Car & Shipment

I took the kids to the Import Lady today in the new Tucson. I like it a lot but need to get used to the sound of a diesel engine. It is smaller than the Sorento and maybe even a little smaller than the CRV but definitely bigger than the Matiz! The Matiz Craig was looking at last week was not there any more so he'll have to remain car-less for a while longer.

We are supposed to get our air shipment tomorrow afternoon. I have started to feel like one of those people that keeps saying, "our life will be so much better when we win the lottery/strike gold/ etc." because I feel like I'm always waiting for an air shipment, sea shipment, baby shipment, moving to our permanent place, etc.

Yesterday Anna was playing with some of her strawberries (she has four plastic, one wooden, and eight felt). She only had two of her plastic strawberries and she said sadly, "the other plastic ones are in the sea shipment." Fortunately for her, the other plastic ones were actually in her little purse and she doesn't have to wait until September to play with all of her strawberries (the sea shipment is scheduled to arrive in Seoul the first week of September).

July 2012

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