February 2011 Archives

My Next Bike

Sarah & I really wanted this bike when we saw it today. I just need one more seat in the back. And I wonder if I could drive it myself with all three kids? It would be a good workout!


I saw these fairies flying around the kitchen today so I took a picture of them since Anna & Sarah were nowhere to be found and I knew they would want to see what the fairies looked like.

Little Driver

Henry likes to "drive" the van while we wait for his school to open up on Wednesdays.

If you ask Henry what kind of car he wants to drive when he's older he says he wants to drive a race car!


Henry didn't have time for pictures: he had to check out the fire truck!

And he did not want to wear that hat!

I don't know what he's doing here but he has been doing it a bit lately.

Anna was super excited to show Sarah the school bus.

Anna just pulled the cord to honk the trucks horn and it was LOUD!

The girls wanted to play on the playground after they checked out the trucks.

Henry came to the playground for a bit but then couldn't keep himself away from the trucks.

That's Craig climbing across the playground toward the middle of the picture.

Henry just wanted to admire the trucks again.

We went to the Touch a Truck day at the park. The girls complained because princesses (Anna) and dinosaurs (Sarah) are so much better than boring old trucks but they actually enjoyed it once we go there (although they might not admit that if you ask them about it).

Shape Spotting

Anna spotted this "statue of liberty" on our walk to school.

Sarah spotted this coffee dinosaur in the parking garage.


Sarah wore Fannie for quite a while in the sling this afternoon.


She thought it was pretty cool that her shirt was the same color as the door.

We went for lunch near the train track today. The girls acted like they didn't want to go but they thought it was pretty cool (and LOUD) every time the train passed! Henry thought it was super cool, of course!

Museum of Natural Science

Craig took the girls to the Museum of Natural Science today. This time they checked out the butterfly exhibit along with the dinosaurs, gems, and the oil exhibit.

Leaf Confetti

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The kids had a ton of fun doing leaf confetti this afternoon. It's too bad I don't have a leaf rake but this one got the job done, too.


Sarah's pile of "fish."

We've named this cat Smokey. He is often found lounging in our backyard and he's pretty cute so he's got a name (we are NOT feeding him!).

Checking out the "catch."

I guess she's eating her dinner?

Sarah & I played out in the yard for the first part of Henry's nap this afternoon. It is so nice out now we have to get out as much as possible before it's too hot to have fun.

Valentine's Day

I was super sick yesterday and today so this is the only picture I got from today. Craig had to take off work and do all of my usual stuff (take the girls to school, pick up Sarah, car-line for Anna, ballet for Anna, etc.). The girls loved the Valentine's Day parties they had at school. I did muster up the energy (barely) to take the cats to the vet since they also got really sick on Saturday and didn't look good yet today. I think that that was about all I did though! Hopefully I'll be able to tackle tomorrow.


Henry loved this construction site valentine from Grandma & Grandpa!

Lunch & Borders

We met up with Ela & her mom for lunch and then a Pinkalicious Party at Borders. We all had a nice time but the biggest news of the day was when Anna spoke to Ela when we left. She only said, "Bye, Ela, see you Monday!" but that was a huge moment for her. (She has "accidentally" spoken to Ela twice and this was the only time she spoke to her intentionally and said she felt proud after she did it.) Way to go, Anna!


Anna found a leaf and thought it was so beautiful she had to tuck it into her headband. Sarah, of course, had to do it, too. I had to include both pictures because Sarah is always making a different goofy face and how can I pick just one?

Lego Mania

Henry is obsessed with the Legos lately and I love it because it's something all three kids can do together.

Tap & Ballet

Sarah seems to really enjoy her tap & ballet class and Henry is having fun playing with the toys there and one of the other little brothers who has to wait around outside for his sister to dance.

Goodbye House

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The kids were sad that the cardboard house finally fell apart (I was surprised it lasted as long as it did!) but you can see they've got a blanket fort in the background so they were easily distracted.

Football & Legos

The girls thought snacking while watching TV was the best idea ever although I don't think they truly enjoyed the football game. Henry made his first Lego train engine during the game. I was surprised when I looked down and saw what he built!

Nana & Papa


Anna had a "snow day" today at school due to freezing rain so we were lucky on that timing! Craig went to work for a bit so he missed out on baking cookies and the tea party but he did a great job serving up the baked Alaska we had for dessert tonight!

Ground Hog Day Preview

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"Where did it go?"

Henry discovered his shadow on the wall today and played the "were did it go?" game he loves to play so much. This game consists of Henry "hiding" something (usually he sticks it under his legs when he's sitting down, for example) and then putting his hands up and saying, "guh? guh?"

Marble Run

Sarah had fun with the marble run this afternoon. We'll leave this up for a while since it takes a lot of time to set it up (even with instructions!).

Germ Tree

I took Henry to the "Germ Tree" at the mall this morning. I remember taking Anna here when she was pretty young and having to do everything with her and convince her to go through a tunnel, etc. I unstrapped Henry from the stroller and he was gone. Something in between super-clingy Anna & Sarah and Mr. Independent would be nice!

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