Old Friends & Making New Ones

I took the girls down to Mijung & Sabunim's new studio on Monday and Anna and Sarah were not receptive to meeting new people (even after Mijung gave Anna a chocolate popsicle!). Anna cried in fear when Sabunim tried to say hello but finally had a bit of fun running around the dojang chasing a ball with me.

Twice now I've taken the kids down to meet some of our new neighbors and Anna panics and doesn't want to go in to their apartment and then sits practically on top of me/behind me while we're there. She wouldn't play in the sandbox with the other kids and cried the whole time I was trying to talk to Amelie at the front desk of our apartments.

Today we went to Jaynie's house and Anna did not cry or fuss while we were there. She did stick to my side and was silent though. I tried to get her to play the piano but she wasn't brave enough. I'm wondering if she thought Jaynie's house was OK becuase Jaynie doesn't have an accent? It seems a silly thing though since she did so much better than this in Doha with all of the other kids & moms from all over.

As usual, I'm pinning all of my hopes on getting our air and sea shipments and getting settled in to our permanent housing. We should get our air shipment next week and we will try to wait to have our sea shipment delivered until we get downstairs so we don't have to move everything twice (and it all wouldn't fit in this apartment anyway!).

July 2012

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