Change of Location

Sarah has been refusing to nurse lying on her left side for four days now so I decided to just take her in to be sure there isn't an ear infection or something going on. I got the kids up the stairs, into the car, and into town. We parked the car, walked to the doctor's office and it was totally dark. Furniture was scattered and there was a small sign on the door all in Korean except for a 12 and a 17. So, hoping that the sign said they moved somewhere else on 17 December, I took a photo with my camera phone (I was pretty miffed when I realized I forgot my diaper bag camera!) and walked down to Best Office, showed them the picture and they informed me where the doctor's office moved to.

The office was newer and nicer, of course, but Sarah doesn't have an ear infection and the office was so busy I'm just hoping the kids didn't pick something up there! Sarah doesn't have to go to the doctor at 9 months like she would at home so she won't go back until her one year appointment.

The office does have a kind of cool thing for measuring and weighing the babies & kids. For Sarah I set her on a table that weighs her (they did it with all her winter clothes so I didn't bother to remember the number) and then the nurse lay Sarah flat (Sarah did not like this) and the table scanned her length. For the older kids they stand and a little measurer slides down and taps their head and slides back up. It was kind of futuristic and pretty cool looking.

July 2012

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