
Getting ready for the other kids to show up!

We attempted a group picture (notice I had to ask one of the other moms to hold Anna back on the couch!) but none of the kids were really into it.

Anna is just out of this picture, but she is on her own having "fun."

We hosted playgroup here today (our first time since we joined in May!). Anna wasn't too sure when the first person arrived and then asked me to hold her or to take her upstairs for about the first hour and forty minutes (of a two-hour-long playgroup!). Finally, with twenty minutes left, she was OK on her own. She had very little problem sharing her toys with the other kids which I was glad of. She had to practice taking turns sitting on her soft chair, but she didn't want to sit in it when someone was near her anyway. I guess she likes her personal space.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Becky published on August 22, 2006 2:18 PM.

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