
| 1 Comment

The Nike+ didn't register for at least a mile so that data is no good. It was dark when I left, so I couldn't see what was happening and then I clipped the Nano to my shorts and never looked at it anyway. Craig thinks maybe it was because we tied the receiver to my shoe sideways (I didn't even try on the Nike+ shoe where the receiver fits neatly into the sole). I guess we'll try repositioning it and see if that gets it to work next time.

My shoes were comfortable though. I bought a pair of Saucony's which I've never had before.

Distance: 2.5 miles
Time: 27:52
163 avg
20:06 in THR
07:24 high HR
00:22 low HR
6:15 AM 76 degrees & 72% humidity

This Week:
Miles Run: 2.5

Totals Since 5/14:
Miles Run: 70.1
Miles Walked: 14.9
Miles Biked: 8.5

1 Comment

I'm interested to see how the Nike+ works out sans the Nike+ shoes. Your results might pursade me to not use my treo and buy a nano!

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Becky published on August 1, 2006 7:42 AM.

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