Three, Two, and the Napping Game

I got this table at the used-kid-stuff store today when we went in to look for some sandals. I couldn't resist it since I am on a wood-toy kick, wishing I had less plastic in the house.

I have since moved the chairs so she can't sit in them because she is too small--so she can stand and work on her puzzles until she fits the chairs better.

She is doing such a good job eating off of a plate now. Next we need to tackle the spoon.

It took Anna three nights in Paris to get back to sleeping all night and just two nights back in Houston. However, she is still acting tired during the day and she has been super clingy (cries if I leave her line of sight) since Wednesday afternoon. This makes me wonder if it's not jetlag but maybe she's teething?

Before our trip I could have easily stopped putting Anna down for a morning nap: she wasn't taking it. I would still put her in her crib for an hour and some days were quieter than others (but never crying) so I figured she was still getting some rest. This week she is actually taking the nap but her afternoon nap is going to pot--the same thing that was happening shortly before her birthday. So, I'm going to keep the morning nap to 1 hour minimum to (hopefully) get more than an hour out of her in the afternoon. If that doesn't work, we're switching to one afternoon nap because she is getting way too tired in the evenings when she wakes up at 2 (and yes, I did try a different naptime in the afternoon and that was worse).

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This page contains a single entry by Becky published on April 20, 2006 9:57 PM.

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