Six Month Checkup

We took Sarah to E. G. Pediatric Clinic Center today (instead of going back to Dr. Cho's Pedatric Clinic) and got a little bit more of an exam. The office was older but busier (which I take to be a good sign). This doctor did listen to Sarah's heart and looked in her ears and mouth but did not rotate her hips or ask if she was rolling, sitting, eating, etc. I wonder if this is typical or if this is because we are foreigners (and the doctor doesn't speak enough English to ask us the questions)? I will have to ask a Korean friend sometime because the exam just seems incomplete to me. Anyway, Sarah was due for four shots but just got two today. We'll go back in one week to get the other two . Again, I don't know if this is to spread it out a bit or if they didn't have the other two vaccinations in stock. Here are her stats:

Weight: 8.62 kg (19 lbs; 95th percentile)
Length: 67.3 cm (26.5 inches ; 75-90th percentile)
Head Circumference: 44.5 cm (17.5 inches; 90-95th percentile)

July 2012

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