
I really never thought it would happen but we have a Starbucks on Geoje Island! We went to Home Plus this morning and as we were about to turn right to get to the parking garage, we saw the lovely green awnings beckoning us to come inside and enjoy a taste of home... Anna & I have been enjoying Davinci's strawberry smoothies but every once in a while we'll have to hit Starbucks (so big and spacious!) for some variety.

This is not the only thing that is new and improved on Geoje since we lived here last time. Home Plus in itself is a great improvement and I think it has helped bring better things to all of the stores in the area. We can get so many things at Suhyup that were Import-Lady-Only items last time we were here. Salsa, tortilla chips, and pepper-jack cheese right in town! Today at Home plus I saw frozen vegan (no eggs) waffles with flax, organic eggs, Gerber puffs (so excited about those!), flour tortillas, and more that I can't even remember. I'm seeing a lot more organic stuff around which is something I didn't see at all in 2003/2004.

It's not just food that is better, there is an Office Depot in Okpo! It's technically an Office Depot/Best Office but it is like a real office store! I remember struggling to find bubble wrap here last time and they carry it at Office Depot along with a bunch of other stuff that I was super excited to see. It's not quite like "home" but I'm comforted by the improvements (and I often wonder what the locals thing of all of this change).

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This page contains a single entry by Becky published on October 13, 2007 5:51 AM.

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