Clarification & Pie Rats Ahoy

Anna loves to read and her favorite books change regularly; today she was particularly fond of Pie Rats Ahoy! and her dumptruck book.

Sharon's "taquito" comment makes me think that my lovely readers may think that Anna is actually speaking clearly and that people other than those immediately in the room and paying attention would know what she's talking about. For the most part, she says a single syllable for each "word" I've listed although she is starting to say double syllables (like "baby" and "caca" (for cracker) or "papa" (for pepper)). Just wanted to clear up any potential mis-understandings there. The books say if they say the word consistently the same way, it counts as a word, so I've been counting it since she is communicating with me when she uses the words. I don't know when it is that their speech becomes clearer to non-caregivers; another year? when she gets a full set of teeth?

Anna did pretty well at play group; she was a bit whiney for my taste, but I think that's a phase she's going through right now (especially when she falls while walking around). The group was small today (I think due to email communcation errors) which I'm sure was better for Anna anyway. I'm really pleased that we found the group and am looking forward to next week!

Oh, and for the record, Taquito sounds like "tah."

New Spoken Words: crib, tissue, shoes, dots


It's amazing how much more you understand when you are around them all of the time. My niece, Nora, was here for the weekend and Monday and she says "mon" which took awhile for me to distinguish from "Mom". "mon" means "Come On" and she uses it when ever she doesn't think that you are doing something fast enough. It really irritates my sister...

George says Dad, Hi, Mom and Dog and then a ton of babbling...

Oh, no, I definitely assumed it was something like "ta-to" or maybe even less--I do know how that is.

But I had never seen nor identified a taquito until, literally, last month, so I'm still impressed.

Yay for the Pie-Rats! I'm so proud they made the list!

Liz: It sounds like George has all of the important words down!

Sharon: Phew! Glad to know that I wasn't leading anyone on! I thought you'd be happy to see that Pie Rats picture.

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