Potty Training & Lotte Mart

The parent with child sign is also on the men's room so I assume it's the same set-up in there.

There's the pink potty seat hanging on the wall of the bathroom.

Anna in the play area just before you enter the store. She didn't like the little Korean kids coming up to her and trying to interact.

Boxes off to the left and a table with tape and scissors. There is another table off to the left here so plenty of people can pack up their stuff at one time.

Anna & I drove up to Lotte Mart to check out what they're selling these days (nothing too terribly exciting or different than Home Plus but they do have the nice Daiso (Japanese dollar store) section that is always fun to go through. I helped Anna pick out a Christmas present from Anna to Sarah and to Craig from Anna & Sarah. She pointed out several things that she would like and I told her I'd take Sarah later to pick out something for Anna. It's just too bad that the thing she wants most is a giant Minnie Mouse. I'm not excited about it but I guess it's not for me. What's really too bad is that I haven't seen it at Home Plus so, if I decide to be nice and get that for her I'll have to drive all the way back to Lotte Mart (45 minutes away).

In an Anna-update we have been dabbling in potty training this week. I bought her a cute book called Time to Pee by Mo Willems and a few books for me (Diaper Free Before 3 and The No Cry Potty Training Solution) since I don't have a clue what to do here. We've had quite a few false starts so I hope this time we can get right. I think the Time to Pee book helped because there are a lot of mice in it and potty chart with mice stickers (although they are running out and I got some, apparently, equally-exciting star stickers at Lotte Mart today).

Right now Anna is getting a sticker every time she sits on the potty because that's just where we're at. She has peed a few times in the past (in March and October) and gotten rewarded but nothing has stuck. I'm remembering to ask and trying to make it part of our routine. It's frustrating because I feel like we could have done it last fall but I didn't want to because of our moving around. In hindsight, it would probably have been worth it to risk back-tracking a bit because of our move. (She's been waking up dry for over a year now and I think she's just set in her ways now as far as going in the diaper...)

Anyway, as we walked in from the parking garage I noticed the bathrooms and pointed them out to Anna, took her in and showed her around the public bathroom. Lotte Mart has a little potty seat you can use which is really nice. They also have a kid-level sink for the kids to wash their hands. Anna said she wanted to try the potty when we were shopping so we did a dry-run in one bathroom. Then when we packed up the car I said it was her last chance to try before we went home and she tried again. I was just really surprised that she was willing to try in the public bathroom, actually, but I think it helped that the seat was pink.

I'll report back after we've made some more progress.


Our local mall has the small potty seat too in the family bathroom, I think it is less scary to little kids. Trinity says she has to go potty every time we get close, I think she just likes the seat!!

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