Children's Museum & Aquarium

Anna & Raisa painting at the Children's Museum.

Shopping in the store.

Raisa dressed like a bird.

Anna dressed like a bird (and standing in a nest).

Anna & I met Corrine, Owen, Raisa, & Anita at the Children's Museum today. Anna was a little slow to get comfortable but had fun in the grocery store and dressing up like a bird. After the museum we walked over to the Aquarium and had lunch. We sat right next to a giant window and Anna really enjoyed seeing all of the fish swimming by (although she did not like the shark because he was big).

Sarah stayed home with Grandma & Grandpa but didn't want to drink from the bottle for some reason (only drank 1.5 oz from 8:30 AM to 2 PM). She slept well though so we're not sure exactly what the problem was since she has drunk more than that from the bottle before. It was weird to be away from her for that long and makes me really appreciate that I don't have to go to work away from home.

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