Fever and Sleepy

Sarah has been acting sick since about Tuesday afternoon/evening. She wouldn't nurse at bedtime Tuesday night and we initially suspected teething. I gave her some Motrin and put some teething gel on her at bedtime. She was super hot when she got up on Wednesday but the batteries in both of our thermometers were dead. I tried to stop at the pharmacy after dropping Anna off at school but it wasn't open yet (8:45 AM). By the time we did get a thermometer she felt significantly less hot but did still have a fever.

Today she just wanted to rest on me when she was awake so Craig came home early and I took Sarah to the doctor. Her ears are fine but he said she has a sore throat and prescribed some medicine. I went to the pharmacy to get it filled but the pharmacist gave me two bottles of liquid and several packets of powder to mix together and that's when my eyes glazed over and decided I wasn't going to be giving Sarah anything other than cuddles and alternating Tylenol and Motrin as I had been doing. She already had the worst as far as I can tell so we'll just keep an eye on her and hope no one else gets it.

July 2012

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