Little Things: Sarah 10 Months

There seem to be so many little things this month but some of them have been going on for a while, I just keep forgetting to post them.

Sarah points a lot at things. Sometimes I think she's pointing with meaning and other times she just has that index finger extended for whatever reason. She likes to turn the pages when we're reading now. She seems totally bored with the toys in the office now (the most baby-proofed room in the house so it's where we spend most of our at-home time) and loving the kitchen. She is getting a little better at not constantly putting stuff in her mouth although she cannot be trusted so I always have to keep an eye on her.

I think she is ready to cut another nursing session (we are down to four; one in the morning, after her morning nap, after her afternoon nap, and at bedtime.) I think I might cut out the bedtime one first since that is the shortest and she seems to eat a pretty good dinner about twenty minutes before that. I've started giving her a cup of drinkable yogurt (I found a plain organic one) to drink during meals and snacks and she loves it. I'll try milk closer to her birthday. What is strange is that this is almost exactly the same timing as Anna started weaning.

Sarah is starting to follow instructions. She will put her pacifier in her crib when I ask her to, and sometimes come back to me when I say "come back to mommy" or "stay with mommy" when she crawls out of the room (usually to try to explore the bathroom).

I've been seeing her sign daddy and say "dada" more frequently. Also still hearing that "nanananaanaa" (Anna) a lot. She will say "Anna" when Anna leaves the room and I believe it is intentional. She loves doing the "How big is Sarah? Soooooo big!") thing where she extends her arms but she especially loves it when we're at the dinner table and we all take turns ("how big is Anna/Daddy/Mommy?").

Sarah stands a lot (at the coffee table, the TV bench, the play kitchen) and cruises a lot. She also is practicing walking with the stroller (but I think she may need her own for her birthday; Jessica, this was the best birthday present ever as Anna is still loving it two years later!) and my mom shipped a box the other day that is just the right height and weight that it provides the perfect resistance on the wood floor for walking without my assistance (although of course I'm still spotting and steering).

The past few days, Sarah has gotten to be quite dramatic if she doesn't get what she wants or if, say, she's eating applesauce and the bowl is empty. She sobbed the other day when I took away my little diaper bag camera but luckily, she likes to play with toy cameras so she was OK with that as a replacement.

She has been laughing out loud at Sandra Boynton's Blue Hat, Green Hat and she loves the Dr. Seuss' The Eye Book.

Sarah loves to check out ride-on-toys and big kids scooters and bikes: anything with wheels. That said, I'm pretty much at a loss over what to get her for her birthday since she doesn't seem to like anything that is geared toward a one-year-old. I've ordered a few things so hopefully there's something she likes!

July 2012

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