Coffee, Pajama Party, Brown Box (Little Things)

Sarah asks to drink "milk" (it's actually drinkable yogurt but we call it milk) frequently throughout the day. Today though she said, "milk" then changed her mind and requested: "coffee." Craig's bean-roasting has inspired her! She loves to smell the freshly roasted beans and loves when he makes coffee.

Sarah saying more and more two-word phrases. This morning she said, "brown box" the other day it was "blue bus." She is really good at color identification as well!

Anna's class had a Pajama Party today where they "turned the classroom into a bedroom!" Anna was so excited for this day she could hardly contain it. She thought it was super fun to go to school in her pajamas. I didn't have my little camera in my purse this morning though so I didn't get any pictures.

Sarah & I were going to the bakery and Import Lady today before we picked up Anna from school. I went to the trunk of the car and her stroller wasn't there. Craig had taken the girls out to dinner last night so I could work and he left the stroller on the sidewalk and drove away. I asked him to please drive by where he left it on his way home for lunch to see if it was around and he said it was in the exact spot he left it last night. I thought that was a pretty good reflection of Okpo that the stroller was still there. I really expected to see an ajumma walking down the street with my stroller loaded down with cabbage on her way to the market! The stroller is now safely back in the trunk of my car.

July 2012

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