
Artwork that Henry's class did this week on a mirror.

Shoe cubbies for the Chameleons. Perhaps they need to add more?

Henry thoroughly enjoyed the walk-through. Here he is enjoying the first snack in our new house.

Sarah showing off one of her new moves in her new dobok.

It was another busy day! I hemmed & hawed about sending Henry to school today as I had to take him out early to do the walk-through at our house. I finally decided to send him for an hour-and-a-half so I could get a 5k run in and he could see his new friends. I'm glad I decided to do this plan because now Craig will not be coming home tomorrow at all so Henry will have to stay with me tomorrow to work with the movers. (I can't leave for an hour just after the movers get there!) I think Henry is a bit disappointed to not get to do the fun things planned for the Chameleons tomorrow but he is excited to watch the movers.

January 2013

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