Luck Pig

I didn't take the kids out today because it was rainy and we went out twice yesterday (Home Plus and to get our pictures taken for our Alien cards) and it is such an ordeal to get Sarah into her carseat without the base (it is in the air shipment). Sarah's chunky little legs just don't want to get past the seat belt and I don't like installing/re-installing the carseat at all so I don't do it.

After an entire day at home (and an incredibly frustrating napping experience with both Sarah & Anna) we picked up Craig from work and we all went out to the Luck Pig for dinner. Anna didn't try anything, Sarah seemed to enjoy laying on the cushion on the floor, and I forgot how fatty the meat they give you is (I cut all of the fat off of mine though because, thankfully, they left the scissors on our table). I really hope that in the years to come Anna does try some of the food here and likes some of it; I know I'm a picky eater and I hope that she is a bit more adventuresome than I am.

July 2012

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