The Cross-Stitch Store

I've been daydreaming about just walking into a fabric store and getting everything I want and need for my little projects all at once and in the same store. I go to the "good" sewing store at least once a week and hope I can find what I want or communicate my needs. It's hard because I don't know what I'm looking for all of the time and the woman at the shop does not speak much English at all.

Today I brought in the last little bit of fiberfill I had, along with the original packaging, to show the lady what I wanted (more fiberfill!). She sold me a plain white pillow. This is fine, I can't imagine I'll be making a ton of stuffed animals, but I do want to make Sarah's elephant and a few other projects that require stuffing. I also found some cute buttons today.

On my way back through the market I spied in the "other" sewing store a cute fabric to use on the bag for me that I want to make (like my Al Jarir bookstore tote bag I bring to the grocery store so I have to buy one less bag). The second store didn't have a coordinating fabric so I had to walk back up to the first store and see if they did. They did so I was happy. Now I just have to decide how I want to make my bag.

I happened to see Mijung & Jaynie still at Davinci's so Sarah & I popped in there and I asked if I really have to go to Busan to get some variety and the other things on my sewing wish-list (Sarah & I went to Gohyeon on Saturday hoping to find another sewing store but we did not). It sounds like I do need to go to Busan for more stuff. However that's not so easy right now and I may end up just ordering some stuff from the US because it might take just as long as getting to Busan (it's a ferry ride over which would mean missing/bad naps for Sarah and I hate nursing in public, there's a taxi from the ferry terminal to the sewing store which I'm not keen on doing with kids (no carseats if we take the ferry; otherwise it's a 3 hour drive or we take the car ferry which can also be a pain, but probably our best & safest option)).

I mentioned that I was in need of some embroidery hoops and floss and Jaynie said like it should have been obvious (she has lived here since 2003, a few months before we got here the first time): go to the Cross-Stitch Store! Duh. I didn't have time to go right then so I went tonight and was really happy. I got a couple different sized embroidery hoops and a bunch of floss for about ten dollars. (Let's ignore the fact that I have a nice embroidery kit in storage in Texas right now; I hadn't used it since I lived in Boston so it didn't come with us.)

Anyway, the point of all of this rambling is that at the same time I find it frustrating that there isn't such a thing as "one-stop-shopping" here, I am kind of enjoying the little missions I've created by trying to find everything I want.

July 2012

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