club

Sarah hanging out in the Bjorn with Craig. Lucky he finds the Baby Bjorn tolerable because I can't stand it. Sarah loved it, of course.

Anna walking through the "cheese-house." (When we draw, I often draw a family of mice poking out of swiss cheese holes in a "cheese-house.")

I needed a few quick groceries so we decided to make it an outing and take the kids back to the playground at the Foreigner's Club today. I felt like I hit the mother-load at the Import Lady, it's just too bad that a lot of the stuff I was excited about I had Anita pack in her suitcase to bring here... I could have used that suitcase space for something else! Oh well, the Import Lady did have some Gerber cereals (oatmeal, rice, & mixed grain) so I got some for Sarah just to have on hand and for some variety for her when she starts solids soon.

October 19, 2007


I am really happy with the natural light we get from our giant window in the family room (especially in relation to Doha; I was happy with the light we got in our house in Texas).

Glasses from the "Halloween" endcap at Home Plus.

We missed the moms & tots group at the Foreigner's Club so we played on the playground there for a bit on our own.

Anna has a "little Sarah" that she puts in the Mega Saucer, the bouncy seat, etc.

Anna had set up a meal for "daddy" (Anna) and "Sarah" (the doll) and was kind of annoyed when I put Sarah down next to "Sarah" for a quick picture.

Craig was on a business call and Anna was sticking random vegetables in his back pockets as he paced the house.

October 18, 2007

Change of Scene

The face I get when I ask Anna to make a "happy face."

Her sad face (although she was in too good of a mood to do a good one).

Sarah's first sit-down Starbucks experience. They don't do decaf here so I'm "stuck" with blended cremes (although I usually don't get the whipped cream on top; they didn't ask me today).

Anna wore a white shirt today! I had to get the camera out for the momentous occasion (it was really strange how refreshing this was to see her in another color!). Too bad her hair looks like she is just got back from a beauty pageant and she wasn't in the mood to get her picture taken...

Sarah took a long nap this afternoon so we went to Starbucks & Home Plus while skipping a third nap for the day.

October 12, 2007

So long, beloved Babyhawk

I am embarrassed to admit this happened but I guess it was a wake-up call to pay more attention to what I'm doing while getting the kids in and out of the car. I loved my Babyhawk for carting Sarah up and down the stairs and around town. It was comfortable for both of us and Sarah felt very secure in there (and cuddly). I wasn't paying attention to the straps (that is the only thing I never really liked about it, the excessive length of straps) when I got Sarah in the car at the Foreigner's Club and when I drove off, heard a noise coming from the back but assumed it was the stroller falling over. When I got home and tried to put Sarah in the Babyhawk, a strap was missing. So we are back to the sling (I tried the Bjorn and it was just awful!). We'll see if the Ergo works for us or if we're in the Hotsling for the rest of her non-walking/non-climbing-up-the-stairs days. (The hotsling really isn't bad, it's quick and light, it just doesn't feel as secure as the Babyhawk and I don't stay comfortable as long as with the Babyhawk).

October 11, 2007


We had a playdate this morning with one of Anna's new friends at school, Mia. I happened to talk to Lorraine (Mia's mom) during drop off and we decided to get together today. Lorraine was nice and came here because of Sarah's napping but it turns out it might have been just as easy for us to go to their apartment because Lorraine doesn't have a car so had to take a taxi, there weren't any taxis to be had, and then Sarah didn't take a good nap anyway... Oh well. Mia was a nice little girl and Anna says she likes her and even offered her some "pig tea" while she was here (pig tea was simply a pig from her Little People barn inside one of her tea cups).

Sarah & I went to coffee morning two weeks ago to try to find out the scoop on where the moms hang out with their kids. I met the woman I ran into at the grocery store when we first got here (the one with a son the same age as Sarah) and she said (as Julie had said) the moms met at Pinnochio on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So I took the kids to the playgroup and Pinnochio was closed. I tried again on Tuesday but Pinnochio was closed! So frustrating! I've been planning to go back to Coffee Morning (or try the playgroup that meets at the Foreigner's Club on Monday & Friday) to see what the deal is but today Lorraine told me that the same thing happened to her and the other moms decided to stop going to Pinnochio because even though they had a set appointment with them, they kept not opening! They are now going to another place in town... We'll see if we ever make it there (I only have tried to go on the days when Sarah's nap ended early enough to attempt it).

This is part of the reason I was sad to leave Doha (and why I was sad to leave Texas)... it is hard getting out there and making new friends (and I liked the ones I had already made)! I've got two handicaps right now: those stairs (we only go up once per day) and Sarah's need for sleep (whether she has a good nap or a bad nap is out of my control). I know it will all work out in the end though.

October 7, 2007


I made these pretzels today with Anna's "assistance." (She watched me make the pretzel shapes and taste-tested the dough then got down from her chair to "make prentzels" in her play kitchen.) They were pretty good and at first I didn't think they were worth the labor but it turns out Anna & Craig really liked them.

When I finished all the prep and put the first sheet in the oven, I looked to see how Anna's pretzels were coming along in her kitchen and this is what she made:

September 27, 2007


We've had a good week so far with Craig being home. The apartment is almost ready for photos (although there is still a bit of stuff we're not quite sure what to do with yet) and we're just enjoying each other.

September 18, 2007


Craig and I have been married eight years today! We went to Chicken on the Mountain with the kids to celebrate.

June 19, 2007

Peak Fussiness

My favorite sleep book, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child says that babies will reach their "peak fussiness" at six weeks from the due date. As I've said before, Sarah's fussiness is not nearly as bad as Anna's was (although Sarah does have her moments—she's having one right now, actually). I am just hoping that the "peak fussiness" includes the older sibling at six weeks from the birth of the younger sibling. Anna had a major freak-out this afternoon that is making me really nervous for dealing with jet-lag-Anna in a few weeks (and then one or two more times this summer depending on whether we go straight to Korea from the US or come back to Qatar from the US and then go to Korea from here). I just have this awful feeling that things are going to be less-than-fun until we get settled in Korea and I hope I'm wrong about that.

June 16, 2007

End of the Weekend

I wish I had something to write about this weekend but I think these kids are wearing me (and Craig and my mom) down! We went to out to Sarai (Middle Eastern food) on Friday night and Sarah slept in the sling the whole time. Today, my mom & I did a bit of shopping with Anna in tow. And just like that, the weekend is over. I really hope to get my mom out to see some camels before she leaves; maybe next weekend.

June 12, 2007


You can see that we have a very nice selection of eggs at Megamart. Photo by Adele

We ventured out to Landmark Mall today to hit the carousel (grandma & Anna rode), the grocery store, and get some Starbucks (Anna got "chocolate-to-go"). Sarah slept the entire time in the Hotsling: yay!

June 2, 2007

Baking Bread

Photo by Craig

Craig has been making bread this week (who doesn't get that urge when it's in the 100s outside?) and Anna seemed pretty proud that she got to help him (except Craig says she actually just watched because she wouldn't get her hands in the dough to help knead the bread). She likes to whisk the dry ingredients for me when we make cookies so I think she just didn't want to get her hands dirty with the bread.

May 29, 2007


Today went so well with both girls on my own that Anna & I even had time to bake cookies!

May 21, 2007

Thank You, Nana

We wish you weren't going home already! I wonder how often it is that you hear someone who says they aren't ready for their mother-in-law to leave after a month-long visit? Not often, I bet, but you're hearing it here. Anita has been amazing to have around and I know she is the reason these first few weeks with Sarah have been so relatively easy. I am also thankful that she and Anna had this past month to bond and I am certain that Anna will remember all of the fun stuff she did with Nana this month.

I am feeling pretty nervous about the next two weeks without Anita or my mom since Anita has been pretty much taking care of everything around here the past few weeks. I'll be sure to post how it is on my own when I find a minute!

Thanks for everything, Anita!

Do You Know the Muffin Man?

Anna & Nana made these raspberry-topped lemon muffins today. Delicious!

May 18, 2007

Portrait Friday

Photo by Anita

Anna settled in to read Pierre after the shoot.

May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Photo by Anita

The goal of this photograph was to see everyone's face on my first mother's day as a mother of two. I'm beginning to wonder just how long it is going to take Anna to warm up to Sarah.

April 30, 2007

Crosstown Traffic

Anita, Anna, & I got out to experience the thrill of sitting in too much traffic today. We had to stop and get Gertie some food and then wanted to go to the Villagio for lunch and to get a few things at Carrefour. I chose the absolute worst route and we sat in a lot of traffic. Really the traffic here is pretty ridiculous because it's not that big of a city but it just takes forever to get across town because there are too many cars, the lights are not timed well, and there is a ton of construction. Thankfully today was just exceptionally bad and not the norm or else Anna & I would never go out!

April 19, 2007

Here to Stay

Craig is back from yet another trip to Korea (this last one was a last-minute thing) and he is staying put! Anna & I were happy to have him back this morning to say the least. He's got jet lag and I've got pregnancy insomnia—all part of the training for some sleepless nights ahead of us!

April 14, 2007

G is for Mittens

Lowercase alphabet puzzle.

"G is for Gloves" (but that's what I get for shopping at a British toy store). Not a real problem in my book.

I mentioned the G is for Mittens thing to my friend Claire from the UK and she said that yes, they do call them gloves; I didn't ask if gloves are also called gloves though.

I found another puzzle at Giant that looked good last week but am really bothered by one of the pieces.

Oh yes, "X is for X-mas!" of course!

I actually saw this same X is for X-mas description at the Japanese one-dollar store today. The puzzle I bought was made by an Indian company. I am planning to take a picture of a xylophone and tape it over the Christmas tree because it bothers me so much. It just doesn't make sense!

April 9, 2007

Blook Time

I really should have been working on the next book as soon as I finished the last one. Unfortunately, I have to get started now instead. I have started with March 2006 (when Anna's blog ended last year) and will include the few entries from this blog that occured before March 2006 in the prologue. I have to go back and check out the settings I made for Anna's book (fonts, etc) and just stick to that system. You'd think that once I got a system down I could just keep it up each month. This book will also have to include a CD with the videos on the blog.

My plan is to do one each year (and will have a separate one for Baby Girl's first year and this pregnancy just like I did for Anna, although those entries will also be included in the "family" book). I'm still glad I didn't take up scrapbooking. This whole project, while daunting, seems like much less of a nightmare to me! (Of course I still want to do a book from our time in Korea but I won't do a separate one just for Qatar since those entries are all entwined with our family entries.) I still have photo books I want to do as well, but I have a feeling those will have to wait just a while longer.

April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!

It took a couple of eggs to get Anna into the Easter egg "hunt" but she liked finding them all. I asked her if she wanted to find out what was inside the eggs or eat the eggs we colored last night and she said she wanted to eat the eggs we colored. She liked picking out which color egg she and I would eat and then after breakfast, she was thrilled to find stickers inside all of the eggs she collected. She made three two-page spreads of sticker art (I usually limit her to one sheet of stickers because you just can't get stickers here like at home, thus our Nana & Grandma suppliers are always high in demand).

I should also note that I had my mom send the Easter egg dye kit (I have only seen Easter candy here, nothing else Easter-y and I have not seen any food coloring in the stores) and that I bought those plastic eggs last year before we decided to go to Paris over Easter; glad they made it in the shipments so we could enjoy them!

April 7, 2007

Easter Eggs

I forgot to tell her to put the egg in the cup gently with this first egg so she kind of tossed it in—oops! She was much more gentle with the rest of the eggs.

She was very impressed when I pulled out each egg and it was a new color (note the yellow egg on the bottom left of the photograph is what she is looking at).

Anna covers her face (and more often her eyes) when she feels overwhelmed; I think she was unsure of my enthusiasm and the camera, etc.

Anna & I dyed Easter eggs this afternoon and she seemed pretty into it (no, I don't know why I didn't brush Anna's hair before we got started; I'm on day five without Craig so we are just in survival mode, I guess). We did eight eggs so we did one of each color and then two eggs we moved around to different dyes for a while to make unique colors. I told her that the Easter Bunny would come tomorrow morning to hide some eggs and that tomorrow is Easter Sunday. I guess I figure we can get into details about what Easter is actually about when she's older.

April 5, 2007

Playgroup: Second Date

Today was the second playgroup and only two other moms were there. The others had legitimate reasons for not coming (family in town, previously scheduled doctor's appointments, child up all night, etc.) so I hope it was just a fluke and that next week has a better turnout. Of course people will start traveling for the summer soon, so I'm just hopeful we can keep the group together come fall!

Anna had a good time and I think it was helpful that there were only three other kids there so it was a little less chaotic than last week at our house (and she didn't have to share any of her toys which is always easier!). She talked about it a lot on the way home so that is always the best review for an activity (she's still talking about Family Fun Day and riding the camel and the pony).

The mom who hosted today is due two weeks before me so I'm really counting on her labor & delivery experience to go well to psych myself up for the same (she is delivering at the same hospital with the same OB). I think now that I'm definitely having Baby Girl here I'm beginning to panic ever so slightly about unknowns due to delivering in a foreign country. It will be OK, I know, but sometimes the imagination can get the best of you. (Besides I can't really base my anticipated experience to Kirsten's because this is her third, she is going for her second VBAC, and she is planning to use drugs for pain-relief: basically nothing at all like my situation!)

April 2, 2007

Should We Stay or Should We Go Now?

It's not really up to us, but it's one of our hottest topics to discuss each day right now. When Craig was originally offered this assignment, we were to spend part of the three years in Qatar and the other part in South Korea. By the time we arrived in Qatar, no word of moving to South Korea was being spoken and it looked like we might spend the entire three years here. Now, after some meetings last week, South Korea is being discussed again. Of course there is no time-frame for this and it could not happen. Here are the things that I want out of our living situation:

  • Move out of this particular villa so we are off of the street.
  • Just move one time: either across town or to Korea. (However, if we are not moving to Korea until, say, June 2008, then I will be happy to move across town to get away from the street noise in this villa.)

In my dream world we will go home for a month this summer and instead of flying back to Qatar, we fly to Korea. Part of this dream is that they pack up our stuff before we leave for the US so four weeks of air-shipment and sea-shipment waiting time is spent while we are vacationing in the US. I honestly don't see that happening but, well, it would be nice. I just hope Anna can handle the next move as smoothly as she handled the move from the US to Qatar. Baby Girl will be fine as long as I can keep my stress-level down I am sure. Who knows what Gertie is going to do.

Until we know anything I have to operate on the thought that we're staying here. I find it really hard to "live" my life when big unknowns like this are looming over my head.

March 29, 2007


Anna & I hosted our first playgroup today with a new set of moms & kids. Anna was a little leary of sharing her toys with the first kid who came, but once there were more she got over it. Seven moms (including myself) and seven kids with five of the moms expecting another between April and August! Because I find it interesting, I just want to note where each of the moms are from: Scotland, England, Russia, New Zealand, Germany, Morocco, and USA (me).

Overall, I think it went really well and we are planning to get together again next week (that's the best indicator I have that it went well at this point!). I really hope this works out and Anna, Baby Girl, & I make some good friends in the end.

March 24, 2007

Family Fun Day

The bouncy room; she never really made it past the entrance but claimed to have fun "jumping" in the "jumping room."

Anna hopped on the pony like she's been riding all her life—no hesitation.

Surly camel.

At first, Anna wanted me to put her shoes back on because the sand felt funny on her feet.

Once we got our feet in the water, there was no turning back.

The face I get when I ask for a smile. (This is accompanied by pained whines.)

Petting a horse while waiting for the camels to come back.

Getting on the surly camel.

The next set of photos are of the camel lying back down so Craig & Anna could get off. I don't know if it was scarier to watch or to be on the camel holding your two-year-old daughter.

Today was "Family Fun Day" at Sealine Beach Resort for Craig's company. Anna had a blast! We will have to hit the beach again in the next few weeks now that the weather and water were actually warm enough to enjoy it.

March 20, 2007

International Man of Mystery

I don't know how he did it; Craig must be Super Man! He called Qtel yesterday afternoon and they were at our house at 8:15 this morning to fix our phone.

Then Craig stayed home from work today because I was feeling way too sick to take care of Anna (or heck, even myself!) and he got her to take a nap from 1-3 without hours of talking beforehand. Now they're off having fun at the park while I'm still resting.

To be fair, Craig did give me this cold/flu so he does have some flaws. However, I am never calling Qtel again, that is officially his job.

March 18, 2007

Craig's Cake

Anna & I made Craig his own birthday cake today. (Sadly, it was just a no-bake cheesecake, but it was tasty!) Anna chose the heart-shaped pan over the round pan at the store.

March 6, 2007

Cleaning the House

Something I've learned about myself is that, although I enjoy a clean house, I thoroughly do not enjoy cleaning. This was okay until Anna arrived on the scene: now I feel more compelled to keep the house clean although I still detest the work. I am the first to admit that I am lazy and will do the minimum amount of work that I can get away with. In Korea, the apartment we lived in came with a cleaning service each week. In Texas I found a service that I really liked (best cleaning ladies ever and they were affordable and reliable! Oh how I hope Rosie is still around when we return to Texas!).

Here, we are on our own to either clean our own house (gasp!) or find a cleaning lady. I don't know that there are cleaning "services" here as a lot of people employ a live-in maid/nanny. Gill has a lady that is at her house every day but doesn't live-in. She sometimes will stay with one of the kids while they nap and Gill can run out and do an errand with the other child. Sounds kind of nice, but I don't want someone around all the time.

Anyway, on to the point of the post: Gill's lady has a sister looking for work and she is coming by tomorrow morning to hopefully start a weekly routine with us. She just sent me a text message with the list of cleaning supplies she prefers (I asked her to because I have been using just the bare minimum of supplies and really haven't developed a preference for any brands). The cost? 20 Riyals (less than $6 USD) per hour plus taxi fare and cleaning supplies. This will be the first time an individual has cleaned my place rather than a crew so I hope it's not an all-day affair. Now I just need to tidy up the place so she can get straight to work in the morning!

March 5, 2007

Late Bloomers

I decided I wanted to (finally) check out Grey's Anatomy and downloading TV shows off of Apple's iTunes. We're already on season 2 (after just one week). Pretty soon we'll be caught up and then have to wait like everyone else for the next episode. It takes forever to download a season of shows on our slow Internet connection and Craig is disappointed that it is not wide-screen for his fancy-schmancy-TV we brought all the way out here.

February 22, 2007

Like We Never Left

Unlike Erin, I didn't have to travel all the way to the US to pick up my Salmonella-Peter-Pan: I got mine at my local Mega Mart! Good thing I hadn't opened it yet because I kept forgetting to look at the numbers on the jar until we got a message from Craig's company tonight.

February 13, 2007

Playdate & Leaks

Anna & I had another playdate over here today and it was so much more enjoyable than the playgroup we have been going to each week. I really want to set up a playgroup like the one we went to in Texas but am not sure about the timing (first, I don't have that many toys right now but will when the sea shipment gets here; and second, I'm hesitant to get something started just to drop out for several months when Baby arrives and everyone goes home for the summer). The more I think about it though, the more I think I ought to just try to set something up through the local mom's monthly newsletter.

Two cloth diapers and two leaky diapers so far. I haven't determined if I needed to wash the diapers more to get the absorbency right (I just washed the diapers & cotton inserts twice but the hemp inserts four times) or if I needed to have more inserts. Anna is using one cotton & one hemp insert now so we'll see how that turns out (I'm trying to use as few inserts as possible because they are bulky and I'd like to have less laundry, if possible. I imagine it will take several days for me to figure out the right combinations for each diaper and some unrealistic-eternally-optimistic part of me thinks "maybe all of these leaks will make Anna want to potty train right away" since she really freaked out with both leaks. It's always nice to have a dream!

February 3, 2007


We are trying to decide if we can squeeze in a vacation before Baby Girl arrives. We are considering Jordan, Egypt, Oman, and Dubai but we're really running out of time and I'm having a hard time finding good info online when much of the time lately we have had such a shoddy Internet connection.... I really need to get on Qtel to get our Internet installed but I think they've broken my spirit. I don't think we'll go anywhere (besides the US this summer) until next winter so it would be nice to see something now.

January 27, 2007

The Zapp

Anna just can't get enough of the Zapp.

Anna & I survived (although some days if felt like we barely made it) our first week alone without Craig in Qatar. I think it would have been better if we knew more people and were just a bit more settled. I think pregnancy hormones and toddlerisms aren't always the best mix though so even though this was a relatively short trip (just Monday to Saturday) for Craig, it was harder in some ways than his longer ones have been in the past.

Craig made up for it though by bringing Anna a cute little alligator puzzle, three bottles of vanilla for me, electronics for him, and a Zapp for Baby Girl (no, we did not need it but we're fools, I'm sure you'll agree).

We picked up Craig's new car today as well, and I'm hopeful he'll post at least some of the story behind it soon.

January 18, 2007

Qtel Update & The Pacifier Fairy

I called them at 9 this morning and was told that there is a "technological problem" in our neighborhood and I need to call them in 4-5 days to reschedule an installation. I honestly believe that no one was going to call me to tell me this information. So irritating.

Anna has a cold though so we ended up staying home all day again today. I really don't mind staying home all day, it's just that yesterday I really wanted to go to that coffee and meet some new people so I'm still feeling frustrated about that.

I am attempting to formulate a plan to rid the pacifier from Anna's life. Although she only has it at naptime & bedtime, she is currently using a size too small (up to 18 months) and even if they did sell the next size here (I looked), I don't want to buy the next size. Also, since we are planning to move her to her toddler bed when the sea shipment arrives I don't want to get into the problem of the pacifiers falling off of the bed in the middle of the night (and having to go help her find them). And, of course, I'd like to not have her using the pacifier when Baby comes—and I don't want her own pacifier use in recent memory.

Since she has a cold this week, we are planning February 1 to be our first day pacifier-free (it's a Thursday so we'll hopefully have the worst of if on the weekend). We just need to decide if we are going to poke holes in them or talk up the "pacifier fairy" and have it be more of a voluntary thing on her part. If we go the pacifier fairy route, I need to come up with a good gift from the fairy... If anyone has any ideas, let me know.

Edited to add: in reading other parents' stories about getting rid of the pacifier, I came across this hilarious photo.

January 1, 2007

2006 Meme

I haven't done a meme before, but this one, from Momma to LG, looked good so I thought I'd copy her!

1. What did you do in 2006 that you’d never done before?
Joined a playgroup.

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Yes, my goal was to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight so I could get pregnant again! My goal for this year is to just survive the first few months with an infant and toddler.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Erin had her sweet baby Logan & Minsue had Zachary (I hope to meet him someday!)

4. Did anyone close to you die?
My great-uncle Albert.

5. What countries did you visit?
France & Qatar

6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
Not sure, but I know I had more sleep in 2006 than I will in 2007.

7. What dates from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
March 14, 2006: Anna turned one; November 29, 2006: the day we found out we're having another girl.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
My photography business made a profit!

9. What was your biggest failure?
Being impatient as usual.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Black MacBook! Wahoo!!!!

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
My mother, she never fails to impress me with her selflessness.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Tom Cruise, I guess (just appalled, not depressed)

14. Where did most of your money go?
Electronics as usual.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Watching Anna grow and learn.

16. What song will always remind you of 2006?
Pop! Goes the Weasel: the most played song on my iTunes and the iPod.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? 
b) thinner or fatter? 
c) richer or poorer?
Happier, thinner and fatter (I probably weigh the same or a little less right now as I did last year at this time but I'm wearing bigger clothes since I'm pregnant so it's a different kind of fatter), richer

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?

20. How did you spend Christmas?
At home (in Qatar) with my family

21. Did you fall in love in 2006?
More and more with my family

22. How many one-night stands?
Um, none

23. What was your favorite TV program?
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
No, I'm pretty sure I don't hate anyone!

25. What was the best book you read?
Mary Karr Cherry and Jeanette Wells Glass Castles

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Music that Anna & I both like (Cake Mahna, Mahna, several songs on our Jazz for Kids CD, Dan Zanes, John Lithgow, a lot of Louis Armstrong, The White Stripes We're Going to be Friends... always on the lookout for more!)

27. What did you want and get?

28. What did you want and not get?
Our air shipment... we'll keep waiting into 2007.

29. What was your favorite film of this year?
I am not absolutely positive I watched any this year (surely there were one or two but I can't recall what they were!)

30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
We went out to dinner and gelato; I turned thirty.

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
If I could have convinced myself to keep up my workout routine into this pregnancy, hoping I can pick it up again soon.

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
"comfortable" (I really need to work on this!)

33. What kept you sane?

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I don't know how to answer this one; I go to Celebrity Baby Blog a lot though.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
Hanging Saddam on the first day of Eid al Adha (and seeing the photos on CNN.com constantly—if I wanted to see the photos, I'd click on the article!)

36. Who did you miss?
Tillie, she would have been so great with Anna

37. Who was the best new person you met?
The moms in playgroup.

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006.
Patience is a virtue.

39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
" you'll never know dear how much I love you, and I love you more everyday"

Happy New Year!

Best wishes for a wonderful 2007!

Craig is staying up to watch the Broncos (starts at 12 AM here) but I am going to bed in 2006 (Baby & I just can't stay up that late).

December 31, 2006


My New Year's Resolution is to figure out how to make my video work on Firefox. Sorry I haven't gotten to solving that problem yet. I'll also try to post more video, I know I've been awful about it the past three months!

December 23, 2006

Happy Holidays!

Our Christmas card this year.

December 19, 2006


One of the moms we met at Dairy Queen on Sunday was nice enough to invite us over to get out of the house and play with some new toys today. Darcie & Talulah (27-month-old twins) had a lot of fun toys to check out (strings of beads were the biggest hit with Anna) and they all played with play-doh together for a bit, too.

The villa they are in is in a compound that houses a lot of employees from Craig's company and although it was a bit smaller than our current villa, I liked it a bit more (although I'm pretty sure a lot of it had to do with the fact that Claire furnished the house herself rather than keeping the more formal furniture that came with it). Everything was a little less "grand" than here and there was a lot more light coming in the windows. They also have a huge yard which would be really nice. I'm sure our place will feel more like home when all of our stuff gets here (although I don't think that will help me like the furniture any more!

On our way out of the compound we stopped at Craig's company club and paid our membership dues ($50 per year and I'm not totally sure what that buys us, but seemed inexpensive enough to check it out) and checked out the clubhouse. There is a nice little library, a pool, dining room with lunch & dinner catered by the Marriott every day, kitchen and bar, and a gym. (I have failed to mention that we are the clubhouse on our compound has a pool, gym, pool tables, etc. and is just across the street from our villa. I haven't gone over to check these things out yet but we will in time.)

I need to call about the Wednesday playgroup and see if they're meeting tomorrow and get directions. If they're not meeting, Anna & I will probably go check out another mall and see what we think of the play area there.

I'm really hoping that we can get our Internet connection set up properly here because this stealing-from-the-neighbors-spotty-connection is really starting to drive me nuts!

December 12, 2006


Would you let these people live in your country? I was just going to post Anna's, but thought it was only fair if I made fun of all of our pictures.

I got my rental car today! Now we're not trapped on the compound (we could have hired a car to take us around, but I hate dealing with that car seat all of the time). Anna & I went to Carrefour to get some groceries (not as good of a selection as Mega Mart) and traffic was easy to navigate. Of course, this is one of two places I've been to with Craig before so I had a good idea of where I was going. Venturing out on my own a little more will be a bit nerve-wracking. There are a couple of playgroups I want to check out and they're on the other side of town: where I've never been before!

I couldn't get myself up at 8 but managed to at 8:20 or so, so Anna slept in until 8:30 which I thought would be just fine, but she was super crabby for the first hour of the morning. I didn't know what to do for her. She was crying "hold you on floor" and I gather she wanted me to stand and hold her, but I can't do that for long because it hurts my back & and puts a bit more pressure on Baby than I'd like. I explained this to her and eventually I got her to calm down while I held her on the couch. We played outside a bit and then the rental car was delivered so we hit the road. She was a bit squirmy toward the end of our trip to Carrefour but I figured it was because it was close to lunch and naptime.

After her nap, Craig came home and we went to do our eye test for our temporary drivers licenses. Anna did a great job there but when we got to the picture place in the mall to get some passport photos of each of us (for our residence permits and Craig's & my drivers licenses), she did not want to get her picture taken. I told Craig that he should be really appreciative of me because if I had had to take her to the mall to get portraits done all these months we wouldn't have any pictures of her! We ended up asking the guy to let me take the picture and I did get one, but she is crying in it. I hope that the Qatari government accepts it because I just don't think she's going to do any better any time soon. However, she is still overtired, so I guess there's a chance that, in another week or so, when she's caught up on sleep she'll be more open to things? Who can say.

Tomorrow we have to go do our blood tests and I'm really miffed because it looks like Anna & I are going to miss checking out the playgroup tomorrow because of it! I've been really looking forward to this all week so I'm super bummed. We might still try to make it (blood tests are at 9:30 and playgroup is at 10:30) but I'm doubtful.

I'm also really hoping to get some sleep tonight. Am trying to get to bed a bit earlier now (just took a one-hour nap today) so we'll see how it goes. The plan is that if Anna's still waking after tomorrow, Craig will sleep in the guest room with the monitor and I'll stay in our room (it's further from Anna's room) with the door shut and he's in charge of her. Hopefully she'll just sleep through tonight and tomorrow!! (I've got to hold on to a dream, don't I?) It's all just preparation for Baby Girl, I guess.

Viscious Cycle

It's 4 AM and I haven't slept yet. Anna woke at 11:30, I held her for a few minutes and she was awake but not mad until 2 AM so I went back in and held her a little longer. I'm still awake. I think I napped too long yesterday. It is so hard to not nap in the afternoon but I'll try to at least take a shorter nap tomorrow. I'm feeling hopeful abut Anna's jet lag at least since she was awake for less time tonight. Planning an 8 AM start again in the morning (yikes! I have less than four hours to sleep tonight!!).

December 11, 2006

Trying To Get Back on Track

Anna had a lot of fun putting the candy on the gingerbread house. She had even more fun eating a few of the gumdrops.

Craig's company's welcome wagon came today with a basket of treats and some good information pamphlets & brochures. I was feeling kind of left out since last time when we went to Korea they set us up with Erica & Joel right away as our "hosts." This is a little less personal than that, but at least now I have a few numbers at hand.

Last night Anna woke up at 9:30 PM and was really upset and did not want to be in her crib. My original plan for her when she woke around 1 AM was to lay down with her for a bit so Anna & I went to the guest room together at 9:30.

She really did try to sleep but just couldn't get there. She did a lot of talking (reviewing all of her favorite things, reciting lines from books, etc.) and a lot of log-rolling (I had set up pillow barriers on the opposite side of the bed to act as speed-bumps so she wouldn't just roll right onto the tile floor below.

Every once in a while, she would say "get down" but each time I gave her a choice: sleep with mommy in the guest bed or sleep in crib alone. At 2:30 AM she finally chose the crib and went there without a fuss. I woke her at 8 AM as planned and although it was a struggle, we made it until 12:45 for a nap (she asked for her pacifier several times but I only gave her her pig).

We both took a three hour nap in the afternoon and she seemed fine with getting in the pack & play again tonight. I'm crossing my fingers that she felt as good as I did today because even though I was awake from 9:30-2:00, I felt more rested at 2 when I came to bed and then I actually slept(!) from 2-6:30!

I think we both need to get out of the house tomorrow though so I am getting my rental tomorrow and we're going to go to Carrefour to get some groceries. We went to City Center (the mall where Carrefour is located) tonight for dinner so I feel pretty good about how to get there (and back). I'll be sure to post about our first driving adventure tomorrow!

I hope we get our Internet set up at home soon (especially now that I know we are actually supposed to have it!). Once we have it, I'll be able to email, etc. Basically all I've been doing is writing my posts in another program and then copying & pasting it into Movable Type and then waiting and waiting for it to post—and sometimes that takes all day! I'll also be looking forward to doing video chats with Nana & Papa, Grandma & Grandpa, and any of the cousins (so everyone better have their cameras (and Skype accounts) ready to go!

December 10, 2006

The Rest of the Day

Anna enjoying some lunch at her seat at the head of the table.

Anna & I ended up sleeping until 10:30 this morning. I fell asleep sometime after 6 AM and only slept really well (Craig was still snoring, then he was getting ready for work, etc.) from about 8:00-9:00. After a quick shower, I went to Anna's room and opened up her shades and she kept sleeping. So I laid down on one of the beds in her room and woke up an hour later and she did as well. I figured it was best to let her sleep really late today since we had to go to the orientation for Craig's work and I didn't want another "incident" like at the mall yesterday.

The driver came to get us at 11:45 as promised and took us to get a very short briefing on some security things. We need to register with the US Embassy here and he told me (because I am female) that I do not need to pull over while driving unless I'm in an accident or for an unmarked police car (I should still pull over for an obvious police car/officer). He took our pictures for our badges to get into various compounds and the company club and then we were off. Anna sat in her conference chair and was a peach eating out of her snack trap so no problems there.

Anna finally discovered the potty we put in one of the five bathrooms here (we put it in the main one downstairs) this evening so I have a feeling I know what we'll spend a lot of time doing tomorrow... Her bladder is still on Texas time though as she is waking up wet in the mornings so far and is dry during the day when she normally would have been sleeping. We'll see if the presence of the potty changes that.

Craig found out at work today that we are supposed to have Internet up and running already in our villa so we need to get someone to stop by and fix that for us. Also, we will likely be in this villa for 6-8 weeks before we move to the permanent one. I haven't told Anna that we're moving again yet because I figure her world is unsettled enough; I'll wait until we're closer to the date to spring that news on her (and Gertie!).

The mall we went to yesterday had a big fire in it which is really bad news, of course, but (and I realize the world doesn't revolve around me) I was planning to make that my first outing because I am confident in how to get there and the carousel is there. The newspaper hasn't given out all of the details on what exactly was damaged, but is sounds like the carousel area is in jeopardy because the fire was supposedly in one of the restaurants or in the food court near where the carousel is. Anna & I will have to find a different hobby, I guess.

December 9, 2006

Jet Lag Ramblings

Anna & Craig decorating the tree. I'm so glad that we got a tree here, it was something I was feeling sad that Anna was missing out on at home.

When we arrived on Thursday night it was raining a bit and it was also raining yesterday (just a light sprinkling, actually). I realize that later I will appreciate the rain more but yesterday I was really wanting some bright sunshine to help us with our jet lag. Anna really had a hard time believing me when I told her it was time to be awake at 4 PM and it was just not that bright outside. She woke up at 1 AM last night and I went to her at 2:15 AM after she started crying a bit. After I held her for a few minutes, I went back to bed and didn't hear from her again all night but I couldn't fall back asleep until after 5 AM. We all woke up around 9 AM this morning and I think that was a better time to get started than yesterday's 9:30.

Yesterday we went to City Center Mall and Carrefour but we went too early and most everything was closed). We ended up going back out after Anna's nap to get what we could at Toys R Us (a baby monitor, a potty, and some Play Doh). Anna had her pacifier in her mouth for most of the day as she must have caught Craig's cold from last week as well as having jet lag & not enough sleep.

Today we went to Landmark mall and took Anna on the carousel and did some grocery shopping at Mega Mart. Anna was getting fussy at Mega Mart because she wanted to eat "samples" like at home. She was asking for grapes & tortillas (HEB is great for samples, and apparently Anna has come to expect this; unfortunately Mega Mart isn't the same way!). Craig took her back out to the mall and I did the shopping. I spent way too much money and got a lot of the same brands we have at home. I was actually a bit surprised that they really have everything here. It comes at a price, but we really won't have to do without while we're here.

Toward the end of my shopping, I heard a baby crying. My baby. Anna really wanted her pacifier (funny how easy it is to get hooked on that thing out of the crib!) but we didn't have it with us. I went though the check out and Craig & Anna met me by the mall entrance where we threw the bags in the trunk of the car. Anna had calmed herself by the time she got in the car, but she still really wanted that pacifier when we got home. Really, I think she was hungry and getting a bit tired (she ate well and then took a good nap).

She woke up more easily from her nap this afternoon and didn't need her pacifier before bed (although it was requested a few times).

Anna & I checked out the playground at the compound while Craig went back to Carrefour to get a new litter box for Gertie and a Christmas tree with decorations for us (we shipped our 6ft tree by sea). Anna really liked helping Craig decorate the tree and I'll post pictures of that later (probably after we get to an Internet cafe as connecting to the neighbor's wi-fi is really spotty and not easy to do).

I know I'm writing more about Anna & that pacifier than Doha, but I don't feel like we've gotten to see much yet. It's really so Westernized that I don't feel strange about being here and I'm more focused on Anna than the fact that we're somewhere very far from home. Her cold seemed better today and she didn't need any Motrin like yesterday but we gave her some decongestant tonight since her nose is still super stuffy & runny during the day.

Tomorrow a car is supposed to come pick up Craig for work and then later in the morning another car comes to pick up me & Anna to go to some kind of orientation. I'm a little nervous about this since I really don't like installing the carseat by myself and what am I supposed to do with the carseat when I get to where we're going? Oh well, it's just one day and hopefully Anna will be easily entertain-able (and I'll definitely bring the pacifier in my purse so we don't create a scene like we did at Landmark today!).

I imagine at some point this week we'll get my rental car so Anna & I can get out and about although I am a bit nervous about navigating the roads as signs aren't very abundant and there is quite a bit of construction. I'll probably wait to venture out on my own with Anna until I get my cell phone so at least I can call for help if I really need it! There are two playgroups I'm interested in checking out with Anna, one on Mondays and the other on Wednesdays. Hopefully one will be a good fit so we can go each week. I don't think we'll make the one on Monday this week since Anna has been sick and I'm not sure how her jet lag will be, but hopefully we can make it to the Wednesday one.

Gertie was trying to take over Anna's room as there is a bed near the window she likes to look out, but luckily, I brought one of her little fleece-lined cat beds with and placed it in the guest bedroom and now we have found Gertie relaxing there in front of that window (actually a much bigger & better window for a cat to lounge & look out of). Gertie seems jet lagged, too, but since cats sleep so much it's hard to say. She is coming to bed to sleep next to me in the morning instead of trying to wake me up (which she does anyway when she comes to bed; I just can't win).

Oh, and if you're still reading: we sold our house to the couple that came to see it on Wednesday morning. Closing is before the end of the month. I'm a little sad about saying goodbye to the house (all of our memories of Anna are there and the time we had with Tillie there) but I know I'll be excited for us to get something that fits us a little better when we move back with two kids.

I'm sure my posts won't be so incredibly long as we get settled further!

December 8, 2006

Departure & Arrival

The angle looks a little funny, but this chair reclined completely flat. It took Anna a while to find a comfy position! Photo by Craig.

Wednesday morning I met the cleaning ladies out at the house and while I was there, a Realtor & a couple stopped and asked if they could take a look at the house. They were there a while and asked a few questions that made me think that they were interested. Later in the morning after I went back to the hotel & Craig, Anna, & I were driving back to the house, our Realtor called to say that that couple wanted to make an offer on the house! The house sits on the market for one and a half months with absolutely no action for three weeks and then someone makes an offer on the day we're leaving? Crazy.

Anna & Craig slept in until 9 AM and after we showed Anna that the house was empty and said goodbye to it, we went out to lunch and then got everything together for the airport. Gertie was easy to catch but this time she hissed at me (I guess the rushing around clued her in that this was a bigger deal than the last couple of times I've had to catch her last week (to go to the vet for her travel certificate and to move to the hotel). She complained a bit in the van to the airport and I was glad I thought to put the locks from our new suitcases on both zippers to Gertie's carrier as she did try to claw/chew her way out a few times.

We left the hotel a little after 1 PM. The international terminal was crazy but many thanks to Craig's work for forking over the money for business seats for all of us as we got helped at the counter quickly by waiting in the business line (I felt awful for all of the other parents with kids in the longer line so I really appreciated this more than I think I may have in the past).

Nothing too remarkable to report about the airport. Anna had fun looking at the airplanes from the terminal and getting a bit of exercise before we boarded. Craig sat next to Anna on the plane so I had it pretty easy with my new motto of "live and let Craig" whenever Anna was squirmy or fussy. Really, she was great though and we didn't even get out any toys on the plane (something that's never happened when it has just been me & her). She had her pig that she sleeps with and her pacifier but she couldn't convince herself to give in to fatigue (no nap today!) until about 10:15 PM. I did not sleep at all on this flight, but Craig & Anna slept about two hours. I guess I just couldn't relax or get comfortable enough.

Gertie did not like take-offs or landings but was relatively complain-free for most of the flight. When we got to Frankfurt we had a bit of a time finding the Lufthansa lounge but it was worth it when we did for a little bit quieter and more relaxing space to wait for our next flight with a cat and a toddler with only two hours of sleep behind her. Anna pretty much kept her pacifier from the time it was given to her—I was glad that it was able to provide her such comfort and am nervous about weaning from it in the coming year.

Really for as much waiting and little sleep we all had to put up with, Anna was a fantastic traveler. She had moments of irrationality, but so did I! Gertie wouldn't take a drink when offered (I was kind of glad since she hadn't used the bathroom for so long but I didn't want her to be super-dehydrated, either).

Anna fell asleep pretty soon after we got on the plane to Bahrain and slept for another three hours. There was a time in there after the three hours where she obviously still wanted to sleep but couldn't get there and I was holding her (I sat next to her for the first part of this flight & I slept, too!) and I had to have Craig take her because the only position Anna wanted was really uncomfortable for me & Baby.

I felt Baby moving a lot more during our travel day than I had for most of the time we were moving. I think because finally I was able to slow down and relax a bit. It was really nice to feel her and I'm looking forward to more regular movement!

Our flight from Frankfurt to Bahrain was delayed by about 45 minutes (after we were on the plane) but since we were all exhausted it worked out fine. This was an instance where it was better to have to wait on the plane than off! We stayed on the plane in Bahrain and were delayed a bit again because both the Bahrain & Doha airports were busy and we had to wait in line for takeoff and for a space on the tarmac in Doha.

Customs was smooth sailing and all of our suitcases came off just as we walked up to the baggage carousel (it helped that the flight from Bahrain was pretty empty!). We had to wait a bit for a bigger car to take us and our six checked bags, the cat, Anna's carseat & stroller, my backpack, Anna's diaper bag, and Craig's carry-on. We had a ton of luggage!

The drive to our villa was find since we arrived at 11:30 and traffic was light. Anna seemed excited to check out the new place and she helped me get Gertie set up in the laundry room with food, water, and litter. We got Anna's room set up and she was ready to hop in bed after a snack and some books at about 12 AM. I heard her cry/fuss a bit around 1 or 1:30 AM (we were still up unpacking a bit, etc) but didn't end up having to go in to her. She is still sawing logs at 7:40 AM as I write this now! How I have been blessed with an awesome sleeper!! I really hope Baby Girl takes after Craig this way, too!

Our villa is nice although the decorating style is definitely not my own; it is very formal and grand. I'll take & post some pictures soon.

Our rental car just arrived and I guess we'll start getting ready to get out and about to get to know our new city! I'll post again later with some pictures and more first impressions.

November 24, 2006


Anna couldn't wait for the turkey to finish cooking so she got started on everything else while we continued to wait. Luckily, the turkey finished and Tanya & Macy arrived at about the same time so we didn't have to wait much longer. Anna enjoyed the turkey, sweet potatoes (plain, as she's always had them), the mashed potatoes, and the bread. She wasn't too into the stuffing or cranberries and she liked the whipped cream (fresh!) more than the pumpkin pie (I tend to disagree with her there). Overall, we had a nice Thanksgiving and we got to catch up with Tanya a bit before the big move.

November 22, 2006


Watching Anna on the Sit n' Spin from our room and then playing on our bed started making me feel nostalgic about her age, our house, and this time in our lives.

I traced Anna's hands to make the "leaves" for this Thanksgiving wreath. She helped draw the veins on a few of the leaves.

Getting ready for the real Macy the Dog by playing with the pretend Macy the Dog—Anna thought Macy was thirsty and needed some toys in her lap.

The stroller must be packed beyond capacity before it's really fun to drive around.

November 7, 2006


I took Anna out to vote with me today. Since we're in Texas and I'm not Republican, I like to give the little guy the vote. In the past I've voted straight Green Party but they were absent this time so we went straight Libertarian. 458 others in my county did the same (compare with 30,250 who voted straight Republican!). I guess you've got to start somewhere.

November 4, 2006

If It's Not One Thing It's Your Mother

My parents came down Friday & Saturday so I took the opportunity to get a haircut and get some new maternity pants (all of the ones that fit so well last time around are just too snug). My mom made a duvet cover for Anna's comforter (for when she moves to her toddler bed) and she hemmed all of my new pants. I am planning to bring my sewing machine to Qatar with me and maybe, just maybe, I'll figure that thing out (it's threading it that makes me break out in hives) so Anna won't be as domestically challenged as I am.

I didn't take a single picture of Anna with her grandparents, I guess because I had two photo sessions this weekend and I was all photographed-out. These were my last two sessions though so suddenly I feel a lot less stressed out than I did last week (I have decided to not book any more since we are supposed to get our visas any day now). All I have left is a bit of editing and ordering to do.

November 1, 2006

Water & Sky

October 28, 2006

Halloween Party

Anna The Mouse with her friends The Bee and Tigger.

Apparently, Anna knows her alphabet already (or at least the song that goes with it) as she sang most of the song when she saw this board. She also enjoyed pointing out all of the letters she knows.

Some of my friends from playgroup: Sara, Leslie, & Michelle. Photo by Jill T.

Anna had a blast at the Co-op Halloween party today. I was actually surprised that we had to prod her to leave after almost two hours of playing at the park. She was wiped out by the time we got home though. Even Craig can be quoted as saying "it was a big hit"—and if you can get a him to say that it must have been a good party!

September 19, 2006


Not sure of the actual timeline yet, but we are on the move! Sometime in the next two months we will be moving to Qatar (and then back to S. Korea) and we will be overseas for 2-3 years. Hopefully we'll have more information soon and I will post updates here. We have sent in our Visa applications and are told they will take about six weeks to process. Obviously we can't go until we have our Visas, but I don't know how quickly things will move along once we have those in our hands.

For now I am occupying my time with lists. Lists of things we need to sell, give away, acquire, and do before we go. Of course it's hard to plan a lot of things when you don't have a timeline, but we're doing a fall-cleaning over here in preparation for moving. Anybody want a cat? A car? A stroller? (Just kidding about the cat, we are planning to take her with us provided she can get her anti-anxiety medicine and her food over there.)

In the meantime, here is some information on Qatar:
From the CIA World Factbook: "Closest approximation of the native pronunciation [of Qatar] falls between cutter and gutter, but not like guitar."

CIA World Factbook: Qatar
CDC Qatar

Gulf Times

September 18, 2006


Today is Craig's & my seven year anniversary! We are boring and we aren't doing anything to really celebrate tonight, but at least we'll be together this year—unlike last year when Craig was in Paris!

September 5, 2006

She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain

Today was the first playgroup where Anna just walked in and started playing with the toys. She wasn't clingy at all. Too bad we had a disagreement about how many muffins she was allowed to eat (I said one and she wanted two) so we had to leave to spare the other kids & moms the mini-fit she decided she needed to throw.

Anna & Craig went to the airport to pick up Nana tonight and, even though I've been showing her Nana's picture regularly, Anna was pretty quiet on the ride home. I'm sure she'll warm up to Anita by the time the weekend rolls around and they are left alone together!

I didn't go to the airport because I went to Super Suppers with my mom's group. I'll be sure to report back on the dishes I made, but they looked really good!

August 26, 2006

Silver Car and White Dog

Craig put Anna's carseat in his car for the first time today. They went to the Children's Museum by themselves so I could spend some much-needed time cleaning up my office. I think Anna had as much fun riding in daddy's silver car as she did at the museum.

Tonight we had our friends Erica & Joel over for dinner. They are just getting back to the US from living overseas (we met them in Korea) and they brought over their dog, Harley, who Anna really liked. Erica, Joel, & Harley are moving back here sometime next month so we will hopefully get to see more of them soon!

August 13, 2006


Bryan, Anna, & Caroline.

Craig, checking out what life would be like as a dad of triplets—he did a pretty good job!

We had Sara, Matt, Bryan, Lesley, & Caroline over for dinner tonight.

We tried grilling pizzas for the first time and I think we were pretty successful. We did one chicken & garlic, one carmelized onion & goat cheese, and one cheese & tomato pizza. We used one refrigerated, canned pizza dough, and the other two crusts came from a box of pizza dough mix. I will post the recipe for the caramelized onoin & the cheese & tomato pizzas over on the recipe blog shortly.

Anna did ok sharing her toys tonight. She wasn't thrilled anytime Caroline had her pink doll (the one in the picture) so I'll be putting that one away when we have playgroup here in a couple of weeks.

July 30, 2006


Sharon came out to visit this weekend! I know in my heart of hearts she really only came to meet Anna since I'll see her again at her wedding this fall, but I won't let that get to me too much. Anna thought Sharon was okay and although I wouldn't say that they're best friends, Anna did make up a strange little sign for Sharon that was pretty cute.

Of course, a post about Sharon would not be complete if I didn't mention that I finished three books this month: No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith and Dr. Mom's Prescription for Preschoolers by Marianne, M.D. Neifert as well as the Complete Book of Women's Running that I have previously mentioned. Sounds like I'm on a roll and I've made my stack of next books to read.

July 6, 2006


Craig went to work today so the rest of us went to the pool. It was perfect because althoug the skies looked threatening of rain, the weather was great (not too hot and relatively low humidity) and there was no one else at the pool. However, Corrine, Scott, Raisa, and Owen's stay was too short!

We went out for seafood tonight (I got chicken!) and Anna tried and liked the fried alligator appetizer that was ordered. She liked my broccoli, the bread, her french fries, and Raisa's ice cream, too.

July 5, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Anna signing "monkey."

It is raining a lot now. It didn't rain before Rachel & Mat came then rained the whole time they were here. It didn't rain in between Rachel & Mat and Corrine & Scott, but it is now raining again. We were able to take a few portraits this morning and then went out to lunch, too. Hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to get out and do something fun!

July 4, 2006


Playing "cars" on the stairs. You can see that Anna thinks her cousins are pretty cool!

Owen, Raisa, Corrine, & Scott arrived this afternoon. Anna seemed to like her cousins right away but remained a bit unsure of her aunt & uncle throughout their visit (warming up a little at the very end, of course!).

June 18, 2006

Father's Day at the Zoo

We drove to the other side of town today for an awesome stroller I found on craigslist. I have been on the lookout for a $50 jogging stroller for the past month. I didn't want to spend much because it's not something I plan to use every day, but I want the option—especially when Craig is traveling. Anyway, I had been trying to confine my search to just in our town but when I saw this one I had to jump at the chance. It's a few years old but it is a Baby Jogger and very nice. The woman I bought it from said she got it as a gift so she was selling this $300 stroller for $60! Hopefully it doesn't fall apart when I take Anna out in it tomorrow, but I think it's in great shape. And Anna was really upset when we folded it up to put it in the trunk of our car: she wanted to ride in the stroller! (I'll post a picture of Anna in it when we get out tomorrow.)

Since we were already so far from home we decided to make a stop at the Zoo on the way back home. Anna really enjoyed it this time and I'll post video of her on the carousel (which she loved). We decided to buy the membership since we've been three times since October and now that Anna actually "gets" it, we'll probably go more. We saw a baby giraffe (March 15, 2006 and he was already taller than Craig!), big elephants very close up, lots of monkeys, and then a bunch of sleeping cats. We skipped the petting zoo because it was getting too hot & humid and since we're members we don't have to feel obligated to see everything each time.

Anna & I both took a two-hour nap when we got back and then we were invited over to Sara & Matt's for dinner so we jumped at the chance (Matt made a fantastic Father's Day dinner, by the way!).

I forgot to get a portrait of Craig & Anna on Father's Day so we'll have to do that sometime this week. I also didn't take her portrait on the 14th. I am really slacking!

June 17, 2006


Bryan, Anna, and Amelia—of course my child is the only one who won't show her face

Anna had a couple of friends from playgroup over for dinner tonight (with their parents, of course!). We put away a few items that I didn't think Anna would be too keen on sharing (the stroller, the ride-on toy, and her big pig) and everyone was very pleasant (there aren't any unruly kids in our playgroup though!) and had a nice time.

June 11, 2006


Photo by Adele.

Chris came out to visit this weekend. I hadn't seen her since August 2004 when I came back for a visit from Korea so it was nice to catch up and hang out.

June 6, 2006

Swimming & Flashbacks

Swimming class was pretty much bunk today. I was going to get Anna under the water today but when I blew a puff of air into her face she opened her mouth (the idea is that she'd hold her breath for a second while you put her under) so I think she just got a mouthful of water (although I didn't end up submerging her the entire way anyway). The class basically consisted of "what song should we sing next?" and doing the same stuff over and over. Yesterday felt more inspired & structured. We'll keep going though since we paid for it and even though I thought it was a bit boring, I'm sure Anna is getting something out of it.

Instead of scrambling to make something at home for lunch after class we decided to stop at Chick-Fil-A on the way home (we've been there once before, in January). As I was walking in I saw Rosie, Jamie, & Jamie from Korea! They are in the US for a visit and they actually used to live not too far from us. So Anna & I sat with them for lunch and chatted a bit. It was fun and made me miss Korea a bit although Anna & I are having a great time here now so I'm not feeling in a particular rush to get overseas now (unless they would just send us to Paris!).

June 1, 2006

The BFam: Y'all Come Back Now, Hear?

No, we didn't get a good one of all three cousins together.

Sam: Take 1.

Sam: Take 2.

Anna: Take 1.

Anna: Take 2.

Jacob: Take 1.

Jacob: Take 2.

Okay, maybe we got one.

Grandma Adele spent her birthday traveling back to Colorado with the Rachel, Mat, Jacob, & Sam. I tried to get a portrait of the three grandkids for her birthday present but three individual shots will have to do. It was very quiet when they left and Anna gave everyone a kiss goodbye. Overall I'd say she did really well sharing her toys (tears were shed over her orange cat, the chair, the stroller, and the walker from time-to-time) and that she had fun with her cousins.

May 31, 2006

The BFam: Day 4


Craig drove Eldora to the airport this morning and the plan was to go to Galveston. The weather had other ideas though, so we decided to hit the Downtown Aquarium instead. The kids seemed to like this and I think it was just the right pace for them. After that we drove across town to IKEA for lunch, a little play-time, and a little shopping. Jacob & Sam slept in the car on the way home but Anna just giggled. Thankfully she took a nap when we got home at 3 PM though or else I don't think we would have had a good afternoon!

May 30, 2006

The BFam: Day 3

Grandma and Grandpa went to visit Elaine while the rest of us piled in the rented minivan and went to the pool. I should let Mat tell his own story here, but we did get pulled over on the way to the pool—I guess he was excited to swim! Thankfully he didn't get a ticket.

In the afternoon while Anna & Sam slept, Jacob helped me make some brownie cupcakes for Grandma's birthday on Thursday (we decided to celebrate tonight so that Eldora could celebrate with us).

On our drive home from the pool it started raining so we were inside for the rest of the day. We did stop to take some pictures of Great Grandma with the great-grandkids, but at least two of the great-grandkids weren't cooperating because it was too close to bedtime for portraits.

May 29, 2006

The BFam: Day 2


Craig & Mat picked up Grandpa Jerry at the airport and we all met at the shopping center to go to lunch at Johnny Rocket's for Grandma's birthday. It was raining so we didn't send the kids running through the fountains and we didn't rent Segways (not sure if anyone wanted to do that anyway!). I have some OK video of the kids at Johny Rocket's when the staff went up front to dance to the BeeGee's that I'll post. Basically the kids just stopped what they were doing and stared at the dancers but it was pretty cute. Anna had seen this before so I think she may have been less surprised than Jacob & Sam.

It rained a bit today so we didn't get to spend much time outside like we had hoped.

May 28, 2006

The BFam: Day 1

Great-Grandma Eldora, Grandma Adele, Aunt Rachel, Uncle Mat, and cousins Jacob & Sam arrived last night after Anna was in bed so she woke up to a full-house this morning. She started saying (as I had predicted) "bye-bye" during breakfast, but she soon realized that it was pretty fun to play alongside her cousins.

Rachel, Jacob, Sam, Anna, & I walked to the park this morning where Mat & Craig were playing disc golf. It is a 1.3 mile walk to this particular park and Jacob was hot (major difference in humidity here compared to Colorado!) but did not accept offers to ride in a stroller or ride in the van with Grandma & Great Grandma. The kids had fun at the park when we got there, though. Anna & Sam actually sat in the Zooper together for a little while when we were trying to convince Jacob to ride in the other stroller.

We brought out the pool in the afternoon where both Jacob & Sam dumped water on Anna's head and she surprised me by not getting very upset at all. I think playgroup was a big help in preparing Anna for her cousins' arrival.

May 14, 2006

Mother's Day Weekend

Photos by Craig

Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms, moms-to-be, and moms-at-heart out there!

Grandma & Grandpa came in for a visit this weekend. They babysat for us last night while Craig & I went out to a potluck with Lesley's Babysitting Co-Op group. There isn't room in teh co-op for us right now, but another couple that was there last night is interested in starting a new one with us (and some others that have expressed interest). I even scored the names of two babysitters while I was there so maybe Craig & I can get out more often more regularly!

I missed some exciting stuff yesterday when I went upstairs to get ready for the potluck: Craig, Grandma, & Grandpa asked Anna to point out different parts of her body and she was able to point out her: arms, hair, eyes, ears, nose, toes, elbows, and hands. I'll have to ask her again sometime (hey, maybe even for the camera--although she usually shuts off fo the camera!).

New Spoken Words: mirror, dark, squirrel, bag, Target®, paper, CD Player, couch, bed, turtle, dolphin

New Signed Words: big

New Un-prompted Phrases: "big duck"

May 9, 2006

It's Heeeeeeeeere!

The book arrived and it's pretty awesome. I wouldn't use it as a platform to sell my photography (images printed OK, but could have been better) but it is perfect for what I wanted it to be. Expect a copy at your door (via UPS) in another week or so if (in relation to Anna) your title is: Grandma, Nana, Great-Grandma, or Ur Opa. And happy Mother's Day & Father's Day to you all.

Liz, let me know if you want to take a look in person and I'll drop my copy in the mail to you to check out.

The book: the binding.

Front cover & spine: no, I won't win any cover-design awards this year, but the front image is her first "official" portrait on 3/19/2005.

The back cover portrait is her "official" one year portrait taken on 3/19/2006.

A peek inside

The black & white ultrasound images printed better than the color.

May 5, 2006

Lulu Shipped

The book shipped on Wednesday.... Trying to be patient over here! I will post photos of the book when it arrives!

April 30, 2006

It's a Small World

I joined a mom's group here in town based on a passing reference from a client. This client invited me out with her playgroup moms for dinner last week. As one normally does, I chatted with one of the women I sat next to during dinner. Today I got an email from her about the playgroup (she is our playgroup coordinator) and I saw her last name: the same name as one of Craig's former classmates that we knew was in our area. So I asked her her husband's name and sure enough, she is married to Craig's friend Matt from college and we're all going out for dinner tonight.

This just seems so random & crazy to me. We knew Matt was married and in our city but that was the extent of it. Turns out they live maybe five miles or so from us and our kids are going to be in a playgroup together.

The Light

I have pressed "publish" at Lulu.com! I think my book should be here in about 1.5 weeks which is just a little longer than it took me to make it. If I do another one, I definitely want to find a program other than Word to work in though as it was a major pain with styles. I knew that going in though, so at least I wasn't surprised! As promised, I will report back when it arrives.

April 23, 2006

Current Obsession: Making a Book

I am working on making a book out of the blog content from Anna's First Year blog (with the first chapter being the pregnancy). If it goes well, I will tackle my South Korea Journal as well. I am doing this first book with Lulu.com so I'm hoping the photos print well and that it is what I'm expecting. I will be sure to report back when I get the final version in my hands!

April 19, 2006

The Great Gatsby

After MOPS book club fell through in February, my neighbor invited to me to another book club right here in our neighborhood--even better! We are reading The Great Gatsby. Something I know I've read before but really don't remember the details. Thirty pages into it, I already know I like it so much more than the other book I've read this year... Two people that I've mentioned this book to in the past few days have both noted that they didn't like it and wondered what all of the fuss was about.

March 13, 2006

The Land of the Living

Now that Anna is one year old, I feel like we finally are getting back to "normal." Of course, it is a new normal, but I'm very happy with that. In Anna's second year we are planning to take a few vacations, I'm going to read some actual books (not just What to Expect the Toddler Years), and I am actually taking steps to lose the weight I gained while pregnant (that I already lost while we lived in Korea--so frustrating to have to do it all again!), and I've got plenty of "projects" around the house to work on (and some actual photography work). Hey, maybe we'll even hire a babysitter and Craig & I will get out of the house once or twice a month!

I have read one non-parenting book this year: Bad Girl Creek by JoAnn Mapson. I read it for the MOPS bookclub. And then the meeting never happened. And I've never heard anything about the book club again. So I'm on my own. Sad as it is, I think I'll start with Angels & Demons by Dan Brown and then finally read The DaVinci Code. I loaned out the The DaVinci Code several times while we were in Korea but never actually read it myself. Everytime I got it back, I was in the middle of something else. Then I got pregnant and I only read pregnancy/childbirth/baby name books. Then Anna was born and it was just parenting and sleep books (and a whole lot of board books!). I will no doubt be turning to my dear friend Sharon for some reading advice soon. Although I do still have a few books on my shelf from our Okpo book club that I haven't read. (By the way, I did not like Bad Girl Creek: it was too contrived and predictable and I was very disappointed with the lives the characters ended up with by the end.)

I have lost 7.5 pounds since January (6 of those since I joined Weight Watchers Online on February 9th). I am attempting to do the Self Challenge again this year, but so far it's just not happening. I'm having a hard time getting to the gym consistently, but I guess that's part of what the challenge is about--finding a way to incorporate exercise into your daily life.

I have found some interesting places online to self-publish books and I want to do a "blook" (a book with content from a blog) for our time in Korea and for Anna's first year. Those are pretty major projects so I don't know how long that will take, but when I finish those I will be sure to post the results here!

March 12, 2006


[Watch a video of us rolling away!]

Anita & I rented Segways this afternoon just to see what they were like. Anita looked a lot more confident than I felt, but on the second lap around the shopping area I finally felt a little more comfortable. They were pretty cool--very responsive to your movements--but I kept wanting to use the steering mechanism as a break or dig my heel into the ground like rollerblades. I'm glad we did it but I won't be buying one anytime soon!

February 5, 2006


Here it is in all of its glory. We have been enjoying a lot of cappuccinos this week!

January 29, 2006

Espresso Obsession

Craig had me read a Wikipedia article on espresso in preparation for the impending arrival of our new espresso maker. We made some Illy coffee in our French press this morning so we can taste the difference tomorrow (we had fine-ground decaf and it was really good). Craig's obsession with owning an espresso machine is going to turn us into full-blown addicts starting tomorrow. Of course, I'm already trying to come up with an excuse to perfect a recipe for "affogato" (espresso served over ice cream).

All of this coffee will be just like living in Okpo again, where we went out each morning after TKD for coffe at Davinci's. But there you couldn't get decaf and here I'm not getting as good of a workout (just walking most days).

October 24, 2005


When we moved in in July 2001.

This morning. (Note the large pine leaning toward our house on the left-hand side of the photograph.) Too bad I didn't get it from the same angle, I snapped it quickly as we headed out for our walk.

Will post the "after" picture when they are finished. Anna is sleeping through the noise now, but I wonder if she will wake up when they start trimming the trees by her window?

October 5, 2005

Should Have Taken a Picture

We should have taken a picture of Gertie for stuffonmycat.com last night because she had one of the new "insect monitors" (really sticky non-chemical insect traps) that Orkin put down somewhere stuck to her tail. She had it stuck there for hours because she ran away every time we approached her (which is why we couldn't get a picture) to take it off. Eventually I caught her and held her while Craig cut the hair between her tail & the trap.

Unplanned Yardwork

I called a tree service today to get an estimate on getting all of the trees by our house pruned back so that they are not touching the house (GIANT roach experience yesterday required an emergency Orkin visit & my neighbor to come kill it for me--this was the biggest roach I've seen yet and it was the flying kind!). We also have a nice holly tree that is looking sickly. Turns out our biggest pine tree is in danger of falling over but the holly is fine. The pine has shifted and will definitely cause some kind of damage if it falls. This will set back my plans to expand the back porch because it is not cheap to remove a tree this big! I will post a "before" photo soon.

A couple of years ago this same guy came out to do an estimate for me and we had three trees scheduled to take down. The day before they came, one of the trees fell on its own! We've had two trees fall near the house & fence and so far no damage, I worry that our luck will run out eventually...

October 1, 2005

Cold Front

It was only 89 degrees today!

I'm hoping to get on some outdoor projects once it gets a little cooler: plant some more trees in the back yard, finish the path to the driveway, and extend our back patio. I also want to do a few things to the front yard but we'll have to see how much ambition I have when it gets right down to it.

February 15, 2005

Backyard After

The landscaping is done! What you can't see in the picture very well is that there are a ton of plants by the left fence that have been pruned down very low and that there are three redbud trees along the back fence that will screen out our backyard neighbors. There are also several small plants in the two big bed areas that have been pruned back. I think our yard will look pretty good later this spring and summer when those plants have filled out some!

February 2, 2005

Backyard Before

The landscapers we hired to maintain our yard while we were in Korea were a little aggressive with the pruning of all of the native plants that were in our yard when we purchased the house (trying to not dwell on what has been done since this is very annoying to think about!), so we are starting over with new plants. We've asked (a different landscaper) for native, low-maintenance plants that will start screening out our neighbors and fill in the empty spots. They're also going to refresh the pathways we built in 2003 and put a fresh layer of mulch in the front yard. I'll be sure to post an after picture when the work is done and again this summer after the plants have grown a bit and everything is green.

December 31, 2004

Happy Holidays!

We are spending the holidays in Colorado this year! We took the time to take family pictures at the Martins and the Harmons since it seems it is becoming more and more rare for all of us to be in one spot at the same time.

The Martins

The Harmons

December 1, 2004


Welcome to Becky, Craig, & Baby Girl's home page. From this page you will be able to keep up with what we're doing (since I'm no longer updating the South Korea journal once I'm back in Texas, this is where I'll post any vacation photos, etc.). Click the links above for my pregnancy journal & South Korea Journal. Once the baby is born, I'll update her site regularly so all of our out of town relatives and friends can see how she is growing and changing!

Craig & Becky at the Great Wall, October 2004

Baby Girl's hand & feet (23 weeks, 6 days), November 2004

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