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Email Rebecca

30 November 2004 (Tuesday)

Book club met at chicken on the mountain tonight to discuss Still Life with Rice by Helie Lee. I really liked this book and although I think I would have liked it as well if I hadn't spent this time in South Korea, I think I got more out of it because I am here now. We had a pretty interesting discussion, as always, since so many nationalities are represented in our club and we get to hear unique perspectives on the books.

25 November 2004 (Thursday)

We had a great Thanksgiving dinner at Jaynie & Chris' house this year. Erica & Joel brought the turkey (they bought the Butterball at the Army base in Seoul) which is, of course, essential to a Thanksgiving meal. We had everything one looks for in the holiday meal, even the can-shaped cranberries... Minsue & Jin and Joe & Julie were also there so we had a nice sized crowd.

Today was also my 28th birthday! I think I've been so focused on having the baby in March and my upcoming move back to Texas that I haven't had time to think about how old that really is... Minsue, Erica, Jaynie, Julie, & Minsue bought me a white gold necklace with little sparkly "diamonds" in it. I have been intending to take a photo of it, but I've just been too busy lately to do it so I'll just have to resort to writing about it and noting that I really like it!

24 November 2004 (Wednesday)

Craig made cupcakes for my birthday this year! They are quite tasty (he let me have one tonight even though my birthday isn't until tomorrow so let's say I ate one for my nephew Owen whose birthday is today), too! We are going to Jaynie & Chris' for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, or, as I like to think of it, my birthday dinner (I like to think of it that way even when my birthday isn't on Thanksgiving!).

I've been keeping very busy this month with portfolio-building sessions for my photography business. It's been a really good way to keep me occupied without TKD to keep me busy. Other stuff I've been doing: went out for kamja tang (pork & potato soup) with Jaynie & Chris (and then again with Brandy & Erica), it was so tasty, it's too bad we didn't know about it earlier!; water aerobics with Brandy & Vanessa; finished going to pottery (will pick up my finished stuff next week); and have been going to lunch on Wednesdays with Erica, Brandy, & Vanessa.

There are a couple of Christmas parties the first weekend in December, book club next week, and then my going-away party/baby shower on the 11th. Hopefully Craig can get my shipment arranged so that I can ship my stuff to TX just before I go home so I can get it all unpacked before Craig & I head to Colorado for the holidays.

We went to my 24 week (yes, I'm six months along!) doctor's appointment this week and we were told that everything still looks good. I'll go back to the Korean doctor one more time before I head back to the US to meet my US doctor. I will try to update this site a couple more times before I head back to Texas...

8 November 2004 (Monday)

I'm getting ready to head back to Texas next month and I think this journal is coming to its close. Quite honestly, I'm a little surprised I've been able to keep it up this long! I'm not saying this is my last entry, but I don't expect to update it as frequently as I have been for the past year. It has been fun for me to go back occasionally and see what we've done in the past year so I hope that if we take another foreign assignment later on, I'll do another journal.

7 November 2004 (Sunday)

We watched Harley this weekend for Erica & Joel and as a "thank you," they brought us Taco Bell from the base there! Too bad we had already made reservations at Chicken on the Mountain (you can't really cancel those reservations since they start cooking the chicken well in advance of your arrival). We are going to try to have the Taco Bell for lunch on Monday... I hope it's good!

4 November 2004 (Thursday)

I got a bunch of pottery back this morning (OK, I got two vases and a new utensil holder), I think I only have two more classes left since I need to be able to pick up all of my finished work the first week of December (since I won't be here to pick it up in January).

Tonight was our book club meeting at the duck restaurant. We read The Known World by Edward P. Jones. I thought the book was good except I really didn't like the writing style for the first 2/3 of it. I thought it was disjointed and so difficult to follow with the many characters we had to keep track of. I just wish the first 2/3 had been written like the last 1/3 and I would have probably really liked it! The duck restaurant was OK. It was definitely better than the Peking Duck in Beijing, but it's not something I think I'll crave or request for dinner!

All copy and photographs on this site are copyright 2003-2004 Rebecca Martin unless otherwise indicated.