
Craig started off the day by going on a ride with a cycling group (this time he went with a group that went his speed!). Just before he got home, our air shipment was delivered! We were all so excited and the kids were playing with each toy/solving each puzzle one-by-one. When we asked them later though, what the best toy was, they all said, "the boxes!" They set up the boxes to be their individual apartments and they all lived in the same complex (there were five large boxes).

Just after lunch, the babysitter came and Craig & I set out on a marathon house-hunting day. We saw lots of great houses and lots of not-so-great houses. A lot of them had a similar problem of having a nice-sized master, huge "Jr. Master," and then two really small 3rd & 4th bedrooms. Always with one kid's room on a different floor than the other two. For many of the houses we thought Anna & Sarah could share a room. There were a couple of places with small pools and one even had a koi pond in the middle of it! There were two that we really liked up in Woodlands but we're not 100% decided that that's where we want to be. We looked at one super nice place in Bukit Timah (it had an elevator!) with a community pool and right next to a nature reserve (we saw a stray monkey cross the street on our way to look at this house!).

Exhausted from looking, we came home and went to dinner where the headache I had at th end of house-hunting turned into a full-blown migraine. I went to bed at 7 last night and I think the headache finally went away around 2 AM (thank goodness!).

January 2013

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